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Democratic Women's Club of Santa Cruz Endorses Establishment Police State Candidates

by Santa Cruz Progressive Newswire
The Democratic Women's Club of Santa Cruz County (DWC) released a list of candidates it endorsed at its March 22, 2014 primary endorsement meeting, which includes establishment police state candidates Ryan Coonerty for 3rd District Supervisor, and Jim Hart for Sheriff.
While the DWC does have progressive leanings, the organization often serves as an assembly line that churns out candidates that support an unchecked, ever expanding police state that reduces civil rights for all. The club can be a clearing house for appearances made by local conservative women Democrats, such as former mayor Hilary Bryant and Take Back Santa Cruz's Pamela Comstock. A visit to the DWC website shows a large advertisement for a book talk hosted by Santa Cruz Judge Ari Symons, a former prosecutor, and a shameless advocate for the enforcement of "loitering" laws as a way to combat crime in Santa Cruz.

Jim Hart is widely seen as the establishment candidate for Santa Cruz Sheriff and DWC's endorsement seems to over look the candidate preferred more by progressives, Robert Pursley. Pursley, one of the few black candidates for ANY office in the history of Santa Cruz elections, has the support of the NAACP's Simba Kenyatta, who praised Pursley for speaking openly about his experiences with racism.

In a recent news article about Pursley, it was revealed he worked undercover for the FBI and the Alameda County Sheriff's to investigate the Oakland Housing Authority police.The report states he was falsely jailed and beaten by officers, and that his work eventually helped convict the corrupt police and shut down the agency.

Former mayor and Santa Cruz city council member Ryan Coonerty, who is basically running unopposed (Bob Lamonica is his only challenger), is a scary choice for endorsement more because his selection may be an indicator of DWC support for future runs of his beyond the county level.

Coonerty has supported a large number of the new ordinances in the City of Santa Cruz that have reduced civil liberties in public spaces. Most recently, in September of 2013 he wrote a letter of support to the SC city council urging them to adopt the ordinance that reduced the amount of space art vendors and street performers may use downtown (MC 5.43). As a result, police wont allow musical groups with multiple members to play downtown, and the Great Morgani has quit playing on Pacific Avenue due to the oppressive new rules.

As a Santa Cruz city council member, Coonerty in the past has advocated increasing video surveillance in public areas by installing more security cameras, he lobbied for the time limit placed on users of city parking lots, and he opposed opting out of the "Secure Communities" (S-Comm) program locally.

Coonerty is also Director of Government Relations and Strategy for PREDPOL, a company that markets the 'predictive policing' software, and one that he presumably profits from. The software was first introduced for use by the Santa Cruz Police Department during Coonerty's tenure on the city council, and Coonerty later became involved financially with marketing the product.

List of Democratic Women's Club of Santa Cruz County 2014 Election Endorsements:

National Office:
Congressmember Sam Farr CA-20
Congressmember Anna Eshoo CA-18

California State Office:
California Assembly Member Luis Alejo District 30
California Assembly Member Mark Stone District 29

Candidates for Santa Cruz County races:
Ryan Coonerty, 3rd District Supervisor
Jim Hart for Sheriff
Amanda Jackson Miller for Soquel Union Elementary School District

Also endorsed:
Santa Cruz County Parks Parcel Tax Measure F
If approved, this measure would authorize a parcel tax on all improved parcels of land in the unincorporated areas of the county at a rate of $8.50 per parcel. The annual revenue from this tax was estimated at $355,000 and was earmarked for cleaning and maintaining park restrooms, county park and recreational areas, beaches and other open space areas. The revenue would also be used to offer activities for children and youth, such as recreation programs, swim lessons, art programs and science programs.
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by Robert Norse
Coonerty's reactionary stance regarding undocumented workers, homeless people, and critics at City Council is well documented:

"Direct Action against SC Mayor Ryan Coonerty for opposing immigrant rights resolution" at

"Santa Cruz Council Members, Vice-Mayor Propose Anti-Homeless Measures After Recent Murder" at

"Coonerty to Face Challenge in Obama Delegate Selection 2 PM Sunday"

"While Mayor Coonerty Hammers Away at Civil Liberties, the ACLU Awards Him Sunday"

Coonerty also initiated the 2-minute limit on Oral Communications at City Council and a number of other measures limiting public access.
Some earlier criticism of Coonerty (when he was Mayor back 2008):

He further segregated Oral Communications in a bizarre isolation chamber "special session" of City Council first at 5:30 PM then at 5 PM--a procedure unprecedented at other city councils: "Standing Up to Bullying at City Council" at .

He eliminated the right of the public to speak individually on most agenda items, unless a member of the Council "pulls" the item: "Coonerty Uses New Consent Agenda Gag Rule" at

Coonerty had no problem whatsoever with the city spending thousands of dollars in a 14-hour infraction trial to support city attorney prosecution of three singers singing political songs outside the Bookshop Santa Cruz which "disturbed" mid-day sleeper Sean Reilly. See . The issue was brought to closed session of City Council where Coonerty had a vote.

Coonerty's hostility to the Do It Yourself New Year's Eve Event is telling: "City Threatens Arrests in DIY Parade" at .

Coonerty in his role on City Council's "Public Safety" Committee backed the political surveillance of peaceful activists planning the DIY Parade on New Year's 2005: "Councilmembers in Copland" at

Coonerty supported the starve-out-the-sparechangers red donation meters downtown: "The "Panhandler Parking Meter" Hoax" at

Coonerty backed expanding the Smoking Ban (which is used selectively against homeless people, 70+% of whom smoke cf. less than 20% of the general population): .

Coonerty backed increasing charges against "sleepcriminals" and others who don't go to court on sitcrime, sleepcrime, and other "terrify the homeless out of town" measures from infraction to misdemeanor status: at ("Project Clean Slate is Making A Difference") and ("City Officials Mischaracterize Court's Role in Addressing Downtown Problems").

Coonerty was part of a three-member Task Force that fast-tracked reduction of public space in another expansion of police "discretion": "Fast Track for New Repressive Downtown Ordinances " at

He supported the time-limit-on-bench-sitting law downtown: .

Coonerty personally banned activists from the Bookshop Santa Cruz for tabling outside his business in an (unsuccessful) attempt to get him to engage in a dialogue to liberalize the City's 11 PM to 8:30 AM Sleeping Ban against the homeless--which L.A. had done. Unlike other Mayors, whom I've severely criticized, Coonerty has refused to meet, respond to e-mails, or be interviewed for Free Radio Santa Cruz. (Details on demand)

A particularly distasteful aspect of Coonerty is his claim to be a constitutional lawyer and instructor. In a fashion similar to Mike Rotkin, Coonerty takes liberal positions on some national issues, but in power locally backs increased repression using the Nixonian "law and order' rationale (or should I say the Obamaton "war on terror" language?).

Winded and weary, I'm stopping here. These are only a taste of what you'll get--in spades--with Cooerty as supervisor. The record is lengthy and depressing. Simply search for "Coonerty" on this website to get the details.

by shopper
their website seems to be almost absent any information. and no where is there any info as to who is running or associated with it.
by Bobbi Fox
I'm just so in love with feminist capitalist Mayor Ryan Coonerty, famous author, techie entrepreneur, and tenured professor at the Tim Goncharoff School of The Law, that I felt compelled to share the feelings of other UCSC coeds who have studied under him. These impressions are all true!

2/20/05 "I loved it all, I would definetly take another course with him!"

2/21/05 "Ryan is young, friendly and oh yeah, hes hot;) just a bonus girls!"

3/2/05 "He is a captivating lecturer, and he's easy on the eyes."

7/20/05 "I just love this guy! This is the second course I've taken with him and I just think he's awesome. =)"

7/29/05 "Not horrible looking yall."

9/26/05 "oh, and by the way, if you you think brains are hot, he's delicious."

11/28/05 "Ryan is such an amazing professor."

2/10/06 "Great professor! Has a really good background in the law too."

5/16/06 "Professor Coonerty is freaking awesome. He's great at law and very helpful."

7/29/06 "Great professor; young and knows a lot about current world affairs."

2/22/07 "Great teacher..Good sense of humor, very helpful and really hot.."

3/18/07 "...the reading was fantastic and definitely interesting. oh, and he's definitely hot in a nerdy way."

7/4/07 "LOVE HIM! interesting, cute, funny, knowledgeable, overall an amazing class and professor!"

7/21/07 "Ryan is a great guy and a good teacher. He is funny and approachable. However, I don't get all the comments about how hot he is. If he's hot, I must be a Greek God.hmmmm....maybe I am a Greek God. Wait a minute...Ryan, have you been rating yourself the whole time?????? I know you mentioned these salacious remarks in class!!!" [Ed: Oops, sorry, this might be John Colby, Ph.D.]

8/2/07 "Great teacher, very knowledgable, great sense of humor, the cutest slightly dorkish laugh EVER."

3/15/08 "however he's totally dreamy. he's such a goober but really sexy. brains are hot. i hope hes not married."

2/7/09 "He's such an awesome professor. His lectures are easy to follow along, he has a boyish charm to his teachings, open to student's opinions."

1/3/10 "Ryan is a fantastic professor. If you want to learn how the real world of law works take his class. You have to read in order to do well, which based on the other comments, you guys didn't do. Not hot, but cute. . ."

7/2/10 "Ryan is a great professor! If you can?t handle reading the newspaper - then you don?t belong in college anyways. Take advantage of his office hours ? he is a great resource: very knowledgeable and willing to help. Has a great sense of humor; his laugh will undoubtedly bring a smile to your face ? it?s the cutest thing I have ever heard..."

9/9/10 "even though i failed coonerty's class i do feel that he's a smart person so I would recommend his class"

3/15/12 "Coonerty is AWESOME. He's super interesting, clear about the topics and very knowledgeable. He's also hilarious."

3/22/12 "His lectures are always interesting, mostly because he is hilarious when you listen to what he says."

6/12/12 "Ryan is AMAZING! Best professor ever. Is there anything he can't do or doesn't know!? He give practical and real advice. He's smart and genuinely cares about his students. And such a cutie!"

10/11/12 "He doesn't want students to believe what professors tells us, he wants them to find out for themselves. Amazing, BEST PROFESSOR I've had at UCSC."

5/14/13 "One of the best professors I've had. Really changes the way you think, I recommend taking any class by him. He makes you read the NY Times which seems difficult at first but is so valuable, still read it to this day"

I rest my case. On a pillow. Dreaming of Ryan. His cutie smile, his hot delicious laugh. His boyish youth, his smart sexy brains. Tim Goncharoff's bearded butt.
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