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The Working Class Will Benefit from The Brexit

by Steven Argue
The EU remains a fundamental attack on the working class and regional democracy. Socialists can, and should, both oppose EU membership and oppose UKIP chauvinism.
From Liverpool to The Irish Northern Counties
The Working Class Will Benefit from The Brexit
Yes to The Brexit, No To The EU, NATO, TPP, and TTIP
by Steven Argue

The European Union has been an unmitigated disaster for the European working class. It has created an undemocratic capitalist supra-state that has, among other things, squeezed the Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, and Irish working classes into horrible poverty for the super-profits of the banking capitalists. It has also worked with the U.S. government in the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine to put a far right government in power February 2014 that now slaughters leftists and the Russian minority.

The EU remains a fundamental attack on the working class and regional democracy. Socialists can, and should, both oppose EU membership and oppose UKIP chauvinism. Socialists should fear and oppose the actual pro-imperialist chauvinism of the Tories, Liberals, Labour, Socialist Workers Party, and Socialist Party who all supported the imperialist sponsored coups and counterrevolutionary contra wars in Libya, Ukraine, and Syria.

It was the imperialist sponsorship of the counterrevolution in Syria that created ISIS as a real force along with other similar genocidal and anti-woman Wahhabist terrorists fighting to overthrow the secular, pro-woman, and semi-socialist governments of Bashar al-Assad and the Kurds of Rojava.

Likewise, it was similar imperialist intervention that overthrew the Gaddafi government in Libya, imposing a genocidal Islamist reign of terror there as well as imposing competing warlords fighting for control of the country. All of this was to overthrow a government that provided free healthcare, housing, and education with the highest life-expectancy in Africa because, for the imperial capitalists, these socialist measures cut into the profits of the international oil conglomerates.

It is these imperialist wars, carried out and supported by many of the leftists who now cry crocodile tears for the refugees, that created the refugee crisis in the first place. It has also been the ruling Tories, Liberals, and Labour who have mistreated immigrants while carrying out austerity against the working class in general. These parties want you to stay in the EU not because they care about or even help immigrants, but because they represent big capital and support the anti-working class program of the EU. Throwing yourself in that imperialist chauvinistic lot to oppose UKIP chauvinism is not the correct action. What is needed is a decision to leave the EU based on merit, not to stay in based on association with UKIP.

Likewise, in the northern counties of Ireland, Sein Fein which long ago sold out to British imperialism and the capitalist status quo, also supports staying in the EU. In opposition to this perspective is the Irish Republican socialist group Eirigi. The Irish Republican News reports:

“Republican socialist group Eirigi is campaigning in favour of ‘Leave’.

“Eirigi’s national chairman Brian Leeson said his party wanted to reassert Irish independence and sovereignty within the island of Ireland and to bring as much power and democracy back to Ireland as possible.”

“’Our core argument is that the Irish people’s needs are best served by full independence and control of our own destiny,’ he said.

“’Obviously partition interferes with the right of the Irish people to control our own destiny - but there is also a massive democratic deficit at the heart of the European Union.’

“It was also concerned by a ‘move towards the militarisation’ of the EU, he added.

“Mr Leeson said there were two states preventing Irish people enjoying 32-county national self-determination. ‘One is the British state and the other is, essentially, what is the EU state. There is an opportunity here to potentially end one of those external interferences and then we can start working on the other,’ he added.

Along with the European Union structure itself, all of the international capitalist trade deals from NAFTA to the TPP are part of a race to the bottom that undermine national labor protections and environmental regulations. The TPP, if passed, will go so far as to give corporations the ability to challenge national labor and environmental laws as barriers to "free trade" in unelected international courts of corporate friendly judges. Furthermore, the TPP is also being set-up to further western imperialist aggression against China while the EU and NATO is also used to further western imperialist aggression against Russia, Belarus, Syria, and the Kurds.

In the U.S. elections, the TPP is rightly opposed by both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. It is so unpopular that congress probably won't vote on it until after the general elections. Also due to the agreement's unpopularity, Hillary Clinton has been forced to flip flop from support for the TPP to opposing it. As usual, she lies about this as well. She falsely claimed in the October 13th Las Vegas presidential debate that she never called the TPP the "gold standard", only hoped it would be. Yet, here is what she actually said in that speech she gave in Australia in 2012:

"This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field. And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40 percent of the world's total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment."

Clinton was lying in Las Vegas and all of this in Australia is of course a lie as well. The TPP is precisely set-up to strengthen the power of corporations while undermining protections of labor and the environment. Clinton, beholden to the Wall Street interests that fund her, has simply had to present a faux opposition to the TPP in order to beat Sanders and Trump. If elected, we will likely see a reemergence of her original position.

Similar to the TPP is the TIPP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), a secret trade agreement between the United States and EU. Its contents are being kept secret not only from the public by the EU government, but also from the politicians that rule the EU's nation states. It is in this manner that the EU, TTIP, and TPP are part of forming an international corporate state beholden to no real form of democratic discussion in violation of even bourgeois democratic norms. Even as inadequate as those norms are, they are superior to an openly dictatorial international corporate government and its supranational courts.

Presently, EU capitalist austerity against the working class has devastated Greece, Ireland, Spain and Portugal. For countries like Greece, the options have been pretty straight forward. Either maintain a capitalist economy and stay in the capitalist EU and NATO or nationalize the banks and the Greek economy, end capitalist austerity, end payments to imperialist banks, and turn to countries facing the wrath of western imperialism like Russia, Belarus, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and China for potential trade and investment. Despite the lies of his party in the elections, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his SYRIZA party chose the option of capitalism, NATO, and austerity. The Revolutionary Tendency can proudly say we never backed SYRIZA and instead advocated the second option for ending capitalist austerity, leaving the EU and NATO, and establishing a socialist economy while giving critical support to the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) instead of SYRIZA in the Greek elections.

Like the KKE on Greece, the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) also shares our position in favor of the Brexit.

Like Alexis Tsipras, Jeremy Corbyn of Britain's capitalist, pro-imperialist, and pro-austerity Labour Party supports remaining in the EU. Instead of advocating the correct position in favor of the Brexit, Corbyn peddles the pipe-dream that the EU can be reformed for the establishment of a “Social Europe”.

On the side of the likes of Jeremy Corbyn and David Cameron is former CIA director and U.S. General David Petraeus who says that Britain leaving the EU would "deal a significant blow to [its] strength and resilience at exactly the moment when the West is under attack from multiple directions". He also stated that he feared "that a 'Brexit' would only make our world even more dangerous and difficult to manage".

That management of the world under imperialist powers like the United States, Britain, and the EU has been an unmitigated disaster for labor and the environment, a disaster which is only worsened by the projects establishing supranational corporate governments of the EU, TPP, and TTIP.

Britain is voting today, June 23rd, on leaving the EU. Obviously, far more is needed than the defeat of the EU, but this will be a significant step in the right direction.

No to the TPP and TTIP!
Vote No To The EU On June 23rd!
For The Abolition of NATO!
No to the capitalist EU, Yes to a socialist Europe!

-Steven Argue for the Revolutionary Tendency

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