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Indybay Feature

Fuck The Police: Oakland Demonstration After Darren Wilson Verdict

by ftp
14th & Broadway, 7:00M After the verdict is announced.
When the Darren Wilson grand jury verdict is announced, on whether or not to indict the cop who killed Mike Brown, a demonstration will gather at the following 7:00pm at 14th & Broadway. It will not matter what the verdict is, indictment or not, as there is no justice in the courts.

Fuck The Police!
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by gotcha
from Oakland to Ferguson Solidarity FUCK THE POLICE MARCH - Friday August 15 at 3rd and Castro
by callinbs
Photoshop eh? Clever.
by check your facts
here's the OPOA complaint about the incident:

August 20, 2014

Dear Mayor Quan & the Oakland City Council,

This past weekend saw chaos on the streets of Oakland. Friday night a protest turned violent
injuring Oakland Police Officers; Saturday saw hundreds of Oakland Police Officers deployed at
the Port of Oakland; and Sunday protestors at the Port were replaced by cars conducting a
"sideshow" that grew so large it blocked the Bay Bridge toll plaza.

Last weekend's activities turned violent, with no apparent big picture plan on the part of City
leaders for efficiently utilizing Oakland's Police Force. With no apparent staffing or
organizational plan, our Officers, already tired and worn out from mandatory overtime, want to
know, in your capacity as a City leaders: What is the plan?

On Friday night, Oakland Police Officers and residents witnessed a "Hate the Police" march
through downtown Oakland, with protesters breaking windows, spraying our Officers with "bear
mace" - injuring several Police Officers, with one Officer collapsing and being sent by
ambulance to the hospital.

The marchers disrupted the lives of Oakland residents, diverting valuable Police resources away
from our neighborhoods - where they are desperately needed.

Even after uniformed Police Officers were sprayed in the face with bear mace, several Officers
were injured, and another officer was transported to hospital, the Chief of Police lauded the
evening's events as a success. Putting your Police Officers in harm's way and having local
business owners' windows shattered, WITHOUT A PLAN does not constitute SUCCESS!

Oakland needs elected leaders and Police Department command staff that lead. Again, I ask on
behalf of your Police Officers: WHAT IS YOUR PLAN?

We will always defend the right of all citizens to peacefully protest. But this weekend was
anything but peaceful. And we worry that more violence on Oakland's streets will eventually
lead to further serious injury or death. Please show us you value your Police Officers, our local
business owners, our citizens and the great City of Oakland by sharing with us your plan for
effectively managing potentially violent events- such as the ones that occurred this weekend.

We look forward to hearing from you on this very important matter. Thank you.

Yours sincerely
Barry Donelan
Oakland Police Officers Association
by Sludge
Because I just got what I wanted for Krist-Mas. Four cans of bear spray!
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


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