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Flotilla Updates: French Boat Set Sail! Greek Boat Sabatoged! Calls Needed to Release US Boat!

by US to Gaza
June 27th, 2:30pm PST: In spite of Israel's threats of violence (snipers, attack dogs, sound bombs) against unarmed people on unarmed ships, threats from the US government of legal action against American participants, and the Obama administration's clear permission granted to Israel to attack the boats, including the American-flagged "Audacity of Hope", the FLOTILLA HAS SET SAIL! The French ship Dignity just left Corsica with a French MEP on board. The French Government didn't block the boat. The French boat sails to meet the other 9 boats, two cargo ships and 7 passenger boats, including the Audacity of Hope, in the Mediterranean, and on to Gaza with 3000 tons of aid for that destroyed region.
At this time, the Audacity of Hope is still being held in the Athens port but organizers believe they may be close to success in their attempts to persuade the Greek government to allow their boat to leave the Greek port to join the others in the Flotilla. The Greek government has been under tremendous pressure from the US and Israel, including financial in the midst of their failing economy, to prevent the flotilla boats from leaving.

We just learned that the Greek passenger boat has been sabotaged -- it's propeller axle having been cut. The ship is jointly owned by Swedish, Greek, and Norwegian activists. The crews of all of the boats in the port are now on high alert watching for scuba divers that might be trying to disable other boats.

The US boat is perhaps the most dangerous to Israel because of the possibility of American passengers being injured or killed in an attack on the boat in international waters, and they are concerned about how that might play. A number of high profile people are on the boats, including cabinet members, writers, and well-known journalists . Among the passengers on the Audacity are writer Alice Walker, retired Colonel Ann Wright, non-violent activist Kathy Kelly, Code Pink's Medea Benjamin, former CIA analyist Ray McGovern and an Israeli former Air Force pilot. About 25% of the passengers are Jewish, and almost 20% of the American boat are over 60, the oldest being 81 and 86.

Things you can do:

Until the boats are released from greek ports, call or email the Greek embassy, asking that they be released, and that Greece not succumb to pressure to prevent aid from reaching a desperate people on unarmed ships.

consulate [at]
Telephone 202-939-1306

Call the State Department to demand the US end the pressure on Greece, and particularly that they retract the permission they gave to Israel to attack this unarmed flotilla. (Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has told the world that "Israel has a right to self-defense" against the flotilla, even though they know the boats and people are unarmed, and will sail only in international waters despite Clinton's geographically challenged statement.

202-647-4000 (the "mailbox is full", as a rule)

Monitor the flotilla on the internet and by Twitter. We have a Rapid Response network in place to set off the emergency resonse in case of attack on any boat in the flotilla. Some suggested sites:

Come out to the Response Demo when it's called:


*On the day following an attack* (or boarding) of any ship in the Freedom
Flotilla 2- Stay Human, we invite all people of conscience to gather outside
the Israeli Consulate at 456 Montgomery St., #2100. San Francisco, Ca 94104
at 5:00 pm.


In San Jose: gather outside the Dr Martin Luther King Jr Library (San Jose Public Library) at 150 East San Fernando Street, San Jose, CA 95112 at 5:00 pm


If Israel responds with violence - as they did last time - there will be a peaceful protest in Courthouse Square in Santa Rosa from 6:00 to 7:00 the evening of the incident.

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by Harsimran Singh
It is clear the Greek government is under immense financial pressure right now, probably more so at the moment than any other country in Europe. At the same time, one of Greece's closest and most important trading partners is Israel. This puts Greece in a horrible position to defend what is right (the flotilla) and do what is necessary to save their country from complete bankruptcy (from US and Isreali Financial Terrorism Activities). Obviously, when presented with these two options every country always chooses the second option.

So my question, why on earth would the flotilla activists use Greece as the staging area for their launch, when they know this is the most unstable location possible?

It will be really sad to see the Greek Navy inforce a blockade to prevent the flotilla from leaving, but if it happens do not be suprised. Its the most likely outcome and should have been considered in advance.

And now look, some group who has the expertise to conduct underwater, covert dive missions, has already begun sabotatging the vessesls. The Greeks are not protecting your ships, they are not securing the ports. As you can see, they have already made their decision on who they will support.
by On the Move
It is too late for re-planning the Flotilla. Obviously, Greece is closer to Palestine than other countries. No matter which ports are chosen, US imperialism and its puppet, Israel, will try to sabotage the Flotilla. YOU CAN MAKE THE FLOTILLA A SUCCESS WITH YOUR PHONE CALLS NOW!
Stay Human Freedom Flotilla 2011: How You Can Help


I. Phone to demand US government ensure safety of Americans on board, on the US Boat, the Audacity of Hope, and the other boats:
SF Israeli Consulate (415) 844-7500, fax: (415) 844-7555
Akiva Tor, Consul General (415) 844-7501
The emergency number is: (415) 806-7857.
An emergency is classified as a life-threatening situation that requires immediate attention.
President Obama: (202) 456-1111
State Department: (202) 647-4000

The phone number for the Congressional switchboard is (202) 224-3121. Just dial and ask for your Senator or Representative by name, or use the numbers given below for Midwest and Western U.S. passengers (by name, in bold):


Montana senator Max Baucus (202) 224-2651
Montana senator Jon Tester (202) 224-2644
1. Johnny Barber’s representative, Denny Rehberg (202) 224-3121


Washington Senator Maria Cantwell: (202) 224-3441
Washington Senator Patty Murray: (202) 224-2621
1. David K. Schermerhorn’s Representative, Rick Larsen (202) 225-2605
2. Kit Kitredge’s representative, Norm Dicks (202) 225-5916
3. Megan Horan’s representative, Jim McDermott (202) 225-3106
4. Richard Lopez’ representative, Jaime Herrera Beutler (202) 225-3536


Oregon Senator Ron Wyden: (202) 224-5244
Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley: (202) 224-3753
1. Erin DeRasmus’s representative, Earl Blumenauer (202) 225-4811


California Senator Feinstein: (202) 224 3841
California Senator Barbara Boxer: (202) 224-3553
1. Regina Carey’s Representative, Lynn Woolsey: local 507 9554 Washington (202) 225-5161
2. Kathy Sheetz’s Rep in Richmond: George Miller, Phone: (510) 262-6500 Fax: (510) 222-1306;
Phone in DC (202) 225-2095 Fax: (202) 225-5609
3. Henry Norr’s Representative, Barbara Lee (510) 763-0370 Fax: (510) 763-6538 and see below
4. Alice Walker’s representative, Barbara Lee Oakland (510) 763-0370 Fax: (510) 763-6538.
5. Kaleo Larson’s representative, Barbara Lee: see above and DC (202) 225-2661 Fax: (202) 225-9817
6. Debra Ellis’s Representative, Sam Farr. Santa Cruz, Phone: (831) 429-1976 • Fax: (831) 429-1458
Sam Farr’s DC office 202-225-2861 Fax: (202) 225-6791
7. Greta Berlin’s Representative, Henry Waxman. switchboard, 202-224-3121, or, as above
8. Hagit Borer’s Representative, Henry A. Waxman Telephone (202) 225-3976 Fax (202) 225-4099
Los Angeles, Tel (310) 652-3095 and (818) 878-7400 and (323) 651-1040 Fax (323) 655-0502
9. Mary Hughes-Thompson's representative, Henry Waxman. switchboard, 202-224-3121, or above.


Arizona senator John McCain (202) 224-2235
Arizona senator John Kyl (202) 224-4521
1. Gabriel Schivone’s Representative, Raul Grijalva, Tucson office: ph (520) 622-6788
fax (520) 622-0198; DC office: ph (202) 225-2435 fax (202) 225-1541


New Mexico senator Jeff Bingaman (202) 224-5521
New Mexico senator Tom Udall (202) 224-6621
1. Ken Mayer’s Representative, Ben Ray Lujan D.C. Office Ph: (202) 225-6190 • Fax: (202) 226-1528
Santa Fe Office • Ph: (505) 984-8950 • Fax: (505) 986-5047
2. Linda Durham’s Representative, Ben Ray Lujan as above


Hawaii senator Daniel Akaka (202) 224-6361
Hawaii senator Daniel Inouye (202) 224-3934
1. Ann Wright, representative, Colleen Hanabusa, Phone: (202) 225-2726 Fax: (202) 225-0688


Massachusetts senator Scott Brown Phone: (202) 224-4543 Fax: (202) 228-2646
Massachusetts senator John Kerry (202) 224-2742
1. Kathy Sheetz’s Representative (in Mass) William Keating Phone: (202) 225-3111 Fax: (202) 225-5658


And in central USA:
1. Robert Naima: Urbana, Illinois Tim Johnson, IL-15: D.C. Phone: 202-225-2371 Fax: 202-226-0791
2. Kathy Kelly: Chicago, Illinois Jan Schakowsky, 9th District Chicago - (773) 506-7100 Washington - (202) 225-2111
Fax Chicago - (773) 506-9202 Evanston - (847) 328-3425 Washington DC - (202) 226-6890
3. Max Suchan: Chicago, Illinois Luis Gutierrez, 4th District, Chicago, 773-342-0774; DC Tel: (202) 225-8203
Fax: (202) 225-7810



II. Make phone calls to those above to express your outrage.
III. Contact local media to express your outrage.
IV. Join a protest being organized near you: San Francisco, San Jose or Santa Rosa. Or organize your own protest in your area. Please bring signs and Palestinian flags.
*On the day following an attack* (or boarding) of any ship in the Freedom
Flotilla 2- Stay Human, we invite all people of conscience to gather outside
the *Israeli Consulate at 456 Montgomery St., #2100. San Francisco, Ca 94104
at 5:00 pm*.
In San Jose: gather outside the *Dr Martin Luther King Jr Library (San Jose Public Library) at 150 East San Fernando Street, San Jose, CA 95112 at 5:00 pm

If Israel responds with violence - as they did last time — there will be a peaceful protest in Courthouse Square in Santa Rosa from 6:00 to 7:00 the evening of the incident.

We also ask that Palestine solidarity groups and peace and justice groups spread this message across their membership through listservs, phone calls, and other forms of social media. It is of the utmost importance that this event has a large attendance; international pressure — especially from the United States — is a critical factor in preventing Israel from acting with impunity towards humanitarian activists. We all need to be prepared to act on short notice.
And its comment: TALKING POINTS
Call right now as they all have voice mail so you can leave a message at any time. The State Department is putting our calls on a voice mail message system. All representatives have local numbers with voice mail. Night rates apply to 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., local time, and evening rates are 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. local time. The president's switchboard number only takes messages from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., DC time, which is 3 hours later than the Pacific coast. Feinstein's local office may not take messages so you will have to call her DC number. This time, unlike the usual, Feinstein's live person is sitting there listening instead of switching you to voice mail or hanging up. Here are some talking points:
1. I call as an American citizen and ___________ (Holocaust family member, voter of __________ state or city, and the like.)
2. I demand that you support the Gaza Freedom Flotilla
3. I demand that you tell your puppet Israel to lift the illegal blockade of Gaza.
4. The Zionists do not speak for the entire Jewish community.
5. The Zionists do not speak for me.
6. All Americans can now see that there is no difference between Democrats and Republicans which will help build the socialist and Green parties, the only parties worth voting for.
7. Support the Gaza Freedom Flotilla! Lift the blockade of Gaza! No US tax dollars to Israel! End the 63 year occupation of Palestine!
For more updates, see Michael Moore's website at:
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