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Indybay Feature

Chronicle/Newsom Attack on Peskin: The Real Story

by Paul Hogarth via Beyond Chron
Friday, February 1, 2008 : According to yesterday’s SF Chronicle, one of Mayor Gavin Newsom’s Department Heads filed a complaint against Supervisor Aaron Peskin for making a threatening phone call at her home on August 22nd at 8:45 p.m. Too bad Peskin couldn’t have made that call – he was on a 22-day hiking trail and out of cell phone range.
But it raises a few questions: (1) how did the Chronicle get a confidential letter to the Department of Human Resources; and (2) how does a five-month old non-story become front-page news?

The answer is political retaliation. After Peskin raised issues with the Mayor’s recent Muni budget heist, the Board President has been on the receiving end of a week-long media firestorm. Last November, the Chronicle went after him when he dared criticize Newsom for leaving for Hawaii while the City was in an oil spill. The Chron is not averse to criticize the Mayor on his gaffes, but the attacks on Peskin seem timed to divert attention whenever Newsom’s in trouble.

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by dvrbuff
...Peskin doesn't deny making the calls, nor has he denied making similar calls in the past. So, please don't bother us with your 'he was on a hiking trip' rubbish and please try to avoid blaming the victim. The nature of Peskin's defenders say a lot about the little man.
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