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Leland Yee’s Arrest Reveals the Darkside of Politics

by Davey D
[I]f any or all of this is all true there’s a helluva a lot we should be thinking about next time we talk about how certain neighborhoods are flooded by guns and drugs. Is it really low-level street corner cats or high and mighty powerful folks who shot call and manipulate this system?

Forget the TV Show ‘Scandal’, Leland Yee’s Arrest Reveals the Darkside of Politics

March 28, 2014 By mrDaveyd

With the recent arrest of California state Senator Leland Yee, many who work to improve their community will have lots to think about and factor in as it relates to gun related violence. One of the most disturbing things Yee was arrested for was weapons trafficking and we’re not talking something that’s minor or a big stretch where he’s accused of selling a improperly gun to someone.

Yee’s accused of wanting to do 2.5 million dollars worth of business. That business included selling rocket launchers and all sorts of weaponry. On top of that they’re saying all the people arrested with Lee including his friend, long time political consultant Keith Jackson and his son Brandon Jackson, were part of an organized crime syndicate..

Jackson who is a well-known fixture around San Francisco and the Bay Area in general is high-powered politico who like Yee served as school board president in SF. He was indicted for a murder for hire plot on top of weapons and drug tracking charges.

Again, if any or all of this is all true there’s a helluva a lot we should be thinking about next time we talk about how certain neighborhoods are flooded by guns and drugs. Is it really low-level street corner cats or high and mighty powerful folks who shot call and manipulate this system?

Mayor Ed Lee

Mayor Ed Lee

People should keep in mind that last year the Mayor Ed Lee was contemplating bringing Stop and Frisk style policing to San Francisco. He was concerned that there were ‘too many guns‘ on the streets. In nearby Oakland there’s a defacto stop and frisk program underway where Black folks who make up 28% of the population are 62% of police stops. You find similar targeting in other California cities. Perhaps the police should be stopping and frisking public officials and leave the average person alone. Ask yourself, where all those guns Yee and others were trafficking went to? Did anyone get killed with one of them? Let’s reflect on that for a minute.

Yee was a strong advocate for gun control. He penned some of the strongest anti-gun legislation in the state and maybe the country. He was named to the Brady Bill Honor Roll for his strong anti-gun stances. Yee’s bottom line was all about making sure assault weapons were off our streets.

Leland Yee went hard on the industry for violent video games

Leland Yee went hard on the industry for violent video games

On top of that, Lee went HAM on the video game industry. He felt that many of the military and gun games were too realistic and would lead to folks being desensitized to violence. He also went after the military for investing money in these games. Yee was the go to guy for anti-violence and as a result was championed up and down the state, so much so that he had a good chance to become California’s Secretary of State. He just pulled out of that campaign.

Looking at all this strictly from a political stand point, Yee’s arrest alone has given the NRA and gun-lobby folks all sorts of ammunition (no pun intended) to not only make sure guns stay accessible with little or no restrictions, but it also lays ground work for folks to make arguments to enhance Castle doctrines and Stand Your Ground Laws.

One can easily see the gun-lobby making the argument that the public is at risk by ‘powerful people who are selling rocket launchers, guns etc’ to ‘nefarious types’ while an unwitting public is in the dark. The argument will be made that the public has a right to protect itself when such powerful forces using their political clout and connections are in the mix.

It should also be noted that Yee is accused of trying to buy rocket launchers for the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in which the state department considers a terrorist organization. Maybe that was a freedom fighter move on his part because he supports their cause or maybe it was just him wanting to get money. Our concern should be whether or not this realization will lead to increased domestic surveillance or will the NSA and other spy agencies narrow their focus to rich and powerful vs the average person trying to make ends meet?

It’s probably safe to say that Yee is not really where the buck stops. Many feel he’s just the tip of the iceberg and while there were 26 people altogether arrested around this FBI sting operation that netted Yee, all of us should asking who else is in the mix? Are they Judges? rogue cops? the Mayor? Any Supervisors? Who else has their hands dirty? For example, in the report you read Keith Jackson’s associate stating that he got bullet proof vests straight from the police. They later corrected themselves and said the FBI? Were they stolen or gotten from someone involved?

Raymond Chow aka Shrimp Boy

Raymond Chow aka Shrimp Boy

When you read the FBI report its straight out of series like 24 or a spy novel. It has activities and people involved from all over the country. It has arms dealing on an international level. It has money laundering from here to Boston, it has marijuana grow houses around the Bay including one in Oakland. They’re shipping cocaine from here to Memphis, Tn. They’re shipping weapons all over the world. They have kill for hire plots and lots of powerful people in the so-called underworld as well as in political circles rubbing elbows. It’s all there.

The way it reads it has Raymond Chow aka Shrimp Boy the former high level gangster who had ‘reformed’ as a central figure who has been rewarded and honored by all sorts of high-profile politicians including our own Senator Diane Feinstein but you get the sense that there’s a lot more to this-a lot more. One thing for sure, politics is a dirty, filthy, scandalous business. Check out the report HERE

On another note in recent months there have been a number of Democrats up and down the state caught up in scandals.. That’s sadly ironic when u consider Dems are often railing about the Koch Brothers, Rupert Murdoch and other far right entities that are corrupt..One would think they of all people would keep their noses clean, but far too many have not. They are seduced by power and money like the people they criticize.

Adding to all this are the corporate payoffs to Civil Rights organizations which has resulted in them twisting their decision-making on key issues like GMO Food labeling, Soda Tax, Net Neutrality and Media consolidation (Yes a number of key Civil Rights orgs have been in favor of Comcast and Time Warner merging). Wonder what dirt doings are going on in those circles??

Its more than just Leland Yee who has a lot of explaining to do.

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This latest taxpayer-funded entrapment only occurred because (1) Democrat Obama is at war against legal marijuana, and (2) the capitalist class felt threatened by the local Chinese American capitalists and their spokespeople. Whenever you hear about Democrats or Republicans being arrested for "corruption," you must always ASSUME that they stepped on someone's toes because that is ALWAYS the case.

The 137 page Affidavit of the government agent who was part of the "sting" or entrapment operation, which should be read by everyone, is a good example of everything that is wrong with this backward, fascist country. The first thing that comes to mind is the emphasis on attacking marijuana growers instead of promoting legalization of all drugs so as to remove them from the street as they will have no street market value and so as to end the prison pipeline. Without the marijuana element, there would have been no entrapment.

The next thing that the reader will certainly notice is the anti-Chinese character of the whole case. This writer is not Chinese but of white, European descent, and it is still very obvious. The entrapment scheme clearly relied on the connections of one career criminal who had been let out of prison with no rehabilitation and allowed to return to the slum known as San Francisco's Chinatown, one of the poorest, if not the poorest, neighborhood in San Francisco. As with all poor neighborhoods, the underground economy thrives, and this one career criminal was soon back in business with his criminal friends. Since he was considered a success for a while, and given awards by fascist, millionaire, war criminal Democratic Senator Feinstein, other politicians assumed it was all right to associate with this one career criminal, who happened to be Chinese. Thus, Leland Yee apparently thought it was all right to communicate with the career criminal in Yee's quest for funds to retire campaign debts.

Organized crime is simply capitalism that is not operating in the legal sphere. All capitalist governments are by definition organized crime. The Affidavit goes extensively into the history of Chinese gangs in this country and China and their capitalist US friends who are also friends of the Democrat-Republicans, San Francisco's Six Companies, who run the anti-labor low wage scene in Chinatown and are a cover for criminals. It makes reference to Italian gangs, but it focuses extensively on Chinese. When you consider the latest palm-greasing boondoggle, the Central Subway, which is currently taking up an entire block on Stockton Street near Chinese Hospital, disrupting the area with noise and dirt, is the latest gentrification, Chinatown removal scheme of the capitalist class, this frame-up fits right in. Chinatown is prime real estate next to the Financial District, walking distance to San Francisco Bay, Union Square and many other favorite sites. There has been no immigration to this backward fascist country since 2008, and now Chinatown is dying, with stores closing.

It is clear that Leland Yee was trapped in his quest for funds to retire his campaign debt. It is also clear he was not a friend of the current election-frauding mayor, Ed Lee, and his cronies. Here is one story on Ed Lee's election fraud:
and another:

Leland Yee's campaign produced a video of Ed Lee's election fraud team. See

All within this writer's memory, we have the 1970s election fraud by the San Francisco Democratic Party using the CIA front, the People's Temple, more fully described at:

Then on June 3, 1997, there was the 49er Stadium Swindle election, where the vote was changed by then mayor Willie Brown's election fraud team from 70% no on the stadium to 50.1% "yes," and when an election fraud lawsuit was filed, Brown's election fraud team made sure the chief witness in the election fraud lawsuit, Delores Evans, a pollworker, and 5 children, living in public housing run by the Housing Authority, all died in an early morning fire from which the fire inspector said they could have escaped, but someone stopped them. See this story in the dedication at the beginning of the election fraud website, and all the details of the election fraud in that election at

Thereafter, the re-election of Willie Brown as mayor and the first election of Gavin Newsom as mayor were all by the same election fraud team and the attempts to establish public power by ballot in San Francisco, eliminating PG&E per the Raker Act mandate, were thwarted by the same election fraud team.

THUS, IT IS CLEAR, THE RULING CAPITALIST CLASS DOES NOT FIGHT CRIME; IT PERPETRATES IT. Election fraud is fascism; that is why we say this is a fascist society. The election fraud of the Democratic Party is the same as that of the Republican Party as they are the twin parties of the capitalist class, promoting war and fascism so as to maximize the profits of the capitalist class.

If you want marijuana and all other drugs legalized to end these despicable, tax-wasting entrapment schemes, if you want an end to election fraud and poverty, if you want public power, if you want low-budget, grassroots campaigns and much more, you have to vote Peace & Freedom or Green. It is not enough that you may occasionally vote for their candidates; you must register Peace & Freedom or Green if you want them to be on the ballot after 2014.

You can register online at:

For more information, see: (Cindy Sheehan for Governor Campaign)

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