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Indybay Feature

D.I.R.T. Festival 2019: storm SURGE - Program B

Saturday, March 16, 2019
8:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Event Type:
Dance Mission Theater
Location Details:
Dance Mission Theater
3316 24th Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

March 16 at 8pm and March 17 at 7pm

D.I.R.T. Festival (Dance In Revolt(ing) Times), the biennial social political dance festival is now in its fourth year. This year focuses on the theme storm SURGE and features artists exploring ideas and concerns surrounding Global Warming and displacement as a result of environmental change, with a special focus on artists from island nations and front line communities.

The artists performing in D.I.R.T. 2019: storm SURGE - Program B are: Krissy Keefer, Chris Babingui, bananarama, Keisha Turner, Kyle Limin, Kerensa DeMars, and Chitresh Das Institute.

Free, additional events include pre-show performances by Javier Stell-Fresquez at 24th Street BART Plaza on March 16 at 7:30pm and March 17 at 6:30pm. Join March 17 at 2pm for a special panel discussion: Art and Social Change: Can Art Really Change the World? Includes a showing of work by Polina Smith and Jesse Bie with a panel of guest speakers.

D.I.R.T. Festival Co-Director Stella Adelman explains, "There are many ways that an artist may address such challenges - be it from the content of their choreography, to looking at who has a voice, to their process." Adelman adds, "Climate change is the defining subject of our time," citing a recent UN report that specifies the urgency. She adds, "It is the role of the artist to make sure that the global impact of climate change is on everyone's mind so that we don't become complacent - that we inspire, that we educate, that we 'find joy in the revolution.'"

Added to the calendar on Wed, Feb 13, 2019 2:32AM
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