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Indybay Feature

Jeff Adachi annual gathering to discuss: " There Must Be Justice" other pertinent issues.

by Francisco Da Costa
Jeff Adachi is my good friend and what is most important to note our ELECTED - San Francisco Public Defender who has stood his ground and put to shame Mayor Gavin Newsom and his lackeys. In SF we are proud of our Public Defender - for one simple reason - Jeff Adachi will serve the common person. One, who cannot afford an attorney, and give her or him the best defense in Court. We know that our Court system is full of holes - and what is more there is no "justice", less "fair play " and lots of discrimination.
If anyone has been unfortunate to experience the "circus" in our present Court System at all levels - you would agree with me - that if one had no money to hire a high paid lying lawyer - you would have a better chance with a good Public Defender - that is if you could find one in town.

This crap that there is justice and fair play in our Courts - is a joke.

Every single time - I have gone to Court to support some person - I have observed our Court System that is supposed to be fair and judge right and adjudicate right - fail miserably - and use corrupt power to send mostly innocent people - for long jail terms.

This symbol of a scale - in our courts - mostly tills towards - INJUSTICE.

That is why we incarcerate millions of people in our Nation - a full five percent of the 330 million that makes the population of the United States of America. If you add anyone who has gone to jail and come out - a full ten percent. Think about it - if you can - and ponder.

I try to attend this annual event that Jeff Adachi our SF Public Defender organizes and sat through the first part of the day long session - that was very informative.

I could not stay for the entire event - because I had other pressing engagements. I say this because if some reader - reads this article - I do not want to give the impression that I attended the entire session. I surely wanted to attend that portion that deals with the "Clean Slate".

It was very interesting to hear the designated speakers explain - how, all over our Nation indigent people are treated with disdain and mostly not given any support, less compassion, by failing to permit the concerned victim - get support from a Public Defender.

Here is San Francisco we all take our Public Defenders for granted.

However, we know for sure that if by chance our Public Defender and his attorneys are given less money and far less support monetary and otherwise - we all will be the worse for such actions.

In recent months the SF Public Defender has had to beg for money with some dubious and arrogant SF Board of Supervisor - following the lead of the Mayor of San Francisco - Gavin Newsom preferring to tell the SF Public Defender to out-source his cases. What audacity!

Never mind if this cost our City and County of San Francisco more money.

In recent week the debacle at the Crime Laboratory has sent shills through the entire fiber of the so called Law Enforcement - our San Francisco Police Department, the District Attorney, Kamala Harris and her Ali Baba and forty thieves den, others that are quick to come out with fake testimony and stage witnesses that have been bribed - just to nail some innocent man or woman that someone has a vendetta against.

It is a shame when evidence has been tempered with and people bought and paid to tell LIES to send some innocent person to jail. But, this happens all the time - and the indigent and those that cannot afford an attorney - spend years in jails and come out of jail - not with some good but with a lot of bitterness and anger. Go figure.

From time to time I visit the jails be it San Quentin, Chowchilla and will be visiting Chowchilla this Saturday where more then 4000 women are incarcerated in the State Jail for Women.

In one of the other jails, near by another 4000 women - most of them lingering with sub-standard services. Now less money for education and even less for drug - rehabilitation. No one gives a damn - and our Governor pussyfooting with Correction Officers that he once was in bed with - but no more.

Our Society is hypocritical - in recent years - three strikes and other ploys and machination have taken us backwards, when it comes to fair play, justice, and sound adjudication.

What I have seen with my eyes, heard with my ears, and felt with my heart - defies logic, less compassion, and what is more baffling and confounding - point me hundreds of folks that are supposed to hold the law - with cold heart do the opposite.

Jeff Adachi is my friend and I may be biased but I do not think so. This man has stood for what is right - perhaps he being Japanese American - he can recall how this Nation - incarcerated innocent American Japanese during World War II, many of them living in California - all American Citizens. Perhaps - some other incidents that has led him to sacrifice so much. I know for sure where there is sacrifice there is love. And where there is love there compassion that can lead to fair play and justice.

Our Courts discriminate and I have seen and witnessed this too may times - it has led me to think - differently. I say this because of the judges in our Courts that favor Whites and look at people of color - as less then human.

Here is San Francisco all of this land belongs to the First People the Muwekma Ohlone. Up until 1924 anyone could steal land from the First People the Native American in California. In fact if you killed a Native American you could fetch - $5 for a scalp. There is BLOOD on the hands of the many that proclaim they are Native - when they are "strangers" and have no Native American blood. Over sixty percent of the First People in California - are strangers in their land - because the Federal Government does not have time on the Federal Register.

Edicts went out - sent by Governors to kill the Native Americans - no questions asked.

We know what our Federal Government did to African Americans - to the Chinese Americans, to others - to many to mention.

Even as the demographics change - the Courts are antiquated - laws so primitive that it defies logic.

The lawyers mostly LIARS - will do anything for money - there is no justice. If you enter the jail system - come before the Courts - if the gods are not with you and intercede on your behalf - the "devil judges" will get your ass and send you to hell.

These bastards do not blink an eye - they will send you for 10 years, 15 years, 25 years to jail. They do not give a damn about rehabilitation nor fully comprehend what that means. You go to the jails and some that made one or two mistakes - linger for years. And I am not talking about murder and other such crimes - but crimes where the intent was not to harm anyone.

These gatherings are good for the soul and more for the mind - in introspection you listen to these lawyers explain the "pathetic conditions " of our failed, corrupt, mundane Court System - all over the United States of America. We are fortunate to be in California.

The various levels leading to the Supreme Court where some aged judges - make polices and rule an piss in the den they dwell in - until old age prevents them from walking, seeing, and thinking straight. We call them the Supreme Court Judges. The same ones that brought George W. Bush in and anointed him - President of the United States.

Whites will bring the Magna Carta into the discussion, quote Roman Law, and point you to some other mostly White corrupt models of mundane law - but, this is Native American land - and some strangers stole the land, killed, murdered, and broke the law - and in doing so have BLOOD on their hands.

Mostly people of color are treated bad by some judges - they use the corrupt law and talk about rehabilitation but what they with INTENT given those they send into incarceration - is their bad KARMA, their lack of justice, and less of humanity and what is most important - their lack of humanity and compassion.


Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy

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