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Building 606 points to a time and direction when things were done without any transparency

by Francisco Da Costa
There was a time when things were done with little accountability and less transparency. It started around 1996 when the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) to the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard was appointed by the then Mayor. The CAC prior to that was told to take a hike. Choice buildings were given to choice folks. Nancy Pelosi pretended to fight for the Artists - so their gift was a good dose of radiological and other toxic exposure. The SFPD was given given the spacious building 606 - with less Transparency - but a chance to go ballistic. Politics make strange bed fellows and today - we see it unfolding before our eyes much of it still un-transparent but all the signs of Karma - to show for it. Aho.
When Lennar BVHP LLC was given the chance to be the lead developer - this choice was NOT made by San Franciscans but by the ruling class of "thugs" most of whom live in Pacific Heights and in other classier neighborhoods - with an eye on "Land Banking".

From around 1996 when the demons from Sacramento were transfered to City Hall in Room 200 in San Francisco - all hell has been let loose. There has been wheeling and dealing behind close doors mostly - and now it has all come to bite - most of the "thugs" in the butt.

I have said it before and will say it one more time: " no good will ever come at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard".

No one can desecrate the Sacred Burial Grounds and thinks they can just make hay while the sun shines. It does not work like that. There is a kind of retribution that those that have lost their "moral compass" - find very difficult to comprehend. But, this time around they all will experience the real thing.

In the case of Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - it is all about greed.

Lennar Corporation is about greed and doing injustice to home owners. For years, Lennar has lied and played every dirty trick and that is what brought them to California and San Francisco.

If it was NOT for Willie L. Brown Jr. - his dire machinations - Lennar BVHP LLC would not stand a chance.

Just bring in Roy Willis and ask him - Willis came, he saw, he took his share - and bid adieu. He played the game and when his butt was about to be laid on hot coals - he took that one delightful flight to Alaska in Winter - better Alaska then Parcel A on Hunters Point and all the machinations!

Sophina Maxwell and others are wondering what is happening to Parcel A?.

Mayor Gavin Newsom - the poor guy has lost his marbles. Treasure Island is stinking and now with Parcel A in dire doldrums - poor Mayor Gavin Newsom does not know what to do.

You ain't seen anything yet. We all know that Lennar Stock and Shares are reduced to Junk Status. Yes, triple Junk Status and this is all that matter to drown the greedy corporation and send them down the precipice - into a stinking, putrid cesspool of their own making.

Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, other crooks - dubious in nature lick your chops and pray they are not hog chops - that is not kosher.

How can some policy making hogs be so cruel - to permit a Corporation like Lennar to with INTENT kill our children, slowly - and not have any conscience. Talk about a Holocaust - it is happening - right here in our back yard - in and around Parcel A.

For God's sake - the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is a Superfund Site. One of the ten worst in the Nation. I say one of five worst in the United States.

People talk about depleted Uranium - do a simple search of Depleted Uranium and you will find out where is was manufactured - and if you do not manage to stumble upon Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - you will be totally mistaken if not blind.

Hunters Point Naval Shipyard was and is a toxic cesspool.

And, when you see a cesspool you stay away from it. We all know - that thousands of animals were radiated and buried all over the place. We know of hundreds of large animals cows, horses too were radiated and buried all over Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - including Parcel A.

We know of sewer pipes contaminated with radiological elements. And we know of these cracked sewer pipes on Parcel A that have radiological elements - and how Tetra Tech long after - Parcel A was conveyed were call in - and asked to help with the clean up of Radiological Elements on Parcel A.

The City and County of San Francisco knows this but did not reveal it to the Public at large. Our Main Media has been sleeping and helping the thugs the Pelosis, the Blums, the Fishers.

We know that the Restoration Advisory Board - did not agree convey to Parcel A. has the Main Media - written about this fact. Did the Mayor mention this one single time - Mayor Gavin Newsom?

We, how ever know that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, so called Senator water-boarding Diane Feinstein, Willie L. Brown Jr, Sophina Maxwell, Linda Richardson, SF Redevelopment Commissioner Morales, others mostly jerks - including Mayor Gavin Newsom - wanted Parcel A badly - because some devil stated it was - "clean".

All of the above jerks wanted to develop a toxic, radiological infested, dirty polluted Naval Base - to make money at the expense of other human beings. This will NOT work - ever.

Let me state is very clearly - Parcel A is still "dirty" and what is more surrounded by even dirtier parcels. To think of Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - one must think Cumulative Pollution.

It is a shame we have morons as so called Legislators the type of Jake McGoldrick, Sophina Maxwell, Bevan Dufty, Aaron Peskin, Sean Elsbernd - despicable and idiotic to the point that they permit - blatant "racism" and "ignorance" to cloud their judgment.

How - could these vermin ever think of allowing Lennar BVHP LLC to continue polluting when all the evidence was brought before them. Those Supervisor that voted against the people - will go to their death beds - with blood on their hands.

Today, Susan Leal and those involved with the infrastructure are aiding and abetting Lennar BVHP LLC on Parcel A.

There is evidence that crushed Ultramaphic Serpentine Rock is all over the place- on Parcel A.

As the infrastructure is being laid - practically every single day there are exceedences when Asbestos Structures are registered - over the cap of 16,000 structures - Notice of Violations are issued - and the project is stopped - some what.

On some days there have been readings of over 60,000 structures per cubic meter. Reading of over 40,000 structures per cubic meter - on many more days.

We now have a contractor who is Irish in origin - working his men without proper safety gear and I hope his men - know sooner then later of Ultramaphic Serpentine Rock and the tons of it that were crushed and used as fill in.

Constant exposure will invite Cancer - and Cancer is death. Be warned.

Where is Doctor Rajiv Bahtia from the SF Health Department on this one? Where is Doctor Mitch Katz on this one? Where is Mayor Gavin Newsom on this one? Where is anyone on this one with a moral compass?

We keeping warning about hell - but these scum bags have an infinity to hell.

In the interim - ever since the head huncho representing Lennar Corporation visited San Francisco and some other projects in California - many Lennar follks that once held high positions - have been told to take a hike.

Most of them were not given a warning - the only person warning them was me.

Today, these laid off - fired folks - are high and dry. That is how the devil treats you - one day, he is laughing and smiling and the second day - he is foaming at the mouth trying to breath fire into your nostrils - and out the door you go.

Lennar BVHP LLC is very bad news. The foundation Lennar has laid on Parcel A and in San Francisco - stinks - to high heaven of the worst type of corruption.

The Disposition and Development Agreement linked to Parcel A - was agreed upon and incorporated were "rental units" for the community - Lennar VHP LLC - had those elements removed, through an amendment - because of dubious reasons.

The SF Board of Supervisors agreed to this crap. To this day most of the SF BOS agree to back Lennar especially those that took blood money from Lennar BVP LLC. Two among the many Sophina Maxwell and Aaron Peskin - scum bags.

Remember, Lennar did not pay one single dollar for the land - remember, the SF Redevelopment Agency under Marcia Rosen - handed millions of dollars to Lennar BVHP LLC.

The tax payers knows little if nothing about these transactions - as the day comes near - and as many will be called to testify in Court - the corrupt folks are jumping ship - Marcia Rosen is history, Jessie is going, and others will follow in droves.

SF Redevelopment Agency has been a place where all the devil go to - to do their evil work - the former acting director of the Building Inspection has made her abode at the SFRA - and many more.

All this under the watchful eye of Jessie Blout and Mayor Gavin Newsom - two suspects that we are watching - as the depositions in Court linked to the Lennar Discrimination Case - get deeper and the culprits find themselves sitting on very hot coals.

Mayor Gavin Newsom - will NOT have peace - not one single day - as long as he condones the slow death of our children.

Not one single day - will the rascal be sleeping in peace - he will be turning and tossing in bed - experiencing the worst qualms of conscience - because, he has lied and done all in his power - to aid and abet the DEVIL himself.

Some, may think very harsh words - but I tell you - it is the truth and when you speak the truth - it hurts but some one must say it and say it and spell it out - as it ought to be spelled out.

Kudos to the San Francisco, Board of Education and especially Eric Mar for taking the lead , listening to the community and putting forward a detail, first class resolution. This resolution was voted unanimously by the SF Board of Education.

The resolution called to stop the project on Parcel A operated by Lennar BVHP LLC and test our children. Judging from the thousands of hits on this topic - the world now knows - NOT to do business with Lennar BVHP LLC.

Our Mayor Gavin Newsom clouded by ignorance and fed half-truths by his crones has fallen in a trap of this own making. Every single day he fails to recognize the truth - he sinks -
deeper and deeper and his has four more years of real trauma in the making.

The SF Police Department with intent chose building 606 and anyway - any one looks at it - made a wrong choice. The sooner SFPD cuts its losses - especially linked to the personnel working on the polluted Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - the better.

There is Karma - and what goes around comes around.

This time - Karma - has laid its hands and claws on those that have chosen to be demonic in their behavior, satanic is their speaking, dubious in nature - and for sure with no moral compass.

Those, invisible radiological elements, the depleted uranium and tons of it - heavy metals, toxic dust, Asbestos Structures - will get your asses and all because you devils deserve it.

Those that harm our children - will suffer a million fold - and I am not kidding.

Call: 1.866.475.6907

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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