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Why is Peace & Freedom Party attacking 9/11 Truth Movement?

by ?
While looking for those who correctly oppose the entire May 19, 2009 California ballot, as does Peace & Freedom Party, you will come across a strange article front and center on the Peace & Freedom Party website by a Bob Maschi entitled "Conspiracy Behind Conspiracy Theories? What is this garbage attacking the 9/11 Truth Movement doing on a socialist party's website?
While looking for those who correctly oppose the entire May 19, 2009 California ballot, as does Peace & Freedom Party, you will come across a strange article front and center on the Peace & Freedom Party website by a Bob Maschi entitled "Conspiracy Behind Conspiracy Theories? What is this garbage attacking the 9/11 Truth Movement doing on a socialist party's website?

This article may be found at:

It consists of a mealy-mouth gibberish article attempting to smear the 9/11 Truth Movement followed by an insulting, nonsensical quiz, as though the readers are stupid children.


Every radical should always assume the government is lying until proven otherwise. In fact, every plaintiff's attorney assumes their new client is lying about their problem until proven otherwise. This is not an unusual position to take at all; it is always best to be skeptical.


The government's conspiracy theory was a lie as soon as they proclaimed it as we had already seen the the 9/11 Inside Job on TV which showed NO AIR DEFENSE. NO AIR DEFENSE CAN ONLY MEAN THAT 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB, THE AMERICAN REICHSTAG FIRE TO PROMOTE WAR AND FASCISM SO AS TO MAXIMIZE THE PROFITS OF THE CAPITALIST CLASS.


This was followed by the CONTROLLED DEMOLITION OF THE TWIN TOWERS AND BUILDING 7, which fell in their own footprint in a few seconds, indicating no resistance, in small enough pieces to be carted away immediately, which they were, thus illegally removing the evidence from this crime scene. If you do not understand crime investigation, you probably understand basic science. The government's conspiracy theory obviously contradicts basic laws of physics.


The so-called hijackers were obviously fall guys, setups, doubles, patsies, and 9 of the so-called hijackers were alive on September 12, 2001. The planes were obviously on remote control guided by the US Air Force, under the direction of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice & Giuliani. There is no way a human being could have flown the fancy maneuver over the Pentagon, and there is no way a passport could survive any fire.

The Pentagon was damaged by construction explosives on the side of the building that was under construction, including explosives that were timed to explode when Pentagon workers turned on their computers, and it was possibly damaged by a missile from a small military aircraft.

The so-called flight to Pennsylvania ended at the Cleveland airport. There were no bodies in the hole in the ground in Pennsylvania, said the coroner.


The ridiculous cell phone calls were obviously staged as such calls were not possible from fast flying jets at 32,000 feet in 2001. The government actually tried to tell us that one person called his mother and said "Hello Mom, this is Mark Smith." When you call your mother, you do not need to give any name at all much less your full name as she knows your voice as soon as you say, "Hi Mom. "


There are thousands of other details, ANY ONE OF WHICH IMMEDIATELY DESTROYS THE GOVERNMENT"S CONSPIRACY THEORY, including the fact that the government is CONSTANTLY CHANGING ITS STORY.

The only people who still believe the government's conspiracy theory now, 8 years after the American Reichstag Fire, the 9/11 Inside Job, are stupid people and mouthpieces of the government. There are now lots of books, websites, DVDs, CDs, radio programs and TV programs explaining the massive evidence that 9/11 was an Inside Job. You do not have to like the politics of anyone who understands that 9/11 was an Inside Job. We are dealing with basic crime investigation and basic science. The homework for those who would like more information on the 9/11 Inside Job is below.


Before doing your homework on the 9/11 Inside Job, voting a BINGO NO ON THE MAY 19, 2009 CALIFORNIA BALLOT IS BEST as all of the propositions are concessions to the anti-workingclass Republican Party by the Democrats who should be promoting raising the progressive income tax on the rich, those who make over $200,000 a year. With all the millionaires and billionaires in California, we could easily have no debt with a very small increase on the tax on the rich, and that is the only viable solution. Everything else just makes the problem worse.


As to future elections, ONE LITMUS TEST MUST BE WHERE A CANDIDATE STANDS ON THE 9/11 INSIDE JOB. After correctingly eliminating all Democrats and Republicans from consideration, any candidate who supports the government's conspiracy should not get your vote. This outrage of supporting government lies and claiming to be some kind of radical cannot be tolerated and should not get your vote.


Watch 9/11 Cover-Up on San Francisco Cable Channel 29 every Friday night, 8 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Listen to Guns & Butter on KPFA at 94.1 FM at 1 p.m. on Wednesdays and online at:
DVD that is a Must See at
1.Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert
2.New Pearl Harbor Revisited by David Griffin (2008)
3.The Hidden History of 9/11, ed by Paul Zarembka (2008), articles by David Griffin, Jay Kolar, Zarembka, Don Trent Jacobs, Nafez Ahmed, David MacGregor, Bryan Sacks, Diana Ralph, with Appendix by Bertrand Russell: 16 Questions on the JFK Assassination (teaches how to investigate a crime)
4.The 9/11 Conspiracy, edited James Fetzer (2007), articles by John Austin, David Griffin, James Fetzer, Jack White, Judy Wood, Joseph Firmage, Morgan Reynolds, Rick Rajter, Elias Davidsson, Peter Dale Scott, John McMurty plus excellent photos
5. 9/11 Contradictions by David Griffin (2008)
6. The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions & Distortions by David Griffin
7.The New Pearl Harbor by David Griffin
8. Debunking 9/11 Debunking by David Griffin
9. Painful Questions by Eric Hufschmid
10. The Iron Triangle (on the Carlyle Group) by Dan Briody
11. 9/11 Revealed: The Unanswered Questions by Rowland Morgan & Ian Henshall
12. Waking Up From Our Nightmare by Don Paul and Jim Hoffman
13. 9/11 Facing Our Fascist State by Don Paul
14. 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA by Webster Tarpley
15. Body of Secrets by James Bamford
16. The War on Truth by Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed
17. The Terror Conspiracy by Jim Marrs
18. Towers of Deception by Barrie Zwicker (with DVD enclosed)
19. 9/11 and American Empire edited by David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott
20. Flight 93 Revealed by Rowland Morgan
21.The Big Wedding: 9/11, The Whitleblowers and The Coverup by Sander Hicks
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Maybe be I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but if the coroner found no passenger bodies of the Pennsylvania flight crash "in the hole in the ground in Pennsylvania" then where are all the passengers? Are authorities looking for them?

My Question resulting from: Paragraph:
Why is Peace & Freedom Party attacking 9/11 Truth Movement?
"The so-called flight to Pennsylvania ended at the Cleveland airport. There were no bodies in the hole in the ground in Pennsylvania, said the coroner."
by ten thumbs
I tried the full URL.

I couldn't get thru.

Peraps one might strart with
short URL???

by cp
Here are some problems with the 9-11 Truth movement.

First- while we all see 9-11 truth contingents at all the antiwar marches and a lot of them are indvidiually democrats, leftists, antiauthoritarians etc, some prominent 9-11 Truth movement leaders have made a point of attacking leftists at their events. One example would be the Alex Jones circle almost hijacking certain events at the DNC, and constantly accusing leftists or people wearing black sweatshirts of being 'agent provocateurs', who are suppressing turnout of moderates. Specifically, before the DNC even happened, Jones' talk show was saying that the REcreate 68 organization in Denver was planning to throw feces and urine ballons at police officers, and this rumor was repeated by newspapers. So... they have a right to object to this.

Secondly - what difference will it make once they finally convince everyone that the official story of September 11th is full of holes? This is because... there are *already* many objectionable and horrific events in US history, and US relationships with other countries, which are very well documented. We could start with the list of foreign leaders that the CIA has assassinated, support of undemocratic political parties in other countries such as in Central and South America. Domestically, we don't even have to go into Cointelpro to demonstrate very poor behavior by the FBI and police during the 1930s labor struggles, the 1950s and 60s civil rights struggles, and during the recent 30 years.

Do you remember the Iran-Contra hearings in 1986? I do, as a small child. I couldn't quite understand the principles involved and I wondered why this committee was asking tough questions of Ollie North as he batted his eyelids and claimed to have been doing what he did in the name of freedom and liberty. While my high school didn't even cover the Korean war or the 70s, and 80s interventions, I was later able to read about the principles involved. What the heck did we need to sell arms to Iran for?? Does anyone believe this was a type of large garage sale where he was merely raising funds for the second war (the Contras in Nicaragua). Wer ethe Iranians the only ones they could have raised cash from? Can anyone really believe, after all this, that there wasn't also an October surprise arrangement for Iran to release the hostages right before Reagan's election?
Oh yes... let's not even get into the fairly well documented reality of the CIA raising funds by running cocaine and heroin from south America and Asia.
Ollie North was basically acting outside of the democratically elected government as a type of shadow government- the permanent State Department policies going into the 'shadow government' is something everyone should read about. It's much larger than 9-11 Truth.

Everyone should be aware of all of this history. What does adding one more major incident to this list accomplish, because it's just a drop in the bucket of a longer pattern.
In other words, can you guys clarify what you expect to be achieved once the public finally sees the light?

Finally - there are variable amounts of evidence for each of the major points that 9-11 truth goes into. It seems like dwelling on the more obscure details, such as denying the phone calls from the airplane phones to relatives, or dwelling on the buildings being rigged with explosives, undermines the areas with lots of evidence - such as the monitoring of the hijackers in Florida by intelligence agencies, or the strong relationship between the Bin Laden and Bush families.
excellent comment by cp. thank you.
by Elias Davidsson
One author asks what the peace movement is going to gain by exposing 9/11. This question is legitimate, but presumes that politics should be viewed solely from the interests of the peace movement. This is not so. There are quite a few reasons why exposing 9/11 as a government crime is not only justified, on its own, but actually the key to saving the remaining leftovers of democracy and freedoms.

1. A quite ordinary reason for exposing 9/11 is that we owe solidarity to the families of the victims of 9/11. They are entitled to know the truth about who killed their loved ones. If we consider such solidarity as unimportant, we may as well stop involving ourselves in politics. Human solidarity is the base of our work.
2. A another ordinary reason for exposing 9/11 is that the perpetrators of 9/11 have not been brought to justice, as they should for both moral and legal reasons. Is there any peace-activist who believes that we should not bring mass-murderers to court because it is "unimportant" politically? The rule of law demands simply that murders, let alone mass murderers, be punished. The demand is not revolutionary, but a necessity for every society.
3. If the mass murderers of 9/11 are actually government employees or people acting under the authority of the US government, We the People should not wait until these criminals kill more of us. Removing them from power and exposing their criminality is nothing more than protecting ourselves and our families from goons. Anyone who believes he/she is safe from murder while mass murderers sit in the US administration, is not only deluding him/herself, but endangers his society by non-action.
4. The crime of 9/11 has become the single most important element for the elaboration of the new imperial ideology designating Muslim terrorism as the main threat to national and world security. All major bodies of world governance have stated in recent years that "international terrorism" is the main threat to world peace and security. This includes the UN Security Council, NATO, the European Union, and most Western governments. This statement - which is a fraud - relies on the official lie regarding 9/11. By exposing 9/11 as a lie, the entire ideological apparatus, that justifies wars of aggression and the repression of the masses, can be exposed in one go. Many peace-activists have failed to understand that the ideology of "Muslim terrorism" has been manufactured in order to replace the "Soviet threat" and that by exposing this ideology as a fraud, it would be easier to delegitimize most imperial policies.
5. The cover-up of 9/11 differs from most other political issues. While mass media permits a debate to take place about most issues, including the wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, the PATRIOT Act, torture and other government policies, the events of 9/11 are excluded from public debate. To expose 9/11 as a government crime is much more than exposing the criminal participation of a handful of politicias: It is in fact exposing the entire media, the entire political class and most of academia, as participants in a criminal cover-up of unprecedented proportions. Many people, understandably, are afraid of the implications. Most people need the feeling that they can trust the main institutions of society. To shatter such a perception is extremely painful for people who are not ready to rely on their own common sense and critical faculties. Yet, no society can continue to be based on monumental deception. The entire educational system is going to suffer if we accept that major issues of society may not be debated. To expose 9/11 as a government crime has, therefore, far deeper implications than exposing the various crimes committed by the US administrations at various times against foreign nations or against US citizens: Doing so exposes the extreme rot that has been left to flourish in all main institutions of society. Exposing 9/11 is an act of social sanity of the first order.
by reality check
For the answer to the question, why is this article on a socialist party's website? Read Maschi's article, which is certainly not garbage and goes pretty easy on the so-called "Truth Movement".

Maschi notes that: "These days, bred by the events of 9-11, there is a rash of Conspiracy Theories. In the beginning, the Conspiracy Theories about 9-11 being a plot by the Bush administration to make war against their enemies and make money for the friends were promoted by, mainly, people on the left. And the behavior of the radical Bush/Cheney administration lent a lot of evidence to prop the thinking up to the point that it has become an industry. Many people who began their belief in Conspiracy Theories with 9-11, now adhere to many more Conspiracy Theories. The original idea that 9-11 was planned by Bush/Cheney has often been morphed into a theory that a world-wide cabal of evil-doers (led by communists, or Jews, or pod people, whoever) is plotting global dictatorship. Everything from financial crisis to new roads to comments made by otherwise obscure sources are fit into the theory until believers become so cultishly caught up in the whole thing that they can no longer relate to non-believers. What generally began as a left-wing suspicion, has been turned into right-wing propaganda."
"But the 9-11 Conspiracy Theory pretty much began as an assault against the Bush/Cheney administration. It was a product of some leftists who were horrified by the actions of the US government after the events. But this Conspiracy Theory has, for many people, morphed into much more than that. In fact, no one can possibly believe in every tendril that this particular theory has grown, as many of them offer conflicting views. But with every aberration, the theory branches off into a more conservative direction."

The "Truth Movement" should consider the truth of Maschi's observation and realize this is one reason intelligent, critically thinking individuals don't take the cult very seriously. There may indeed be truth in the claim that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job or at least that lots of information about who was really responsible has been suppressed. But that doesn't mean that we should, as Maschi writes "believe in every tendril that this particular theory has grown," especially when most of the theories make no sense and have been debunked and when some of the folks espousing them are just using fear to sell books.
by indeed there are
The government's official version of what supposedly happened is itself a conspiracy theory.
by just more lies from neoliberal gatekeepers
We need to clarify that not everyone in "9/11 truth" movement thinks the same, we don't all fall into the "big tent" catch-all category of people who think that UFOs did it, or that the planes were holograms, "pod-people" or other nonsense, in fact, these silly ideas are put out there as disinfo propaganda to discredit rational minded 9/11 truthseekers!!

Peace and Freedom party wrote;

"In the beginning, the Conspiracy Theories about 9-11 being a plot by the Bush administration to make war against their enemies and make money for the friends were promoted by, mainly, people on the left. And the behavior of the radical Bush/Cheney administration lent a lot of evidence to prop the thinking up to the point that it has become an industry. Many people who began their belief in Conspiracy Theories with 9-11, now adhere to many more Conspiracy Theories. The original idea that 9-11 was planned by Bush/Cheney has often been morphed into a theory that a world-wide cabal of evil-doers (led by communists, or Jews, or pod people, whoever) is plotting global dictatorship. Everything from financial crisis to new roads to comments made by otherwise obscure sources are fit into the theory until believers become so cultishly caught up in the whole thing that they can no longer relate to non-believers. What generally began as a left-wing suspicion, has been turned into right-wing propaganda."

There are several factual errors in just this one paragraph written by peace and freedom party. First of all, the initial "9/11 truth" questions of possible Bush involvement on the collapse of the WTC came from physicists and structural engineers, usually logical and politically neutral people not obsessed with either side of the political spectrum. Science and physics, not politics, led to initial question of the 9/11 Commission report, and then morphed into the greater "9/11 truth" movement we witness today, with both sides of the political spectrum getting their side out..

That the "9/11 truth" movement has its share of wingnuts and outspoken misguided preachers is no secret either, as most legitimate conspiracy theories have their own "nut cabal" that seeks to villify the facts supporting the theory by adding most outrageous external add-on statements like "the Jews did it" or "aliens in human form did it" or "hologram aircraft did it" etc...

The right wing will attempt to hijack just about any idea from the left and apply their rational to the concept, putting a rightist spin on 9/11 is par for the course. Not all people from 9/11 truth are right-wingers, and to state otherwise is misleading and deceitful. Just because some folks don't fall in lock step with the socialist (or neoliberal?) cadre of peace and freedom party, that doesn't qualify us as Rush Limbaugh fans either..

Most ridiculus are claims that 9/11 truth is a racist notion, that somehow Saudi Arabs from al Queda training camps would not be "physical or mentally capable" of pulling this off unless the defense system in the U.S. was purposefully averted by persons within the U.S. (ie., Bush et al)..

Somehow people on the left need to get over unpleasant facts, that on occasion an actual terrorist groups' plans may be known and even assisted (via thermite) by target nations seeking to profit tremendously from the predicted outcome (public whipped into patriotic frenzy and desires for revenge)..

Add a few more lies on top of the first big lie (9/11), including weapons of mass destruction never found, uranium from Niger that never existed, and confessions of al Queda senior member al Libby gained under torture, as in he was tortured until he "confessed" what his interrogators were waiting for, that he claimed al Queda was working together with their ideological opponent secular Saddam to attack a common enemy in the U.S...

This was the fourth in a series of deceptions that GW bush regime used as pretext to invade Iraq. NONE of the smaller three lies would have applied had the first lie (9/11) not been bought hook, line and sinker by the U.S. public..

Another question posed by structual engineers and physicists was why the rush to remove the debris from the WTC wreckage to China for recycling the next day? Was never aware there was such great demand for scrap metal!!

Just think of what could have been learned about structural integrity of building collapse in a normal event, though maybe in this case too much would have been learned, better for ol' Rudy "Firefighter Hat" G to pose on the rubble for a photo op and then have the evidence carted off pronto to be melted down into liquid..

Bye, bye evidence!!

Looks like peace and freedom joins ranks of left gatekeepers!!

Now the peace and freedom party can be added to the growing list of left gatekeepers, the so-called "voice of the opposition" that insists on spreading government propaganda on 9/11. Whether or not left gatekeepers are correct on other issues may be part of the problem, as their reporting appears to be revolutionary when compared to the moderate views of the corporate media..

Certainly nobody questions Amy Goodman's credibility on her East Timor reporting, no rational minded 9/11 truthseeker would call her out on that. It is increasingly difficult when Amy and other gatekeepers of the left are indeed 99% correct on most of the stories that they cover, minus the one very crucial story of the response to incoming attacks on 9/11 being planned out by our government under GW bush regime..

Some background on 9/11 gatekeepers;

One of the most notable cases of Left denial is that of the respected journalist Amy Goodman and her show Democracy Now!. Goodman has long rebuffed requests that she interview an expert on the subject. Instead she has tiptoed around the core facts of the attack and addressed only peripheral issues, such as the EPA's fraudulent assurances that the air in Lower Manhattan was safe to breathe while Ground Zero was still smoldering. Finally, after a concerted campaign by the 9-11 Visibility Project, Goodman featured David Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor, on her May 26, 2004 show. Goodman pitted Chip Berlet against Griffin, and gave the last word and closing summary to Berlet, who spun the myth that the attack was strictly blowback. Nonetheless, Griffin was allowed to make the case that the attack was an inside job for the first time ever on the nationally syndicated show.

Mark Robinowitz recounts confronting Amy Goodman about her refusal to cover the issue prior to the Griffin interview.

title: Amy Goodman's Not-So-Good Coverage of 9/11

author: Mark Robinowitz

'In the fall of 2002, Ms. Goodman spoke in the same room at the University of Oregon during a previous speaking tour. After her speech (which was very similar to her May 2004 speech), I asked her after the event if she would help investigate the recently disclosed story of how the Air Force, CIA, NORAD and National Reconnaissance Office were conducting "war games" similar to 9/11 during the 9/11 "attacks," which were apparently used to confuse the air defense response. She would not reply, and looked at me in apparent fear. It was a particularly strange response considering she had just spoken eloquently about her tremendous courage in reporting on the massacre in East Timor. (The issue of the 9/11 war games on 9/11 has not ever been mentioned on Democracy Now -- and it is likely that if they were, DN would run the risk of losing their foundation funding, which would force them to lay off much of their staff.)'

site: page:

On of the factors behind the reluctance of journalists such as Goodman to give a voice to skeptics of the official 9/11 myth may be their dependence on foundation money."

left gatekeeper article found @;

When looking at the history of 9/11 truth movement, the original questions were indeed asked by physics professors who were not politically active other than their choice of university..

"This paper reviews and compares some of the initial media coverage and criticisms of BYU physics professor Steven E. Jones' research paper, Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse? In his paper, Jones calls for an investigation of the World Trade Center skyscrapers' collapses that seriously considers the hypothesis of controlled demolition. The decision of a professor of science to come forward with such a proposal is unprecedented, as is the story's coverage by a mainstream news program on cable TV: MSNBC's Situation with Tucker Carlson. The closest precedent in the history of the 9/11 Truth Movement was the CSPAN-2 coverage of theology professor David Ray Griffin's speech, 9/11 and the American Empire: How Should Religious People Respond?. Both Jones and Griffin have added considerable credibility to the independent investigation of 9/11 through their scholarly approaches. In particular, Steven Jones brings to bear his 20 years of experience and peer-reviewed research in the field of physics."

article found @;

Calling someone a "racist" or "crackpot conspiracy theorist" is always great for stifling dialogue, though in reality represents being on the losing end of an arguement. Instead of discussing the physics of 9/11 and certain choices made in response by the then GW Bush regime (ie., immediate removal of WTC debris from NYC and shipped to China for recycling without conducting investigation, either for study of structural collapse for future engineering or for traces of thermite), the left gatekeeper cabal chooses to railroad anyone who disagrees with their "only blowback" coincidence theory into the mental institution of "racist conspiracy theorist" labels..

Way to go, great Stalin's ghost revival!!

(See, we told you those 9/11 truthseekers were crazy, now they believe in ghosts!!)

One questions the mathematics capability of the left gatekeepers when they would try to explain how two airplanes resulted in the collapse of three buildings, despite witnesses who attest that WTC Building Seven was untouched by the crash and was then also collapsed later than day, convieniently containing rooms filled with CIA records of who knows what by now..

some background on WTC Building 7;

On 9/11 a THIRD Skyscraper Plunged to Earth:

The Sudden Implosion of WTC Building 7

By David R. Kimball

July 30, 2005

“It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth … For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.”

-- Patrick Henry

“The important thing is to never stop questioning.”

-- Albert Einstein

Everyone remembers the Twin Towers exploding at 9:59AM and 10:28AM EDT on September 11, 2001. Comparatively few people can recall that there was a third massive skyscraper, also a part of the World Trade Center, which fell very rapidly to the ground on that day. This was World Trade Center Building 7.1

One reason that few remember WTC Building 7’s collapse is that after September 11th it has been treated, both in the media and in The 9/11 Commission Report, as if it didn’t happen.

“The total collapse of the third huge skyscraper late in the afternoon September 11th was reported as if it were an insignificant footnote... most people never saw video of Building 7’s collapse… Incredibly, it is virtually impossible to find any mention of Building 7 in newspapers, magazines, or broadcast media reports after September 11th.” 2

“The Commission avoids another embarrassing problem – explaining how WTC 7 could have collapsed, also virtually at free-fall speed – by simply not mentioning the collapse of this building.” 3

The collapse of Building 7 at 5:20PM EDT was in itself a major event; the sudden and unexplained fall to earth of a 47-story steel-framed skyscraper is certainly news. Why has there been almost no mention of this in the U.S. media, and why was there no mention of Building 7’s collapse in The 9/11 Commission Report? These are questions of great significance, and they cry out for answers. To be able to approach any kind of explanation, however, first some pertinent and verified facts of the Building 7 aspect of 9/11 need to be scrutinized.

The following eleven facts have been compiled from the research of reputable sources – those who have dared to question and have devoted innumerable hours into discovering what really happened on 9/11.

FACT 1: WTC Building 7 was one of the largest buildings in downtown Manhattan. It was 47 stories tall, about half the height of the Towers, and took up an entire city block. It was 300 feet from the closest Twin Tower (the North Tower, WTC 1), and was a steel-framed, concrete structure.4

FACT 2: WTC Building 7 – on its 23rd floor – housed an Emergency Command Center for the City of New York that Mayor Rudolph Giuliani had built in the mid-1990’s. On the morning of September 11th, Mayor Giuliani did not go “to his Command Center – with its clear view of the Twin Towers – but to a makeshift, street-level headquarters at 75 Barkley Street.” WTC 7 also held the offices of numerous government agencies, including the Department of Defense, the CIA, the Secret Service, the IRS, and the Security and Exchange Commission.5 Late 2001 was the time of “the height of the investigation into Enron, so the majority of Enron’s SEC filings were likely destroyed when World Trade Center 7 came down.”6

FACT 3: WTC Building 7 was not hit by airplane or significant debris on September 11th. It had been evacuated after the planes hit the towers. By the afternoon of September 11th, there were a few small fires of unknown origin evident in the building, and these small fires could be seen in only a few of the hundreds and hundreds of windows in the building.7

FACT 4: On September 11, 2001, at 5:20PM, EDT, World Trade Center Building 7 suddenly and rapidly collapsed. Beginning with the penthouse, all 47 stories of it imploded into its own footprint in less than seven seconds. Three different videos of Building 7’s vertical collapse – two from CBS video broadcasts, and one from an NBC news camera – can be seen online at

FACT 5: On September 16th, NASA flew an airplane over the World Trade Center site, recorded infrared radiation coming from the ground, and created a thermal map. The U.S. Geological Survey analyzed this data, and determined the actual temperature of the rubble. This map shows that five days after the collapse of Building 7, the surface temperature of a section of its rubble was 1,341º F.8 This high a temperature is indicative of the use of explosives.

“WTC 7’s rubble pile continued to smolder for months.”9

FACT 6: Fire Engineering magazine is the 125-year-old paper-of-record of the fire engineering community. Bill Manning, editor-in-chief, wrote an Editor’s Opinion in the January, 2002 edition. His editorial, $elling Out the Investigation, pointed out that destruction of evidence – the hurried removal of rubble which should be examined by investigators – is illegal. He also issued a “call to action”. To quote excerpts:

“For more than three months, structural steel from the World Trade Center has been and continues to be cut up and sold for scrap. Crucial evidence that could answer many questions … is on the slow boat to China …”

“I have combed through our national standard for fire investigation, NFPA 921, but nowhere in it does one find an exemption allowing the destruction of evidence for buildings over 10 stories tall.”

“Fire Engineering has good reason to believe that the ‘official investigation’ blessed by FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] and run by the American Society of Civil Engineers is a half baked farce [emphasis mine] that may have already been commandeered by political forces whose primary interests, to put it mildly, lie far afield of full disclosure. Except for the marginal benefit obtained from a three-day, visual walk-through of evidence sites conducted by ASCE investigation committee members – described by one close source as a ‘tourist trip’ – no one’s checking evidence for anything.”

“The destruction and removal of evidence must stop immediately.”

“Firefighters, this is your call to action. …contact your representatives in Congress and officials in Washington and help us correct this problem immediately.” 10 11

FACT 7: In May of 2002, FEMA published their report #403 titled World Trade Center Building Performance Study. This report claims that the fires caused the building to collapse, but that the specifics of how this is supposed to have occurred “…remain unknown at this time.”12

FACT 8: The collapse of WTC Building 7 shows five characteristics of a controlled demolition:

It “dropped directly into its own footprint in a smooth, vertical motion”;

It “collapsed completely in less than seven seconds”;

“Dust streamed out of the upper floors of Building 7 early in its collapse”;

“WTC 7’s roof inverted toward its middle as the collapse progressed”; and

“WTC 7’s rubble was mostly confined to the block on which the building stood.”13

FACT 9: “Larry Silverstein is a rather large player within the realms of 21st Century real estate, finance, and politics.”14 He “…had taken out a long lease on the World Trade Center only six weeks before 9/11. In a PBS documentary entitled ‘America Rebuilds’, originally aired in September of 2002, Silverstein made the following statement about Building 7:

‘I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, “We’ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.” And they made that decision to pull, and we watched the building collapse.’” 15 16

FACT 10: “It is inconceivable that anyone could be running around placing explosives in exactly the right places all within seven hours. In fact, implosions take a minimum of two weeks and up to two months to plan and place the charges. The fire department of New York does not even train their personnel to do controlled demolition. They are done by highly skilled experienced specialists who plan and test far ahead.”17

FACT 11: “… [George W.] Bush’s brother, Marvin Bush, and his cousin, Wirt Walker III, were principles in the company [Stratesec, formerly named Securacom] that was in charge of security for the World Trade Center, with Walker being the CEO from 1999 until January 2002.”18

WTC Building 7 facts found @;

So many lives have been lost as a result of the first big lie, that our government had no knowledge of 9/11 attacks, and used this lie supported by other lies to invade and occupy the sovereign nations of Afghanistan and Iraq, winning their contracter lobbyists (Halliburton, Bechtel, etc...) billions in profits..

We will not stop questioning 9/11, regardless of the insults and attempts to stifle us coming from the left gatekeepers and their neocon bosses..
by Scott Snyder
I get so tired of hearing these same people droning on about our government being cognisant of an attack on our own soil. They might conspire on someone elses soil but surely they wouldn't harm our own citizens, would they? See for yourself.
Anarchists and Socialists don't like the "9/11 truthers", the "conspiracy theorists" the "9/11 deniers". They relish abusing them for foolishly trying to expose the crimes of the Bush Admin and affiliated insiders. So it sounds like the truthers better all just shut up and go back to doing what the anarchists and socialists want them to do.

That's how real democracies work, isn't it? 'If you don't fit in my box then I recommend you stop whatever it is you are interested in and shut up because you annoy me'?

More wisdom from the ever-self-destructive left fringe groups -- the "socialists", the "anarchists" and whatever else is the hip and supposedly ever-so-much-better-than-you group that knows just what everyone else in the world should be doing.

What's interesting is that the Greens have always supported a new investigation into 9/11 and have done so with integrity by both supporting 9/11 group events, while not directly claiming to support any particular agenda or theory. They are able to keep themselves from being discredited -- their public documents focus on family members who have continued to demand new investigations -- while also lending support when they can to those researching the attacks.

Mocking and trashing the people who were labeled with the yellow "conspiracy theorists" star by the Bush Admin lackeys; attacking them for the likely moles and discreditors installed or lured into their groups, and then explaining how "we know better" . . . wow, now there's a better world you're all set to "fight for" on here. . . I can't wait to experience it firsthand. Since your views have no space for "conspiracy theories" like false flags, you'll find yourselves knocked over in about 5 minutes. My guess is, indybay was knocked over awhile ago already . . . that's why the extremist animal lib stuff is protected so carefully.
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