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4 hours of progressive news and interviews includes live report from Beirut

This morning's show includes a report from Martin Chulov, live from Beirut along with reports from the irregular correspondents and hopefully a few words about Mitt Romney's datamine. The 4 hour program streams continuously. previous shows and text summaries follow...
(updated 8-25) This Is Hell Streams live from WNUR each Saturday morning from 9:00am - 1:00pm Central - WNUR livestream

Today's broadcast continuously streams every 2 hours starting ay 2:00 pm - repeats at 6, 8 and 2 am and pm. or you can "open" ->"URL" or "location" from your player -

There's more available here REBROADCAST from HELL , keep scrolling for details -
This Is Hell August 25, 2012

Saturday, August 25, 2012, This is Hell! airs a live, completely unedited and uninterrupted four hour show at 9 AM (US central) on Chicago’s Sound Experiment WNUR 89.3 FM, streaming live and podcast here.

Your bitter blind broke gap-toothed radio show host Chuck Mertz interviews …

live from Beirut, Martin Chulov has been covering the Middle East for the Guardian since 2005. Martin’s recent writing from inside Aleppo, Syria, includes, “Syrian rebels fight on for Aleppo despite local wariness,” “Syria: full scale of carnage becomes apparent in wake of Azaz bombardment,” and “Lebanon aghast as return of sectarian kidnappings raises spectre of civil war.”

Dr. Stephen Zunes is a Professor of Politics and International Studies at the University of San Francisco, where he chairs the program in Middle Eastern Studies. Stephen serves as a senior policy analyst for the Foreign Policy in Focus project of the Institute for Policy Studies, an associate editor of Peace Review, a contributing editor of Tikkun, and chair of the academic advisory committee for the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict. His latest book is, “Western Sahara: War, Nationalism & Conflict Irresolution.” Earlier this month, he wrote the article, “The Reality of Western Sahara.” His other recent work is on Syria and Iran.

Antonia Juhasz is a policy-analyst, author and journalist whose work focuses on oil. Antonia latest book is last year’s, “Black Tide: the Devastating Impact of the Gulf Oil Spill” (Wiley). She founded the Energy Program at Global Exchange, a San Francisco-based human rights non-profit organization, and is the program’s former director. She received a 2012-2013 Investigative Journalism Fellowship from the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley, where she will cover Afghanistan’s oil and gas issues. She is also an associate fellow with the Institute for Policy Studies and a senior policy analyst for Foreign Policy In Focus. She’s on the National Advisory Committee of Iraq Veterans Against the War and on the Board of Directors of Coffee Strong and received a 2010 Project Censored Award. She also worked as a Legislative Assistant in Washington, DC for US Members of Congress John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) and Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD). Her recent writing includes, “Chevron’s Refinery, Richmond’s Peril.”

Our irregular correspondents will be …

live from Egypt, Valerie Bergeron is a law student at Universite Laval in Quebec City who is traveling throughout the Arab Spring nations this summer.

Jim Naureckas makes his inaugural appearance as in irregular correspondent on Saturday’s show. Jim is the editor of Extra!, the publication of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting..

live from Los Angeles, Jeff Dorchen delivers a Moment of Truth

Alex Jerri and Richard Norwood produce this morning’s show.

August 18 features shows from deep in the archives beyond 9/11 - This Is Hell didn't start podcasting until just after 9/11, some of the early shows include Naomi Klein, Gary Webb and Noam Chomsky. Prepare for some surprises. These shows have never been rebroadcast, and aren't online as podcasts (yet).

August 11th features interviews with the late Alex Cockburn, who passed away on July 26. He was first interviewed on This Is Hell in 1996, the show's first year on air. August 4 was the infamous boat party, and on July 28, guests included Kristen Gwynne of Alternet and conversation turned toward journalists as targets of police violence. The July 28 show is now available as podcast #703 is this list -

REBROADCAST from HELL - older shows are at - for now.

newer playlists will all be published at - use the play buttons

Each show is 4 hours long, making for a simple schedule:

Aug 18 show - 9:00 (am and pm)

Aug 11 show - 1:00

Aug 4 show - 5:00
This Is Hell July 28, 2012


Saturday, July 28, 2012, This is Hell! airs a live, completely unedited and uninterrupted four hour show at 9 AM (US central) on Chicago’s Sound Experiment WNUR 89.3 FM, streaming live and podcast shortly after our over-the-air broadcast here.

Your bitter blind broke gap-toothed radio show host Chuck Mertz interviews …

live from Dusseldorf, Annie Machon is a former intelligence officer in the UK’s MI5 Security Service (the US counterpart is the CIA), Annie just co-wrote an article with past This is Hell! guest Ray McGovern, a former US Army Intelligence officer and CIA analyst. The story’s entitled, “Will Downing St. Memo Recur on Iran?“

Kristen Gwynne covers drugs at AlterNet. Kristen is a graduate of New York University where she earned degrees in both journalism and psychology. Her most recent writing includes, “Racial Tensions and Questionable Killings by Police in Anaheim: 9 Things You Should Know.”

Guardian columnist Michael Cohen is author of, “Live from the Campaign Trail: The Greatest Presidential Campaign Speeches of the 20th Century and How They Shaped Modern America.” Michael’s a fellow of the Century Foundation. His most recent writing at The Guardian includes, “America rots from the inside, while overreacting to threats from outside.” You can follow him on twitter @speechboy71

Our irregular correspondents will be …

live from London, David Skalinder gives ‘The View from the Agile Left,’ from the 2012 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games of the XXX Olympiad, hosted by the gracious subjects of Her Britannic Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of Her other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.

Elvis DeMorrow tells us what’s scuttling around the Konspiracy Korner.

live from Los Angeles, Jeff Dorchen delivers a Moment of Truth

Alex Jerri and Richard Norwood are this weekend’s producers.

This Is Hell July 21, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012, This is Hell! airs a live, completely unedited and uninterrupted four hour show at 9 AM (US central) on Chicago’s Sound Experiment WNUR 89.3 FM, streaming live and podcast shortly after our over-the-air broadcast here.

Your bitter blind broke gap-toothed radio show host Chuck Mertz interviews …

live from Brazil, Glenn Greenwald is the author of The New York Times bestsellers, “How Would A Patriot Act? Defending American Values From A President Run Amok” (Working Assets Publishing) and “A Tragic Legacy: How a Good vs. Evil Mentality Destroyed the Bush Presidency” (Crown). He also wrote 2008′s, “Great American Hypcrites: Toppling the Big Myths of Republican Politics” (Crown). Glenn’s most recent book is, “With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful” (Picador). He was recently named one of the “Twenty-Five Most Influential Liberals in US Media” by Forbes. He is a former constitutional law and civil rights attorney and is a contributing writer at Salon where his most recent writing includes, “Obama’s killings challenged again.” Glenn announced today that he will be leaving Salon next month to start writing at The Guardian. You can follow Glenn on twitter at @ggreenwald

Bill McKibben is the author of a dozen books about the environment, beginning with the 1989 classic, “The End of Nature.” Bill’s most recent books include, “Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet,” and “The Global Warming Reader” (OR Books). Click on Bill’s name above to purchase any of his books. He is a founder of the grassroots climate campaign, which has coordinated 15,000 rallies in 189 countries since 2009. Time Magazine called him ‘the planet’s best green journalist.’ He is the Schumann Distinguished Scholar at Middlebury College, He is also a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. This week, Bill posted the Rolling Stone article, “Global Warming’s Terrifying New Math: Three simple numbers that add up to global catastrophe – and that make clear who the real enemy is.”

American University assistant professor of anthropology David Vine, author of “Island of Shame: The Secret History of the US Military Base on Diego Garcia” (Princeton University Press). David is also the co-author, with the Network of Concerned Anthropologists, of the “Counter-Counterinsurgency Manual, or Notes on Demilitarizing American Society” (Prickly Paradigm). He is currently working on a new book about the global network of US military bases overseas. We’ll be speaking with David about his writing at TomDispatch this week, “The Lily-Pad Strategy: How the Pentagon Is Quietly Transforming Its Overseas Base Empire and Creating a Dangerous New Way of War.”

Our irregular correspondents will be …

making her first appearance as an irregular correspondent, Valerie Bergeron will be reporting to us live from Egypt. Valerie is a law student at the Univeristé Laval in Quebec City and is currently traveling around the Middle East where she is visiting many of the countries that experienced the ‘Arab Spring.’

live from San Francisco, Kate O’Donnell says, ‘Thank You, Science!’

live from Los Angeles, Jeff Dorchen delivers a Moment of Truth

Spencer ‘Thunderball’ Thayer, Alex Jerri and Richard Norwood are this Saturday’s producers.

This Is Hell continuously streams from - that's the playlist for Hell, including the 3 shows described below, 4 hours each. You can see exactly what's playing at Just scroll down the list to /HELL - The play button marked m3u is the same as the link above. Times given are CST, GMT -6 since the show is broadcast from WNUR in Evanston IL, just North of Chicago.

Program notes follow, in addtion to notes from previous programs which are available as podcasts at
This Is Hell July 14, 2012

Today, July 14, 2012, This is Hell! aired a live, completely unedited and uninterrupted four hour show at 9 AM (US central) on Chicago’s Sound Experiment WNUR 89.3 FM, streaming live and podcast shortly after our over-the-air broadcast here.

Your bitter blind broke gap-toothed radio show host Chuck Mertz interviewed …

Thomas Frank, author of the book, “Pity the Billionaire: The Hard Times Swindle and the Unlikely Come Back of the Right” (Metropolitan Books) which is to be released in paperback this September. Tom was a founding editor at the Baffler, and a former columnist for the Wall Street Journal. He currently writes a monthly essay for Harper’s. This month’s is entitled, “Letter from Brownbackistan.” He has also has a new piece in the just-off-the-presses issue of the Baffler, “Dead End on Shakin’ Street.”

investigative journalist Greg Palast. Greg is best known as the reporter who uncovered how Katherine Harris purged thousands of African-Americans from Florida voters rolls in the 2000 Presidential Election. He is the author of the New York Times and international bestsellers, “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy,” “Armed Madhouse,” and “Vulture’s Picnic.” He is Patron of the Trinity College Philosophical Society, an honor previously held by Jonathan Swift and Oscar Wilde. He has also been a recipient of the George Orwell Courage in Journalism Prize for his BBC television documentary, “Bush Family Fortunes.” His most recent writing includes, “Robert Mundell, evil genius of the euro.” You can get all Greg’s books, article and videos by clicking on his name above. Greg has a new book coming out in September called, “Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Ways” (Seven Stories). “

Our irregular correspondents were …

live from the hermetically sealed clean room at URL Labs, reports on web, tech and science stuff.

making his first appearance as an irregular correspondent, Florida Coastal School of Law Professor Brian Foley. Brian has practiced civil and criminal litigation and clerked for a federal trial court judge. His work focuses on criminal and civil procedure, criminal law, and evidence. He has published scholarship in criminal law and procedure, evidence, sentencing, anti-terrorism law, and the law of war. He is the co-creator and co-organizer of conferences on Applied Legal Storytelling (2011, 2009, and 2007) and has pioneered teaching law students and lawyers how to use storytelling techniques as a method of persuasion in brief writing. He is co-counsel in pro bono litigation seeking to have life-without-possibility-of-parole sentences declared unconstitutional when applied to juveniles.

live from Los Angeles, Jeff Dorchen delivers a Moment of Truth

Theron Hummiston and Richard Norwood produced Saturday’s show.

This Is Hell June 30, 2012

Saturday, June 30, 2012, This is Hell! aired a live, completely unedited and uninterrupted four hour show at 9 AM (US central) on Chicago’s Sound Experiment WNUR 89.3 FM.

Your bitter blind broke gap-toothed radio show host Chuck Mertz interviewed …

Rajiv Chandrasekaran is an assistant managing editor of The Washington Post and currently heads the Post’s continuous news department, which provides breaking news stories to the paper’s Web site. Rajiv was the Post’s Baghdad bureau chief before, during, and after the war. Previously he served as Cairo bureau chief and Southeast Asia correspondent. He also covered the war in Afghanistan. He has served as the journalist in residence at the International Reporting Project at the Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies in Washington, and as a public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center. His new book is,
“Little America: The War Within the War for Afghanistan” (Knopf)

Noam Chomsky makes his ninth appearance on This is Hell! dating back to September 1, 2001. Noam has a new book out, “Occupy” (Zuccotti Park Press).

James Fallows is a national correspondent for The Atlantic where he has been writing for 30 years. James has been a finalist for the National Magazine Award five times, winning once. He has also won the American Book Award for nonfiction and a N.Y. Emmy award for the documentary series, “Doing Business in China.” He once worked as President Carter’s chief speechwriter. He was the founding chairman of the New America Foundation. He is currently the chair in U.S. media at the US Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, in Australia. His latest book is, “China Airborne” (Pantheon).

Our irregular correspondents were …

live from Ireland, ‘Our Man in Dublin’ Will Lynch
live in-studio, Michael Roper, the proprietor of The Hopleaf, 5148 North Clark.
live from Gaza, Danny Mullergave a Wasted Energy Report.
live from Los Angeles, Jeff Dorchen delivered a Moment of Truth.

This Is Hell June 23, 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012, This is Hell! aired a live, completely unedited and uninterrupted four hour broadcast beginning at 9 AM (US central) on Chicago’s Sound Experiment WNUR 89.3 FM.

Your bitter blind broke gap-toothed radio show host Chuck Mertz interviewed …

Paul Pillar is the director of graduate studies at Georgetown University’s Security Studies Program. Professor Pillar took that position after retiring from a 28-year career at the CIA. Paul served in the National Intelligence Council as one of the original members of its Analytic Group. He has been Executive Assistant to CIA’s Deputy Director for Intelligence and Executive Assistant to Director of Central Intelligence William Webster. He is the author of, “Intelligence and US Foreign Policy: Iraq, 9/11, and Misguided Reform” (Columbia University Press). He is a contributing editor to The National Interest where he writes a daily blog. His most recent writing includes, “What Iran Wants.”

Laura Carlsen Foreign Policy In Focus columnist Laura Carlsen is director of the Americas Program for the Center for International Policy in Mexico City. Laura’s most recent writing includes, “US Hand in Honduran Massacre,” and “Mexico’s G20 Summit: In the Eye of the Storm.”

Deepak Tripathi is a former BBC journalist who set up their Kabul office in the early 1990s and was the resident correspondent. Deepak has reported from Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka and Syria as well. He is the author of, “Breeding Ground: Afghanistan and the Origins of Islamist Terrorism” (Potomac Books). His most recent writing includes, “History’s Revenge: War, Humiliation and the Making of History.”

Our irregular correspondents were …

live from Hungary, ‘Our Man in Budapest’ Todd Williams
live from Puerto Rico, ‘Our Man in San Juan’ Dave Buchen


The programs listed below are among the podcasts available at -
This Is Hell June 16, 2012

This weekend, your bitter blind broke gap-toothed radio show host Chuck Mertz interviews …

Juan Cole is the Richard P. Mitchell Professor of History at the University of Michigan. Juan’s most recent book is 2009’s “Engaging the Muslim World” (Palgrave). Juan writes at his critically-acclaimed blog, the Informed Comment. Juan’s writing there this week included the post, “Global Disappointment in Obama Actually Rational, unlike in US.”

Dabo Guan is Senior Lecturer in Environmental Economics and Governance at the University of Leeds School of Earth and Environment Guan is one of the co-authors of the new report, “The gigatonne gap in China’s carbon dioxide inventories.”

Stephen Walt is a professor at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. Stephen is the Robert and Renee Belfer Professor of International Affairs in the International Security Program at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. He co-authored, “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” (MacMillan), with past This is Hell! guest John Mearsheimer. Steve also regularly writes at Foreign Policy. His most recent writing there includes, “George W. Obama” and “Breaking the Golden Rule.”

Rami Khouri is the Director of the Issam Fares Institute of Public Policy and International Affairs at the American University of Beirut as well as editor-at-large of the Beirut-based Daily Star newspaper, published throughout the Middle East with the International Herald Tribune. You can find all Rami’s work at the Daily Star by clicking here. In November 2006, he was the co-recipient of the Pax Christi International Peace Award for his efforts to bring peace and reconciliation to the Middle East. His most recent writing includes, “Men of Courage Who Bookend the Arab Struggle,” and “A Year of Learning about Syria.”

Our irregular correspondents will be …

live from New York City, Trevor Ewen reported from “The County Incinerator”
also live from NYC, Susan Kang, Assistant Professor of Political Science, at the John Jay School of Criminal Justice in the City University of New York who was a member of the Occupy Wall Street Demands Working Group

This Is Hell June 9, 2012

Your bitter blind broke gap-toothed radio show host Chuck Mertz interviewed …

Saqib Bhatti is author of the report, “Riding the Gravy Train: How Wall Street is Bankrupting Our Public Transit Agencies by Profiteering off Toxic Swap Deals.” The website for the report can be found at Saqib is a Senior Research Analyst at Service Employees International Union. He is currently on sabbatical from his work with the Leadership Center for the Common Good. However, this report is part of his work with Common Good.

Andrew Gavin Marshall is an independent researcher and writer based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Andrew is Project Manager of The People’s Book Project. He also hosts a weekly podcast, “Empire, Power, and People,” on His most recent writing includes, “10 Things You Should Know About the Quebec Student Movement.”

Doug Henwood, editor and publisher of Left Business Observer. Doug’s most recent writing includes, “Walker’s victory, un-sugar-coated.”

Wayne Getz is co-author of the new paper, “Approaching a state shift in Earth’s biosphere,” which has been published by Nature. The paper concludes that a “tipping point” where the Earth goes into a swift, irreversible, potentially cataclysmic change could happen this century, possibly “within just a few generations.” Wayne is a professor in the Department of Environmental Science Policy andManagement at the University of California at Berkeley.

Our irregular correspondents were …

Dan ‘The Auto Man’ Litchfield talked car
live from New York, Elvis DeMorrow told us what’s happening in the Konspiracy Korner.


This Is Hell May 26, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012, This is Hell! airs a live, completely unedited and uninterrupted four hour broadcast beginning at 9 AM (US central) on Chicago’s Sound Experiment WNUR 89.3 FM, streaming live here and podcast shortly after our over-the-air broadcast.

This weekend, your bitter blind broke gap-toothed radio show host Chuck Mertz will interview …

Vijay Prashad is the George and Martha Kellner Chair in South Asian History at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. Vijay is author of the new book, “Uncle Swami: South Asians in America Today” (New Press). He is also the author of, “The Darker Nations: A People’s History of the Third World,” (New Press) which was chosen as a Best Nonfiction Book of the Year by the Asian American Writers’ Workshop and won the Muzaffar Ahmad Book Prize.
Muhammad Sahimi is a chemical engineering professor at the University of Southern California and lead political columnist for the website PBS/Frontline/Tehran Bureau. Muhammad just wrote the piece “Intervention Proponents Try to Scuttle Nuclear Talks with Iran.”
Dana Frank is a professor of History at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and the author of, “Bananeras: Women Transforming the Banana Unions of Latin America” (South End Press). Dana is currently writing a book about the AFL-CIO’s cold war intervention in the Honduran labor movement. We’ll be discussing her recent writing at The Nation including, “Honduras: Which Side Is the US On?” and “Honduras in Flames.”

Our irregular correspondents will be …

live from London, it’s David Skalinder and ‘The Agitated Left
‘Spencer “Thunderball” Thayer share his eyewitness report on last weekend’s NATO protests here in Chicago
live from Los Angeles, Jeff Dorchen delivers a Moment of Truth.


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