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Indybay Feature

SHARK Shuts Down US Senator Inhofe’s Pigeon Shoot

by via SHowing Animals Respect and Kindne
LONE WOLF, OK – SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK) shut down a live pigeon shoot fundraiser held Friday afternoon by US Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK), the international animal protection group reported. SHARK said it will also monitor an Inhofe Dove Hunt Saturday if it goes on as scheduled.
According to SHARK, the story begins at the Quartz Mountain Lodge in Lone Wolf, OK, which was the sign-in location for Senator Inhofe’s pigeon shoot. Activists followed the procession of vehicles when they left the lodge to go to the shooting area. The Inhofe party went through extreme measures to lose SHARK, including driving the rear cars at extremely slow speeds on the highway to block the activists.

Inhofe’s team successfully lost the activists - except for one car, which eventually led the rest of the activists to the shoot, which was located down 10 miles of washboard dirt roads. The shoot site was located off of N2113 road in Lone Wolf.

Once SHARK launched its Angel drone, the shooting of birds stopped. Almost immediately vehicles started leaving. A trickle quickly became a flood, as was video documented. This included the person who supplied the pigeons. He left with many still living birds in his vehicle. The entire pigeon shoot was over.

“This a major victory,” said SHARK President Steve Hindi. “In 2014, when our investigator was at the event undercover, the shoot lasted more than an hour and forty-five minutes and there were ten shooting stations. This year there were only six shooting stations and the shoot was only about forty-five minutes long. All of this represents a dramatic reduction in shooters and time spent killing since SHARK first exposed Inhofe’s cruel fundraiser. Clearly the pressure is on Inhofe and we will not be letting up.”

SHARK (SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness)
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by Sludge
Sweet Action. Your one car of trackers deserves a real reward for their critical part of the making the action successful.

I wish you many more for a bit and then NONE after you have won!
by Nancy Stine
I pray this cruel and unnecessary practice of using live pigeons for target practice is shut down completely for good. My stepfather went dove hunting in Missouri many years ago, but
it was for food which we really needed a lot. A completely different scenario.... If people want to show what a good shot they are, they should use targets that are not alive. What kind of actions are these teaching young children..... Someone in our Oklahoma State Government is not setting the kind of example he should.
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