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Indybay Feature

CFJC Farm Bill Update - Still Time to Speak Up

by California Food & Justice Coalition
Gridlock in the Senate
Senate Leaders Working on a Compromise
(Thanks to the Community Food Security Coalition)
California Food & Justice Coalition

:: Farm Bill Update ­ Still Time to Speak Up::

Gridlock in the Senate
Senate Leaders Working on a Compromise
(Thanks to the Community Food Security Coalition)

The Farm Bill began on the floor of the Senate this week, but debate never
really got off the ground due to partisan bickering over the procedure for
offering amendments. Majority Leader Reid (D-NV), citing time constraints
due to the approaching holiday season and an otherwise full agenda, proposed
limiting the debate to amendments that are directly relevant to the Farm
Bill. Minority Leader McConnell (R-KY) and other Republicans are worried
that certain amendments they support would be excluded, such as the
potential reform or removal of the estate tax ­ which, if passed, could do
significant harm to small and beginning farmers by driving up the cost of
land. A Reid spokesperson said Wednesday that the Majority Leader is trying
to negotiate a list of allowed amendments with Sen. McConnell, to include
five or six from each side. Reports from Farm Policy, Nov. 8th say that Reid might try
to force action by filing for a vote that would end debate and move directly
to consideration of the Dorgan-Grassley amendment. To do this, Reid would
need support from 60 out of the 100 Senators.

Amendment Developments
83 Amendments and Counting. On Friday, Chairman Harkin released a list of 83
amendments that had been submitted by 5:00 pm on Thursday. Notably absent is
the Lugar-Lautenberg amendment, which reforms commodity programs and adds
funds to the food stamp and nutrition programs, though a Lugar aide said
that an agreement for its consideration is being reached.

:::: CFJC and many of our partners and allies have been rallying behind the
Dorgan-Grassley Payment Limits Amendment that would limit payments to
$250K/year, close loop holes that allow corporations to receive
mega-payments and direct $1.15 billion in savings to conservation, beginning
farmer, rural development, and nutrition programs ­ including $50 million
for Community Food Projects from 2012-2017, making the future of this
important program much more secure.

Since a vote could come as early as Tuesday of this week, it is still
important to call your Senators and ask them to vote FOR the Dorgan-Grassley
Use these numbers to call. Get Call Script and Sample letter at
Senator Dianne Feinstein Phone: 202-224-3841 Fax: 202-228-3954
Senator Barbara Boxer Phone: 202-224-3553 Fax: 202-228-2382

:::: Food Safety Standards. An amendment sponsored by Senator Feinstein
(D-CA) has been introduced that would implement uniform food safety growing
standards in response to past E. coli outbreaks among bagged leafy greens.
The Community Alliance with Family Farmers and other groups are worried
about the heavy use of pesticides advocated in the standards and fear that
small scale, family vegetable growing operations will be hurt.

:::: Senator Harkin has said that he plans to offer an amendment to
establish national nutrition standards for foods and beverages sold out of
vending machines, school stores, and other venues outside of the school meal
programs to be implemented by July 1, 2011.

Administration Issues Veto Threat
Though debate on the Farm Bill has not truly begun in the Senate, the Bush
administration issued a veto threat on Monday, Nov. 5. The administration
and Acting Agriculture Secretary Chuck Conner claim to oppose the bill in
part because of the ways it is funded, and also because they want to see
stricter payment limitations and less spending overall. However, Senator
Grassley (R-IA) wagers that ³The Senate is likely to approve its $288
billion farm bill with more than enough votes to overcome a presidential

Become a CFSC Member or Donor!
For the last year CFJC has been organizing to build support for local and
just food systems in the 2007 farm bill. Through hosting community trainings
& meetings, coordinating grassroots advocacy and sending out timely alerts
and updates we¹ve helped you and others advocate for the issues you care
about in the 2007 Farm Bill.

If you value the work we do, please consider becoming a member, renewing
your membership or making a donating to CFJC at . Your participation and
donation in any amount helps build a stronger coalition for food justice in
California. Thank you for your support!

Food News

In the News
On the Farm Bill: Beltway's 'Green Acres'

On the Farm Bill: Farm subsidies help few, harm many: Effects felt here
and in Africa

Weed it and Reap
The New York Times by Michael Pollan

A farmer tries to 'do the right thing
Baltimore Sun by Ted Shelsby

Cotton and Conscience
Washington Post by Michael Gerson

Why Our Farm Policy Is Failing
Time Magazine by Michael Grunwald

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The California Food and Justice Coalition is a statewide membership
coalition committed to
the basic human right to healthy food while advancing social, agricultural
and environmental justice.
We are partners of the national Community Food Security Coalition, and
collaborate with
community-based efforts in California working to create a socially just,
and economically sustainable food supply. We envision a California food
system in which all activities,
from farm to table, are equitable, healthful, regenerative, and

California Food and Justice Coalition c/o CFSC
P.O. Box 209, Venice, CA 90294 ® 310-822-5410 ® FAX 310-822-1440
email: info [at]
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