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Former Ukrainian Parliamentarian Exposes Kiev Ruthlessness

by Stephen Lendman
Former Ukrainian Parliamentarian Exposes Kiev Ruthlessness

by Stephen Lendman

US installed fascist putschists run Ukraine. Illegitimate. Brutal. Lawless. Ruthless. Obama's new friends.

A rogue's gallery of societal misfits. Neo-Nazi thugs. Racists. Anti-Semites. Making Mafia bosses look saintly by comparison.

For the first time since WW II, overt fascists have real power in Europe's heartland. Taking full advantage destructively.

Waging war on their own people. Murdering them in cold blood. Using a fake "silence" period to regroup. Rearm. Redeploy forces east. Mobilize against freedom. Crush it all costs.

In a December 15 Nezavisimaya Gazeta op-ed, Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev blasted Kiev's regime.

Saying "its latests steps (show) it is not ready to take responsibility for the eastern regions. It is so far from being ready to do so."

Imposing a lawless economic blockade on its own citizens. Targeting vital services. "(D)epriving people of all sources of livelihood."

"(H)op(ing) hunger and poverty will make the residents of the eastern regions more pliant," Medvedev asked?

"Is it not enough that civilians are being shot at by their own countrymen? Is it also necessary to economically destroy entire regions?"

Kiev's actions are "unprecedented." Making peaceful conflict resolution impossible.

Medvedev published his comments ahead of illegitimate Ukraine prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk's meeting with EU officials in Brussels.

Seeking immediate financial aid. To prevent defaulting on Ukraine's debt. At the same time, ludicrously claiming Russia's goal is "to take over Ukraine…"

Its aim is polar opposite. Going all-out for regional peace, stability and security. At the same time, facing a US-controlled illegitimate hostile fascist regime on its border. One too threatening to ignore.

Elena Bondarenko is a journalist. Former Ukrainian parliamentarian. First Deputy Chairman of its free speech and information committee. Holder of other no longer existing portfolios.

A member of its all but disbanded Party of Regions. Deposed President Viktor Yanuhovych's once dominant party. Currently holding no parliamentary seats.

Kiev fascists silenced Bondarenko. Months earlier, she wrote an Open Letter to Citizens of the World. Unpublished until days earlier.

Explaining what's important to know about Kiev's fascist government. A US-controlled criminal regime.

Bondarenko asked readers to share her "declaration" with others. Hard truths. Ones media scoundrels ignore. Substituting managed news misinformation Big Lies.

Pretending fascist putschists are democrats. Turning a blind eye to their civil and human rights abuses. High crimes against peace. Overall ruthlessness. Below are key points Bondarenko stressed.

Kiev authorities target remaining political opposition elements for elimination. Intends unchallenged hardline rule. Nationwide. Including Donbas.

Free speech was "suspend(ed)." In parliament and publicly.
Opposition elements face "constant threats." Persecution. Banishment from airwaves.

Everyone calling for peace "immediately branded as an enemy of the people."

Interior Minister Arseniy Avakov was quoted saying "(w)hen Elena Bondarenko comes to the podium to speak, my hand automatically reaches for my gun."

Former putschist president and parliament speaker/current national security and defense council secretary Alexander Turchinov "deprived (Bondarenko) of the right to speak from the podium as a member of the opposition Party of Regions…"

For her saying "(a)ny power that commissions its army to bomb its peaceful cities is criminal."

After which Turchinov "gave the radical parliamentarians the option to call for shooting the opposition," said Bondarenko.

In 2013, her car was shot at. When fascists were arming. With US support. Planning coup d'etat tactics. Successfully achieved in February.

Taking scores of lives. Plunging democratic Ukraine into heart of darkness fascism. Rule by brute force.

"(T)he current leadership is covering up those who dared to raise a hand against the son of another opposition politician, Vladimir Oleinikm," said Bondarenko.

Ruslan Oleinikm performed regional prosecutorial duties. Thugs beat him in his office. "(E)ndangering his health…(E)ven his life."

"An end must be put immediately to Kiev’s illegitimate efforts to prevent journalists from doing their duty, including by attacking, murdering, detaining and kidnapping (them) from 'undesirable' media outlets," said Bondarenko

"We expect the international community, including the United States and the European Union member-countries, who seemingly care so much for the freedom of speech and media in other countries and regions of the world, to exercise decisive influence on Kiev in this respect."

"How many more innocent lives must be sacrificed before Kiev stops its reckless and criminal policy towards millions of people in southeastern Ukraine?"

"Its (US-led) Western patrons must review their hypocritical and double-dealing approach to the human rights disaster in Ukraine…".

"Did they investigate the beating of a prosecutor performing his duty? No. Did they investigate the monstrous pressure on the leader of the opposition? No."

"Instead, this administration fired the prosecutor! Every day, from his colleagues I learn of beatings of their aides, of attacks on their companies, of threats, yes, even attacks, on their lives, their health, their property."

Obama's new friends operate this way. With his full support and encouragement. Including financial and military aid. One fascist regime supports another.

Ukrainian media are state-controlled. Information people most need to know is suppressed.

Propaganda substitutes. Ukrainians have no idea about a war waged on political opponents. Independent journalists.

Those reporting accurately face ultranationalist mob attacks. Perpetrators aren't punished.

Bondarenko "call(ed) upon those international organizations that proclaim their support of democratic principles not just to notice this declaration, but (get) involved in this struggle for the preservation and respect for the democratic rights and freedoms of the citizens of Ukraine."

"The methods of the junta in their struggle for power, or rather, for the establishment of a Ukrainian dictatorship, have nothing to do with any concept of 'democracy.' "

"If the international community does nothing in the face of these egregious acts, it will look like complicity and silent approbation of all these crimes which are being committed in Ukraine."

"The free world will lose an outpost, Ukraine. All who fight for democracy, rule of law, and the rights of man, together, can achieve a lot."

"But only together can we stop the junta and the fratricidal war in Ukraine."

A new Reporters Without Borders (RWB) report calls Ukraine one of the world's most dangerous places for journalists.

Reporting hard truths leaves them vulnerable to threats, attacks, kidnappings, imprisonment or death. In 2014, 47 journalists were arrested.

RWB saying "(j)ournalists may be detained and taken away in a heavy-handed manner and then freed a few hours later without any explanation being given for their arrest."

Or at times held indefinitely without charge. For doing their job. Denied right to counsel. Or contacts with family, friends or others.

In 2014, 47 Ukrainian journalists were arrested. Thirty-three kidnapped. Another 215 threatened or attacked.

"(D)ue firstly to police use of targeted violence against journalists during the Maidan Square protests in January and February," said RWB.

Continuing relentlessly thereafter. Donbas especially dangerous. Because of Kiev's dirty war on its own citizens.

A previous article discussed Russian photojournalist Andrew Stenin. Kidnapped by Kiev fascists. Murdered in cold blood.

Russian journalists especially vulnerable. At least four perished this year. Including correspondent Igor Kornelyuk, video engineer Anton Voloshin, cameraman Anatoly Klyan, and photojournalist Stenin.

Responding to Stenin's death, Russia's Foreign Ministry issued a stinging statement. Saying in part:

"An end must be put immediately to Kiev’s illegitimate efforts to prevent journalists from doing their duty, including by attacking, murdering, detaining and kidnapping (them) from 'undesirable' media outlets."

"We expect the international community, including the United States and the European Union member-countries, who seemingly care so much for the freedom of speech and media in other countries and regions of the world, to exercise decisive influence on Kiev in this respect."

"How many more innocent lives must be sacrificed before Kiev stops its reckless and criminal policy towards millions of people in southeastern Ukraine?"

"Its (US-led) Western patrons must review their hypocritical and double-dealing approach to the human rights disaster in Ukraine…"

Forensic evidence revealed Stenin's barbarous murder. Neo-Nazis show no mercy. A previous article discussed Russia's White.

Three editions revealed shocking human rights abuses. Violations of fundamental freedoms. Violence against protesters.

Discrimination based on ethnicity. Religious persecution. With US and European support.

Ukraine reflects the worst of fascist dictatorship. Masquerading as democracy. Eliminating political opposition.

Terrorizing independent journalists. Waging naked aggression on its own people. Using chemical and other banned weapons. Regrouping for more conflict.

Confronting Russia irresponsibly. Risking regional conflict. Involving Russia a joint US/Kiev false flag away. All bets are off if occurs. Global war could follow.

Bondarenko witnessed fascist viciousness firsthand. Warning others of a threat too grave to ignore.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen [at]

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at

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