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Indybay Feature

Santa Cruz Tree-Sit, Call for Upstairs Guests

by SC Ground Support (smoochthesitters [at]
A message from the Young Forest of so-called “Santa Cruz,” more anciently and consistently known as “Makserehah” by the Amah Mutsun tribes that dwelled on these coasts for thousands of generations.
You may be needed here.

The steadfast and embattled tree village, begun last Autumn, is the only material/real barrier halting the UC Regents’ nefarious “Long Range Development Plan” (LRDP) that would destroy over 120 acres of forest, meadow, and chaparral on UC Santa Cruz’s Upper Campus. This development plan begins with an animal torture/ biomedical research lab on the site currently occupied by the persevering tree-sitters.

Though we stand strong, the Summer months approach - historically, a season when the UC takes advantage of the nearly empty campus and fewer watchful guardians to carry out their largest ecocidal acts.

In the Summer season, our coastlines and forested mountains are typically awash in well-intentioned travelers and eagerly-seeking-something creatures. We hope that some of them will find their way here, if given the news. So here’s the word, please answer it or pass it on as you so wish:

If your heart dwells with the forest and you wish to protect her, we can probably find a space for you here - especially if you’d like to live aloft for an extended season’s stay, but also if you have other gifts or experience to share.

A fertile resistance nurtured through the Summer will continue to keep the forest safe and the Regents stymied. Ha!

Please come find us up in the Makserehah Mountains (what the muggles call “Science Hill, University of California, Santa Cruz”) or send us an electronic missive and we’ll help you figure it out:

smoochthesitters [at]

“Rock and wave are good prophets. Wise are the wings of the gull, pleasant her song.”

Please be aware: This treesit action stands in solidarity, not competition, with all struggles to protect wild nature and a land-based way of life. Links to some in affinity are included below. Truly, we are resisting everywhere.

Long Range Resistance to UCSC’s LRDP:

Save the Oaks, Berkeley Tree Sit:

Humboldt County Forest Defense:
- Mattole Wildlands Defense
- Fern Gully Tree Sit
- Spooner Tree Sit

Students of D-Q University, California’s only Tribal College:

Save Coyote Valley:

Bear Mountain Tree Sit: (BC, Canada)
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by Dumbeldore
'Muggles?' Nice weaving of Harry Potter terminology into the tree sit lexicon.
by wild humboldter
I think it's funny, along with the use of star wars and lord of the rings terminology. I try to avoid categorizing people like that though because the line around political and spiritual belief are not usually clearly drawn and people change. On a reality based note, forest defenders I talk to here in Humboldt are in solidarity with the tree-sits in your region and hope they continue.
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