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McCain Bomber of Lightbulb Factory Women Picks Enemy of Animals and Big Oil Pawn

by ARC
Perhaps after you read this file, you will feel as my friends and I feel, that Sarah Palin was fasttracked from a mayor's job in a 9000
resident town to the governor's chair, coached in everything she said or did, and prepared to be a neocon candidate on the national stage...all in 2 years time. Vote fraud could have defeated her Democratic opponent. All of this occurred as the neocon dominated FBI was investigating Senator Stevens. Certainly Murkowski defeated governor and Stevens had corrupt offices, but the orchestration of the chorus for Palin by oil prostitutes Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and others was it seems planned.
McCain picks prowar prodrilling BP connected moose slaying huntress as running mate.

Sarah Palin is a supporter of the violent illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Her husband is an employee of British Petroleum. Alaska and
the US government have allowed a foreign company to control
some of the oil in Alaska. BP as Anglo Iranian Oil with Churchill
bombed 9000 Iraqis to death in 1920 and BP is still involved in
Mosul and Basra.


While Sarah Palin supports the right to bear arms, those
who continue Cleveland Amory's mission support his
plan to 'arm bears'.


Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska
lifetime member of the NRA
and supporter of the brutal Iditarod
is the choice of John McCain. She
says she loves hunting and fishing, while adult males
between 18 and 34 have had a 33% decline in numbers of

Polar Bears
She calls environmentalists 'extreme environmentalists' and sued
to try to have the polar bear removed from the endangered
species list (both for BP and other Alaska polluters as well as for trophy seeking hunters).

Worldwide, the animal rights community has not received
a response from her in 2 years to the international wish
for an end to the helicopter aerial hunting of wolves by
trophy seeking serial killers of mammals . She set a $150 bounty
on wolves and she supports the continued slaughter of the
mammals from the skies. Wolves travel in extended family packs.
When one or several is shot, all are terrorized.

She has hunted for moose and guts them herself.
(gut: when a verb means to knife into an animal's body to eviscerate her). She eats mooseburgers (sandwiches
made of the drawn and quartered pieces of slain mammals).

The Suffering of Fish Suffocation Multiplied

Before she took office, she was owner of a commercial fishing
company. Her husband Todd continued to work as a commercial fisherman before taking a job with BP. Commercial fisheries are the chief drive behind
the clubbing of seals in Canada, Norway, and S Africa.
The killing of Pribilof Island seals was cancelled.

Ban Fur
Is Gov Palin is wearing the stolen skins of
1 or 2 murdered mammals in the 1st picture?

The 'free market capitalist' turns out to want government
support of animal agony.
Matanuska Maid Dairy Closure and abuse of cows
When on June 6, 2007, the Alaska Creamery Board recommended closing Matanuska Maid Dairy, an unprofitable state-owned business, Palin objected. The dairy received at least $600,000 of
stolen tax money that year.

Palin supports the brutal Iditarod dogsled race which
causes deaths by drowning, freezing, smashing, and many
other injuries to dogs.

While many states have banned the hunting of bears (most
recent victories have been in NJ and MD, the illegitimately
elected governor of Alaska is a supporter of bear murder.

Governor Palin advocates the rape of Alaska wilderness in ANWR for oil as well as offshore drilling, cut a wind farm from the state
budget while putting in a half billion for an oil company,
pushes the controversial pipeline, defeated a clean water measure


Tony Knowles was twice the popular Democratic governor of Alaska,
but was barred from a 3rd consecutive term. He was defeated
in his 2006 race perhaps
not by Sarah Palin but by vote fraud.

As aforementioned, Palin's husband is an employee of BP, a conflict
of interest.

Ms Palin was first suggested by Newt Gingrich, indicted for
corruption by the US Congress, a neocon warmonger who
while his wife was resting in the hospital after a cancer operation
told her he wanted a divorce.

The Alaska State Legislature has voted to investigate
Palin for abuse of power in the 2 following incidents:

A Palin staffer pressured a boss to fire state trooper Mike Wooten, who was locked in a child-custody battle with Palin's sister.

On July 11, 2008, Palin dismissed Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan ostensibly over state trooper vacancies, but
in actuality because he would not fire her ex brother in law.

The governor was flown to Dayton in the corporate jet of one of
the neocon backers of John McCain (such as jets of Rupert
Murdoch, Paxson, and Michael Bloomberg).

Was her 2nd son named Paxson (middle name) for the neocon
warmonger nominal Christian owner of Pax TV?

Gov Palin says she is for reduced govt. spending as she is on
a ticket which has illegally spent trillions in Iraq and

Her tasteless Vogue cover picture in 2007 was not appropriate
for a governor.


Ms Palin is a 'prolife' supporter of governmental murder, which
is called capital punishment. It is an ancient barbarism banned in
over 2/3 of the world.


It seems clear that the 'anticorruption' candidate is actually
the tool of big oil, one who defeated a bill which would
have taxed the windfall (pricegouging megathievery) profits
of BP and other oil companies operating in Alaska.

Alaskans pay more than $4 a gallon for gas while the
government of Alaska sells Alaskan oil to Japan and elsewhere.

Palin vetoed money for the 50 megawatt Fire Island wind project(as one would expect of someone whose husband
is employed by wind competitor BP.

She pushed a plan for the petroplutocrat company which
gets the pipeline license to receive half a billion dollars
for 'development'efforts. Much worse than any Teapot Dome
Scandal. This is the 'free market' capitalism she supports...
stealing taxes from the people to give to mega polluters.


Palin has only 2 years as a governor and a stint as a small town
mayor, a town with 9000 residents.


Palin defines herself as a 'free market' capitalist. Ms Palin,
there are no free markets anywhere as the US Commerce Dept,
FBI, and many other agencies promote the Fortune 500
around the world.


Civil rights has not been as much an
issue in Alaska as other states. Alaska's black population
is 3% (18,436) while that of the US is (36,000,000) 12% or higher, as of 2006. Yet, the smaller the percent, the harder the minority
has it.


Palin was forced by the Alaskan State Supreme Court order to
implement same-sex benefits into law under protest,


Her husband works in the oil business on the North
Slope. She is a supporter of the war in Iraq, has encouraged
her son to enlist for the war in Iraq. There is question
as to whether or not her 5th child is rather her grandson.
Alaska governor's reputed 2nd son may be her grandchild.


Palin is a member of the 'prolife' movement.

In the past she participated in the meat markets
known as state beauty contests.


Palin is the first governor since 1976 not to appoint a Native
American to the Alaska Board of Game.


In June 2007, Palin signed into law a $6.6 billion operating budget—the largest in Alaska's history.

She kept a state dairy at a cost of millions.

She cancelled a wind farm project but pushed .5 billion to
a huge oil company.

The 'free market conservative' proposed providing grants to electrical utilities.

Please tell us Sarah Palin
as the full moon was palin
How many women animals
have you been impalin?

How many
pregnant deer wombs
did you turn
into tombs?

With your prolife badge and
smoking rifle did you appear
terrorizing the gentle ones
as they ate gold pears.

How many bullets
'prolife' Sarah Palin
have you sent
innocent bears' cerebellums?

How many bones have you
left behind
for future palintologists?

As part of the Cheney Bush hunter lobby in neocon media,
Ted Nugent who calls himself that oxymoron a Christian bowhunter,
whose work is published by Lucianne Goldberg, coconspirator
with Linda Tripp, was scheduled on neocon tv.Aug 29 08

Neocon Wikipedia
of Jimmy Wales, partner of neocon Sergei Brin of Google.
Wikipedia did not allow animal rights additions to their
'democratically edited' page. Instead Wikipedia's Palin page
is full of warmongers' articles.
§Is Ms Palin wearing 1 or 2 murdered mammals?
by ARC
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