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Indybay Feature

Harassing the Homeless: ID Checks, Security Gate, Downtown Dragnet

by Robert Norse
Item #10 on the City Council's afternoon agenda Tuesday (5-27) funds the Consolidated Goon Squad Operation downtown of D.A.'s, cops, parole officers, & "social services" targeting "Chronic Offenders". This latest assault is part of the Homeless Removal Program (titled the "Downtown Accountability Program"[DAP]) as part of the on-going criminalization of the outside poor making Santa Cruz "less welcoming" to high rent refugees, foreclosure victims, disabled folks outside, and low-income travellers--not to mention hippies, performers, and street vendors.

Items #11 pressures the Homeless (Lack of) Services to complete a Security Fence and Gate and ID Cards within 90 days or forfeit funding.

The staff reports, draft City and County budgets for the "DAP" and Board of Supervisors DAP program passed 5-13 can be found at . Click on the link at Agenda Item #10. This is part of the dog-and-pony show announced by D.A. Bob Lee that provides few if any new resources for actual drug rehab and housing programs, but hires new bureaucrats and establishes new offices to "monitor" the "undesirable" element downtown. The targets: folks who have been ignoring their infraction citations because (a) they couldn't afford to pay for them if they wanted to, (b) they're an insult to basic human dignity frequently ("move on every hour, no holding up a "for change" sign after dark, disobeying a security thug in a park, etc.), and (c) they are essentially a response to the "get out of town" agenda of certain groups now holding sway at City Council--long entrehcned in the SCPD, Parks and Rec, and the City staff.

I suppose it's also a backhanded acknowledgment of the value of the Housing First! idea or at least that's how it's being sold. But since the only housing it specifically anticipates is jail after the second "offense", the main point is to get drunks, "crazies", and rebels out of sight by locking them up. Job security for lawyers, courts,bureaucrats, deputies, cops, and the occasional social service person. No new meaningful resources for homeless people.

The contract, agenda report, and extra SCPD/NIMBY "goodies" can be found under the link at Agenda Item #11. This $100,,000+ boondoggle is part of the Public Safety mythology which suggests the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center [HLOSC] has a huge violent crime problem. The Sentinel has been pushing this Take-Back-Santa-Cruz Crime Scare stuff for quite some time. Mayor Lynn Robinson's "Santa Cruz Neighbors"/SCPD baby-fascist combine has been doing the same. Glorifying abusive officers like Sgt. Butchie Baker and smearing those he harrassed has become "the new wisdom". Sleeping for the poor outside has become not only a crime but a "public safety hazard". "Public safety" is the undocumented, unjustified, and false rationale for turning HLOSC into an even more prison-like area. It will also drive away folks anxious about police contacts for the far more frequent "crimes" of sleeping, sitting near a building, drug possession, and trespass with intend to sleep.

Will these new "unwelcoming" measures materially impact the presence of chronically or seasonally homeless folks, or stop counter-culture travelers from connecting with friends, family, etc. in Santa Cruz? Or simply create more suffering, paranoia, and hostility?

No persuasive documentation of a "crime waye", either at the HLOSC, in the surrounding Harvey West neighborhood, or downtown was presented either to City Council last year, in police reports obtained by Public Records Act action, during the NIMBY-dominated Public Safety Task Force show last summer, or anywhere else. That's unless you consider open container, sleepcrime, sitcrime, smokingcrime, and drug use to be a serious crimes. What is really involved here is the old story, spruced up in new duds--jacketing homeless people as "needle menaces", "lurkers", "bad behavior problems".

This Criminalizing Carnival is the most sickening and blatant hypocrisy, since all the "crimes" for which homeless people are being ticketed and jailed are things housed people can do freely in their homes.

The problem is not that the city (state and country) has ignored the need to build (or at least replace) low-income housing destroyed in each new upsurge of gentrification but that homeless people themselves have intractable mental, drug, moral, or alcohol problems, you see. It's all their responsibility. Don't blame the wealthy and the powerful.

The items are likely to appear soon after 2:30 PM when the open session of the City Council begins.

Budget hearings for the SCPD and the Water Dept. begin at 7 PM on the evening agenda.

Budget hearings resume Wednesday morning at 9 AM at a Special Session of City Council.

Though I've never had the patience or stomach to sit through more than a fraction of these hearings--it's in the budget hearings that the fuel for the fires of the latest homeless Witchburnings will be appropriated.
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by Sylvia
There was also a large chunk allocated from the county budget to the DA for the Pacific Garden Mall project.

I've asked twice about the days/times for Judge Guy's specialty court appearances for those funneled into this program, and not yet gotten a response - it doesn't seem to be every day.

And the SCPD blog is labeling people arrested "Santa Cruz transient". I don't know what that means. Is it a person who has lived here a while, maybe had housing, now doesn't (that's 2/3 of those counted as homeless) and if so, why 'transient'. Or is it someone passing through, in which case why 'transient'. This seems another ploy to use language to position as other, not our problem, ...
by Trip Weir
Not sure who you're asking. The D.A.'s office usually isn't very responsive to questions. Judge Guy is in Dept. 2 just about every morning with a stream of new and old misdemeanor cases. She doesn't make appearances, she's presiding over her court. Folks from the Probation Dept. and the County Health Dept. are there too describing how well defendants and convicts are getting with the program. There's new money for the D.A. and the new office on Pacific, but I didn't know there was any new specialty court.
by shopper
BUAaahhhhhhh....... SC has a problem with people not having a place to live and Pamela Comstock is worried about whether or not the HSC staff is calling CalTrans to report graffiti.
I'm not feeling much like commenting on today's Council crap-a-thon.

However I present the following e-mail exchange I had with Councilmember Posner--slightly beefed up for this posting.

On May 27, 2014, at 4:21 PM, "Robert" wrote:

How can you claim with a straight face any of this is likely to go anywhere given the tiny amount being expended for housing?

Robert Norse

From: MPosner [at]
To: rnorse3 [at]
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 17:33:26 -0700
Subject: Re: Pittance for Housing Means this D.A.P. Program is an Illusion

Dear Robert,
As you know, I asked the staff this question and they said they will come back to address that and likely ask for more money.

Sent from my iPad

From: rnorse3 [at]
To: mposner [at]
Subject: RE: Pittance for Housing Means this D.A.P. Program is an Illusion
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 18:22:13 -0700

Micah: This is a program designed to clean out the downtown of "Chronic Offenders" whose main crime is appearing homeless downtown and offending the Robinson/Comstock/Bryant sensibilities. Brent Adams neared the issue, but didn't stay on it with all his Posner-like thank you's to the staff and the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center when he spoke of Lito (Miguel de Leon) and the Inquisition Lito and Anna Richardson suffered at great taxpayer expense in 2009 when Barisone went after them with a civil injunction to make their sleeping downtown a misdemeanor at night. Any drug use wasn't the issue, since the laws are there to lock people up and throw away the key if necessary for that stuff. All this crap about treatment without housing ignores the utter paucity of treatment facilities (in spite of all the poverty pimpsters bellying up to the trough) and the stark disparity in funding for treatment vs. housing.

The housing is only for a 5 day period for "assessment". This and the companion HLOSC bully-buy-in are really a blank check for thugs-in-uniform like Lt. Flippo to justify special rousting process for homeless people in the "No Impact" zones and the Downtown to please the merchants and NIMBY neighbors of Harvey West so beloved of Robinson and Co.

Your shame is that you had nothing to say about the basic thrust of these two programs--which is homeless removal, homeless containment, homeless disempowerment, and homeless dispersal. All the crap about rehab means nothing--particularly with the abandonment of the Housing First model with the alternatives being the few Clean and Sober beds or (on any repeat offense) jail. To vote for them is to give credibility to lies that package a vicious agenda. To act as though they deserve respect is to pay homage to toxic idols and a fascistic ideology.

True--you would have lost the vote, but you would have spoken truly about what was really being voted on instead of joining in the Carnival of Criminal Illusion.


P.S. You should have refused to vote for the DAP unless they could show there was real housing and not just more money for bureaucrats and colluding vultures eager to swoop down on disabled poor people downtown. You should have demanded a police and staff showing of the need for the concentration camp measures now being installed at the HLOSC. Where were you, Micah?

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downtown Santa Cruz where rights become crimes
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