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Indybay Feature

This Changes Everything: Film screening and discussion

Saturday, June 11, 2016
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Event Type:
Rebecca Eppley
Location Details:
Dimond branch library: 3565 Fruitvale Ave. Oakland

Inspired by Naomi Klein's international, non-fiction best seller, filmed in nine countries over four years, the documentary portrays seven communities confronting ecocide, the local impacts of global warming. More than the range of coverage, from rural Montana to smog-chocked Beijing, even more than the detail and richness of Avi Lewis cinematography, it's the motivating way Klein frames the issue of climate change (she offers an ironic kind of hope, hope driven by dire necessity) that sets her anti-capitalist work apart from past environmental contributions.

The New York Times calls "This Changes Everything" "the most momentous environmental book since 'Silent Sprint' ".And the new documentary is the most insightful environmental film since "An Inconvenient Truth."

Bay Area columnist Paul Rockwell will facilitate the post-film discussion.
Added to the calendar on Fri, May 27, 2016 1:08PM
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