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Pleich Allows Cyberstalking and Bullying in his FB group Citizens for a Better Santa Cruz

by Pat Colby
Steve Pleich allows cyberstalking and bullying on FB Citizen for a Better Santa Cruz. He lets members of his group slander and character assassinated fellow local activists-advocates. He has allowed my brother John and I to be stalked even though we left his group and asked him to stop allowing anyone to post anything about or use our names in any posts. We are not the only fellow activists-advocates he has allowed this to happen to: i.e. he allowed TBSC's Jim Spring to cyberbully a much respected religious homeless advocate James Weller!
Steve Pleich is allowing a one-sided bias attack on our characters! We and many others have left his group because of being stalked, insulted, personally attacked by the very same people.

We took a picture of a person while doing what looked to be drug dealing to give proof to the police so they can't ignore it anymore. The video was taken out for the purpose of audio recording (since I couldn't find my digital audio) the proceeding attempted hate speech (biased on stolen mail which was baited with gay porn to acquire proof and force police to investigate the mail stealing) and attempted assault, inciting a violent and inciting a mob. One Santa Cruz Police Officer defined that "trying to provoke a fight" or aka: fighting words is considered illegal and attempted assault. The video was not publicly posted but a link was sent to media and the police—curious how these people who were not cc'd in the email acquired the link!

While these people find it amusing, it is my hope that the police will finally shut down this dangerous meth dealer-user who I and fellow residents have witnessed dealing out of his apartment, in the park next door, at the local Safeway on Mission, at the Metro Station downtown and numerous other locations.

We hope by documenting the alleged drug dealing in the Front Street parking lot with pictures the SCPD or DA will finally shut down this dealer! The audio was to document and protect us from this alleged drug addict campaign using others to slander, libel, stalk physically and cyber, death threats, previous attempted assaults and false stories to mischaracterize my brother and I.

As a good citizen who believes Santa Cruz Police need to STOP criminalizing the HOMELESS and start arresting real "Public Safety" problems such as drug dealers especially "meth" dealers! I feel that it is important for people to help the Police by calling in on any crime witnessed especially "Drug Dealing!"

Brannon Schell
21 hrs · Santa Cruz, CA
So stoked. My stalker is even subscribing to my YouTube channel.
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• Robin Jansen
• Vickie Christie
• Andrew Tanner
• Christopher Scott
• Monty Matteson
• Angela Engquist-Dysle
• Cory Ann Gentry
• Jim Spring
• Jane Becker

Robin Jansen I heard from a friend that I am also on one of John Colby's youtube videos.
21 hrs · Like

Robin Jansen Brannon, have you seen thevideo on youtube where John and Pat Colby are stalking and filming their former neighbors attending an AA meeting?
21 hrs · Like · 1

Vickie Christie Oh no! He he sounds like a ceritified NUT! He's in the koo koo nest...
21 hrs · Like

Kathy McCrea How does purposely fueling and escalating the recent incident help ? It is further violating the people's privacy, and anonymity, as well as others'.
18 hrs · Edited · Like · 1

Robin Jansen Well, Kathy, why don't you have a little chitchat with your friends, Pat and John Colby and tell them to stop stalking and harassing? Instead of protecting them.
18 hrs · Like

Robin Jansen And BTW, what on earth is wrong with you to think their continuous harassment is ok?
18 hrs · Like · 1

Kathy McCrea WTF are you talking about ? I don;t know them and that is not whose privacy I'm referring to, as you WELL KNOW.
18 hrs · Like

Kathy McCrea What are you trying to do Robin ? You have never for one solitary second heard any such thing from me - WTF
18 hrs · Like

Robin Jansen Oh please, go report back to the closed citizens for a "positive" (joke) page and report back to the colbys.
18 hrs · Like

Robin Jansen I'm sure I'll be reading about it shortly on topix
18 hrs · Like

Kathy McCrea You're trippin' Robin and I'm asking you to stop - none of that has anything to do with me. I was added to that group by a friend there - nothing else you're saying makes one iota of sense
18 hrs · Like

Robin Jansen Well then Kathy... How about you do the right thing and post on that John and Pat "positive" group how you find their insane stalking and harassing of a particular disabled person trying to anonymously attend a AA meeting?
18 hrs · Like

Robin Jansen totally unacceptable and potentially illegal?
18 hrs · Like

Robin Jansen And because you ARE friends with this person, it absolutely DOES have something to do with you. Stand up for this friend. Kathy.
17 hrs · Like

Kathy McCrea You have no idea what I am or am not doing about it. and I won;t be taking instructions from you. Since it is YOU who know all parties, perhaps YOU could stop stirring the s***fest further, both covertly and overtly. I explicitly asked you before and now, to stop publicly attempting to escalate this, esp via me.
17 hrs · Like

Robin Jansen Yeah some friend you are. And btw You decided to chime in and continue this. Have a "positive" night.
17 hrs · Like

Dan Waterhouse Sounds like it's time for the "ban hammer" Kathy.
13 hrs · Like

Dan Waterhouse Kathy, Robin makes me lol. There's nothing illegal about filming people at AA meetings. It's bad form and a violation of Traditions, but the Traditions have no legal force. Might it be harassment? Depends. The courts have said you can film whatever is in plain view. Is the camera being shoved into the guy's face? If not, it's not harassment.
13 hrs · Like

Julio Mickel Beautiful
12 hrs · Like

Linda Kahn Ganz It's not illegal but it sure is nasty, rude and uncalled for..there are some real assholes here..the folks who are filming these never know what skeltons will fall out of your closet.
12 hrs · Like

Andrew Tanner very interesting Linda Kahn Ganz......
12 hrs · Like

Dan Waterhouse Our police department here in Fresno, according to a wanna be vigilante group, encourages citizens to film people suspected of illegal activities. Is this happening in SC too?
11 hrs · Like

Andrew Tanner

11 hrs · Like

Monty Matteson Ok. I have been tying to ignore this little tiff going on about the filming of an AA meeting primarily because I don't care who is going to an AA meeting because they are trying to get help. I worry about those who are not trying.
What is the reason supposedly for filming the AA meeting? What is the intent behind it? Other than childish actions.
9 hrs · Like · 1

Linda Kahn Ganz Monty Matteson..there is no good reason and it is a violation of people's privacy..and they are getting help either to get sober or stay imho..whoever id filming people going in and out of meeting is a total douchebag. Like I said before..where did all these nasty people come from?
7 hrs · Like

Mark Shelton It's one of tenants of 12 step philosophy that whatever happens in that room , whomever is there, whatever is said , stays in that room . it can be a long hard road but everyone there is trying to bring their Essence up a notch or two. it has nothing to do W/ politics. filming in an AA meeting is like filming in the ladies room.
7 hrs · Edited · Like · 5

Linda Kahn Ganz Mark hit the nail on the head..100% agree..some people my not go if they know they are being filmed and put on youtube and that's sad.
7 hrs · Like

Dan Waterhouse People might not go if they knew the cops occasionally run undercover ops in meetings too. Members have turned other members in to police based upon what was shared in meetings.

State parole just coughed up $1.5 million for forcing someone to go to a 12-step program. I support AA/NA but it's not a cure-all, and people need to be careful to share in a very general way.
6 hrs · Like

Linda Kahn Ganz Dan Waterhouse..that's really fucked up...happy that never happened to anyone I know.
6 hrs · Like

Dan Waterhouse We had a notorious murder case in the 1990s that flowed out of 12-step meetings. Victim confronted hubby over his inventory, and she ended up strangled fatally. It's a complicated story but most of the witnesses were in recovery, and the prosecution believed he had help moving her body into an upstairs closet-he weighed 130 pounds and she weighed 250.
6 hrs · Like

Linda Kahn Ganz I remember that..very sad...
6 hrs · Like

Mark Shelton Cops, in their own ranks generally detest a snitch.
6 hrs · Like · 1

Stephanie Culligan Filming people coming out of an AA meeting may not be illegal. However, neither is it illegal for the Westboro Baptist Church to protest various funerals with their highly offensive signs shoved in the face of grieving family members.
Something being legal does not mean that it is moral or even remotely acceptable behavior.
6 hrs · Edited · Like · 5

Brannon Schell Some consensus on cfab. I'm really proud of all of you.
6 hrs · Like · 2

Jim Spring Can we stop with the Oh Fresno Is Awesome Schlick again? Another thread got derailed with such. If needed, we can start a Fresno Uber Alles thread.

As for filming an AA meeting, I suspect the long time attendees will be fine. However if just one new individual decides to not return based on the Colby's antics, that and any ramifications are on their heads.

6 hrs · Like · 2

Julio Mickel So a black guy walks into a bar...
6 hrs · Like · 4

Mark Shelton Exactly Stephanie, maybe there is a higher "Karmic" law.
6 hrs · Like · 1

Linda Kahn Ganz Even though I think it's horrible..Westboro Baptist Church has 1st amendment rights..filming people going in or out of 12 step meeting is a violation of their privacy.unless it's NSA doing it!
6 hrs · Edited · Like

Andrew Tanner god hates fags huh? your pastor is a whore huh? with comments like these they shouldnt exist on the internet
5 hrs · Like

Andrew Tanner or in reality
5 hrs · Like

Linda Kahn Ganz Westboro Baptist Church is beyond awful..racist hateful bigots...they should not exist period. The NSA part was supposed to be a joke..bad one.
5 hrs · Like · 1

Andrew Tanner actually nsa joke makes sense.... 15 to 17 year olds make a clown out the nsa so they figured they had a drinking problem lmao
5 hrs · Like · 1

Andrew Tanner i wonder if there informants in this
5 hrs · Like

Linda Kahn Ganz
5 hrs · Like

Brannon Schell Informants in a group of sock puppets? Say it isn't so.
5 hrs · Like · 2

Jim Spring Brannon - seems like your number one fan is in here under a pseudonym again.
5 hrs · Like · 3

Brannon Schell Yes Jim the irony has so not escaped me today.
5 hrs · Like

Stephanie Culligan The clan in his picture? The rest of us see the Korean War memorial.
5 hrs · Like

Jim Spring Clan? Oh that is amusing. I missed a post. And "ooohh look at me post with pictures of anonymous". Ugh.
5 hrs · Like

Monty Matteson Only informants in this group are self appointed Topix informants. What exactly they are informing about is still a mystery to me.
5 hrs · Like · 3

Linda Kahn Ganz Who really cares...not me
5 hrs · Like

Monty Matteson Yep not like any significant progress or unified effort ever happens here that is worth reporting. pretty much grade school level gossip. " and like totally for sure. Candi with an I like totally said she was against criminals and like I said that means your against sleeping. Gag me with like a spoon totally"
4 hrs · Like

Monty Matteson Yep. Kinda like that.
4 hrs · Like

Dan Waterhouse Actually, based upon many of the comments I read in this group Jim, Fresno is way better than SC. We don't get the vapors about stuff like you do.
4 hrs · Like

Stephanie Culligan Dan, curious about why you're here if you live in Fresno?
4 hrs · Like · 3

Kathy McCrea We do have other regular posters who do not live in Santa Cruz. Also, so much time is spent comparing Santa Cruz (usually unfavorably) with the rest of the country and state, it's interesting the get actual residents perspective from these mythical places.
1 hr · Edited · Like

Jim Spring Kathy - but Dan has been very verbose on the benefits of Fresno across more than a few threads, many times not relevant to the topic at hand.
1 hr · Like

Kathy McCrea Good point Jim, but ahem, that's not unusual here at CFABSC
1 hr · Like

Jim Spring Kathy - true, but it is Fresno
1 hr · Like

Dan Waterhouse Stephanie, I'm here because I've seen so much uneducated crap posted on this page in the past. As far as I'm concerned what's happening to SC today (with homeless and needles) is karma.
1 hr · Like

Brannon Schell I couldn't agree more Dan. Total karma for years of progressive policies and enablement.
1 hr · Like · 4

Aaron Whiting I'm curious what the uneducated crap is that you saw on this page and where/who it came from.
1 hr · Like

Jim Spring Brannon - the hangover is labeled compassion.
1 hr · Like

Mark Shelton Dan thanks for saying what I have been trying to express but cannot find the right words . it's not very scientific ,and cannot be proven in a lab, but I believe it to be true- just like the Ohlone curse.
1 hr · Like

Mark Shelton Yeah Kathy, Fresno is mythical and enchanted.
1 hr · Like · 1

Johnny Font I have met people who have come to Santa Cruz from Fresno to freeload. They are on the street. One poor girl is a prostitute with a heroin addiction. It was sad to hear her story. I pray that she can get better. She is in her early 20's.
1 hr · Like

Jim Spring Kathy - I think the point Robin was trying to make last night was that you are a member of groups like Citizens for Positive Change and Citizens for Positive Change Open. I know the "closed" group was used to troll for details on TBSC members because ...See More
44 mins · Like · 1

Brannon Schell I hope you were hungry cuz you just got served.
42 mins · Like

Jim Spring Kathy - I am going to go one step farther. The only "video" that seems to get a few people all "hot and bothered" here is Jeremy Leonard's edited footage of a clean from a couple of years ago. He was there on false pretenses, released a video that was quite controversial, I don't agree with video taping and releasing such. That said, the only people who seem to get a thrill out of sharing that video are Robert and the Colbys'.
Some of the people in the AA video could very likely be those on the border between housed and not. Where is the outrage? Just because it is someone who is "on your side" it isn't being publicly called out? Again - I reference at least the public group mentioned above.
7 mins · Like

by scruz resident
John Colby publicly posting stalking some former neighbors at an AA meeting. Can it get any lower?
Support LGBTQ people from dangerous hate mongering by signing this online petition.

Stalkers launched a hate campaign against me at the Mission Gardens Section 8 project because they stole my BAITED gay and lesbian mail. They began to poison the Mission Gardens community by slandering me as a *gay* child molester using this stolen mail. They tried to have Santa Cruz Police Department (SCPD) officers arrest me, claiming I endangered Mission Gardens children. They sent children up to my apartment to lodge false claims against me, to scare resident parents. For five long years from 2008 to 2013 I was isolated in my apartment: they falsely imprisoned me.

The SCPD refused to protect me because it would prove SCPD Officer Jason Kelly botched an investigation of my sister's stolen Social Security check in 2007. The SCPD has been retaliating against me because of my advocacy for (disabled) homeless people — I filed a USDOJ discrimination complaint against the SCPD. I've appealed to the U.S. Senate about SCPD fraud and public corruption. The City of Santa Cruz is angry I've been petitioning the U.S. Senate to have the FBI investigate the City for crimes against the taxpayers — numerous cases of fraud, public corruption and abuse of power. They especially hate me for my Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to obtain evidence against them for the federal government.

The Mission Gardens LGBTQ hate mongers recruited Tack Back Santa Cruz (TBSC) Internet trolls to target me with online death threats and online hate speech. Several TBSC haters are attacking me on the Santa Cruz Topix forums, the Sentinel Disqus forums and on Facebook groups (like CFAB SC and the SC Hall of Shame).

The Mission Gardens criminals and their TBSC friends have made my life hellish — they have poisoned the community for me. The SCPD and the City Council have enabled this. I've pleaded numerous times to the City Council and SCPD Chief Kevin Vogel to end this, but they have ignored my despearte appeals for help. They protect real criminals while criminalizing (disabled) homeless people and retaliating against homeless advocates.
by scruz resident
It warms my cockles that John is publicly owning this video of stalking people at an AA meeting which is supposed to be anonymous.

Long time attendees probably will continue, but what about that potential for a new attendee that wandered out and witnessed this? If such an individual was in attendance and decides against further treatment and goes into a downward spiral...maybe even becoming homeless...

Those wonderful "homeless advocates" John and Pat Colby fully own this.

It is by the grace of technology that this video showing the depravity of John and Pat is easily duplicated in case they decide to clean their trail.

Those two have no shame.
Mission Gardens Apartments (MGA) Section 8 residents Craig Akey and Tania Story began harassing me after I reported Story's reckless driving and their public sex and nudity in front of open windows — exposing themselves to resident children — to the SCPD and the local DA.
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