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Indybay Feature

Homeless Heist

by Brent Adams
Rather than exploring ways to help people experiencing homelessness and supporting Homeless Services Center, some local protest-activists are planning to hi-jack local parks to protest city government for not doing enough.
There is something rotten in Santa Cruz.
I had attended a Food Not Bombs "solutions to homelessness" meeting on Sunday, June 14th, to see what was being proposed to aid in a newly developing crisis. The "solution" might be worse than the crisis.

For whatever reason, the Homeless Services Center has been blindsided by impending funding cuts to emergency shelter programs. This is no small matter and is one that deserves full attention and cooperation by our community. We've seen both the county and city working with due diligence to find ways to fill in the breech of these funding cuts. In fact, the county has recently stepped up to re-fund the Paul Lee Loft emergency shelter with +$100,000. The mail service is being under-written by EDD. What isn't certain is whether other day services such as showers and laundry will be provided to people in need, and whether the Winter Shelter will be activated during the winter months.

In this crisis, it is important for community to rally around the HSC to find ways to help. Two programs I administer; Sanctuary Camp and Warming Center Program have welcomed other groups into coalition to make an aid presentation to HSC should they need such bolstering. I've reached out to both Camp of Last Resort and Food Not Bombs. Both have not only rejected the offer but now are moving in another direction and have also moved out of integrity. What has seemed altruistic now may appear to be selfish and ultimately damaging to the very people they appear to be working for.

Camp of Last Resort has followed Sanctuary Camp into the ring of public discourse with an emaciated concept.
While Sanctuary Camp has proposed a highly organized community model that features dignity creating elements such as :
• addiction cessation meetings
• food prep area
• jobs program
• system of rules and enforcement
• basic infrastructure: porta potties, dumpster, boundary fence, 24hour-monitored entrance gate, etc.
• weekly community meetings with consensus decision-making
• one’s own tent with limited storage area… and more
CoLR’s model disallows tents because “people can’t be trusted with that level of privacy.” The idea that Phil Posner has been advocating for has people “rolling-it-up” in the morning and moving on. This is not even an emergency shelter model; it’s people sleeping outside without the dignity of even a privacy screen. Three time city council candidate loser, Steve Pleich has joined Posner in this fools errand.

I mention CoLR because it now has joined Food Not Bombs in lying to the community to use people experiencing homelessness as a front for a protest camp that will likely garner many camping citations while further alienating the rest of the community. CoLR’s spent a few months petitioning the community with specific language regarding setting up nightly camps in city and/or county parks. They have now changed all rhetoric into “taking over” a park without permission. Rather than joining with Sanctuary Camp to offer a full-spectrum of much-needed services for people experiencing homelessness, they’ve chosen to further limit the scope of their program and have now engaged in what amounts to a bait-and-switch (lying) to those who signed their petition. I attended a meeting Sunday, June 14 and expressed this failure of integrity to Posner, who said, “everyone who signed the petition understood that there might be an occupation camp.” Well I had signed the petition and watched its presentation to many others who had signed it and I emphatically say that there was never a mention that CoLR would be an unauthorized occupation of public space. This is the type of thing that has always, not only damaged the credibility of homeless activists, but real possibilities of alternative interim shelter systems for people experiencing homelessness.

What is worse?
Food Not Bombs has hosted a series of “emergency breakfasts” outside of the fence at Homeless Services Center. In one email to their supporters (complete with a donation button), they claimed they had been welcomed by HSC to set up tables there, conflicting with their own statements that it was an occupation breakfast. I had inquired as to what the purpose of the “breakfasts” were, given that HSC will be serving daily breakfast until the end of June. They clearly were protesting the center and spreading misinformation to people accessing services there. This, amounts to kicking the center while it’s down, rather than offering solutions or supporting the population seeking services. Several meetings hosted by FnB on the post office steps have resulted in CoLR and FnB teaming up to plan occupations of city parks. Protestors seek to encourage homeless people to camp under tarps, following various activist marches. I strongly disagree with this tactic because it has been shown numerous times locally that it is primarily the people in need of housing who’ll be getting most of the police contact and resulting citations, while the activists will be sleeping snuggly at home.

This planned park occupation comes on the heals of a Food Not Bombs SNAFU which saw Abbi Samuels encouraging people to bring “buckets of shit” to the last city council meeting. As council was about to assess programs to trim in order to address budget concerns, the city manager’s office had added the newly funded 24hour public restroom program to the list to be scrutinized. My project, Downtown Bathroom Task Force, had instead put a call out that city residents applaud the council for it’s unanimous vote in favor of all-night restrooms. The idea of people bringing excrement to council chambers had caused a great deal of alarm and demonstrated Samuels’ distain for local government. Although she instead brought some flowers herself, she was heard to say, “we should’ve brought the shit anyway.”

Recently a Grand Jury has convened and has insisted that numerous homeless service organizations that have been focused on permanent supported housing must now include emergency shelter as a component of their programs. Sanctuary Camp is well positioned to answer this challenge. It is unfortunate, that when what is needed to address our collective crises of homelessness, is a coming together of activist and advocate groups, as well as local residents, some of these are instead going in the opposite direction and will be taking the community’s parks hostage as they force a list of confusing and unfocused demands on a city that is struggling to save the one large non-profit that has been serving people experiencing homelessness for the past two decades.

Let’s keep our higher mind and our long-term goals in sight as we greet this occupation. We may be seen to offer actual solutions as the protest-activist community demands things that will never be offered and will ultimately make things worse for those experiencing homelessness.
§Brent, an informant perhaps???
by Abbi Samuels

You are doing everything you can to make enemies in Santa Cruz. You know I NEVER said, "we should’ve brought the shit anyway." I really really doubt anyone told you such a thing since I never said it! I did make the original posting and I have apologized all over the place and to the City Council. I guess you never made a mistake. This was not Food Not Bombs, this was me at 1:00am making a joke and a dramatic appearance to the Staff demonstrating they would find shit in public spaces if they do not keep the 24 hour bathrooms open! Micah and I spoke and he suggested to change the event to bring flowers which I did after realizing I made an error in judgement which you seem to ignore! You copied the picture and will keep on trying to use this against me over and over again, and especially make it about Food Not Bombs which it is NOT! No one in Food Not Bombs agreed to this even Keith McHenry thought it wasn't a good idea! Like I said, I apologize and made a mistake!

You came to the emergency breakfast last Monday, which is NOT located right outside the fence of the Homeless Service Center and is NOT a protest to HSC but down the street and around the corner!!! And what did you do? You stood there, screaming obscenities at everyone, throwing our Food Not Bombs flyers all over the place that were neatly placed on the literature table and took a croissant and threw it at Keith McHenry right between his eyes. Then you proceeded to call the police when another person took out their pocket knife to cut the oranges! And by the way, the Executive Director of Homeless Services Center, Jannan Thomas, was informed of our event and, in fact, she did stop by after you had left and had nice things to say! Another lie you are spreading!

At our meeting last night on the 14th, we consented on the proposal of our rolling camp which there were 24 yays and 1 nay (you). Then what do at the meeting, tell others that your Sanctuary Camp would be a coalition with Food Not Bombs. Are you serious? After you completely attack Food Not Bombs for the past 3 weeks, not to mention yelling at us at our meals in the past year, you pretend that it is a coalition! It seems to me that when you have a lot of Food Not Bombs supporters, you pretend you are an ally and then the next moment you write an article attacking them just like you did with Phil Posner on the Camp of Last Resort. One night you have dinner with him and others agreeing to support each other and then the following day you post an attack on the Camp of Last Resort and Phil Posner!!! Yes, we heard you apologized and, yes, I heard Phil accepted. Perhaps you can accept my apology and let it go like so many others have accepted your apologies for your multitude of mistakes you have made.

You constantly talk about your poor felony charges! Keith McHenry has over 50 felony charges for his activism (primarily food sharing) and faced life in prison but never whines and complains like you do!

I'm hearing rumors from several people asking me if I think you are an informant and I'm beginning to wonder myself! There are two possibilities in my mind. You are trying your hardest to break apart any activist ideas. Perhaps you are getting money for doing this or you've been made a deal in your felony charges on 75 River Street, OR you are completely obsessed with the Sanctuary Camp and if anyone has any ideas different than yours, you try to destroy them! Or perhaps both scenarios are true!
Decades of Food Not Bombs speaks for itself.
§Help Brent by Urging Him to Help Himself!
by John Kevin Rothwell
I returned to the city of Santa Cruz last December after spending twenty years in a more affordable area in the Santa Cruz Mountains raising my daughter. Many things changed during my absence of course, but one change is particularly disturbing and frightening: a sinister side of Brent Adams’ personality seems to have emerged.

As a matter of principle, I am loath to speak out publicly against a fellow activist who shares so many of my views and goals, but in this case I feel very strongly that I must make an exception. To most of the people who know Brent well here in Santa Cruz, he appears to be spiraling out of control and intentionally hurting people he believes are in league against him or his often noble ideas. Whatever he once was, Brent now appears to be dangerously crazy.

On Monday, June 8, I witnessed Brent physically attack Keith McHenry, the cofounder of the international humanitarian organization Food Not Bombs. As I was approaching a Food Not Bombs meal at the corner of Highway 1 and River Street, from inside my car I heard Brent screaming obscenities at the top of his lungs, then when I turned my head I saw him pick something up and, in a fit of rage, hurl it directly at Keith’s head. I literally watched him wind up like a major league baseball pitcher and throw the object as hard as he could. You don’t have to take my word for it, as there were plenty of other witnesses. Ask around.

Rumors abound as to the underlying causes of Brent’s increasingly erratic and violent behavior, but the people who know him best suggesting he suffers from narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), with chronic abuse of alcohol and perhaps other drugs exacerbating this condition. According to the Mayo Clinic, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association, defines diagnostic criteria for NPD that include these features:

• Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
• Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
• Exaggerating your achievements and talents
• Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
• Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
• Requiring constant admiration
• Having a sense of entitlement
• Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
• Taking advantage of others to get what you want
• Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
• Being envious of others and believing others envy you
• Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner

Given these features, and Brent’s post above, judge for yourself. The Mayo Clinic provides much more information in their excellent description of this disorder, which you can read here:

Please don’t indulge Brent or enable his destructive behavior by defending or justifying his actions or words; you would NOT be doing him any favors. Instead, for his sake and for the wellbeing of our community, encourage him to seek help before he seriously hurts or kills someone.
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Robert Norse
Wed, Jun 24, 2015 9:10AM
Tue, Jun 16, 2015 7:05AM
Brent Adams
Mon, Jun 15, 2015 9:01PM
Meredy Wells
Mon, Jun 15, 2015 5:55PM
Meredy Wells
Mon, Jun 15, 2015 5:50PM
Mon, Jun 15, 2015 4:59PM
low blow abbi
Mon, Jun 15, 2015 3:34PM
Not A Former Anarchist
Mon, Jun 15, 2015 1:01PM
Mon, Jun 15, 2015 11:33AM
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