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Mayor Gavin Newsom is a hypocrite if indeed there was one linked to Parcel A

by Francisco Da Costa
Mayor Gavin Newsom does not have the guts - as any man would do - to sit down and have a meaningful dialog about Parcel A. He loves to lock the door to Room 200 at City Hall and then behind closed doors make pretend that he is some hero. Of all the Mayors that City Hall has had - the one that stands out as a SISSY is Mayor Gavin Newsom. Calling Minister Christopher Muhammad a hypocrite without justification - is uncalled for - and can only come only from a Racist like Mayor Gavin Newsom.
We, the residents and advocates of San Francisco held a Press Conference on the steps of City Hall on October 9, 2007. It was well attended and we had diverse speakers and they all spoke from the heart.

The Press Conference was called to first announce to the world that we appreciated the efforts, the understanding and the unanimous vote of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors - agreeing with the residents of the Bayview Hunters Point linked to the issues on Parcel A at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

We requested the SF Board of Supervisors to first halt the project on Parcel A and second to test the children and others adversely impacted by Lennar BVHP LLC.

San Franciscans are grateful and very appreciative that the SF Board of Supervisor saw through the machinations of Mayor Gavin Newsom, the SF Redevelopment Agency, the other cronies that are controlled by Mayor Gavin Newsom - the SF Board of Education voted unanimously in favor of the residents of Bayview Hunters Point.

For four months Lennar BVHP LLC bombarded the community with toxic dust and Asbestos Structures. Added to the dust were radiological elements.

The SF Health Department did nothing, the Environmental Protection Agency did nothing, the Agency for Toxic , Substances and Disease Control did nothing, Mayor Gavin Newsom did nothing for months on end.

These agencies and corrupt folks did nothing mostly because the children and elders were of color. But, they also looked the other way because of hypocrites like Mayor Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, and Diane Feinstein. Others like Marcia Rosen, Jessie Blout, and I can name a few more but it would do no good.

The hypocrite standing out is Mayor Gavin Newsom.

Now, several schools in the area were NOT provided with Dust Monitoring Equipment and Asbestos Monitoring Equipment. Any sound Health and Safety protocol would have mandated this protocol. This is a CRIME and one crying for help from heaven. Why permit innocent children to suffer?

One of the schools adversely impacted was the Muhammad University at 195 Kiska Road. Since this school was twenty feet away from Parcel A and the project - for sure this school should have had Dust Monitoring Equipment and Asbestos Monitoring Equipment from day one.

This did not happen. Why? Did Mayor Gavin Newsom know about it? Yes. Did Jessie Blout know about this? Yes? Did Dr. Mitch Katz know about this? Yes. Did Marcia Rosen know about this? Yes.

Now, Mayor Gavin Newsom is pissed off - he is pissed off at the SF Board of Education for voting right and for the people.

He is calling Minister Christopher Muhammad a "hypocrite" according to one Pat Murphy the Editor of the SF Sentinel. This is a shame.

Accusing Minister Christopher Muhammad of NOT moving the children to a safer place. Now, Mayor Gavin Newsom and his cohorts with intent bombarded the community and the children at Muhammad University. Mayor Gavin Newsom does not pause to answer this question.

If there is one "hypocrite " in our City and County of San Francisco it is Mayor Gavin Newsom. He is not only a hypocrite but a Racist. Yes, a racist of the highest caliber.

I challenge him to debate me - and I will expose him once in and for all.

How can anyone knowingly permit children - mostly of color to suffer for months as Gavin Newsom did when Lennar BVHP LLC did not follow stringent Asbestos and Dust monitoring protocols?

Did not follow Article 31 of the SF Health Department to which Mayor Gavin Newsom and his cronies like Jessie Blout were a party to.

Today, Mayor Gavin Newsom has permitted with intent to cite over 46,684 poor people in San Francisco - just because they are poor.

Today, Mayor Gavin Newsom and his City Departments have spent about $8 million rounding up
poor people and treating poor people and some of them families like dirt. This is wrong.

Now, such actions could only come from a HYPOCRITE.

San Francisco is compassionate and is named after Saint Francis Assisi. Dogs in San Francisco are treated better then poor in the shelters and else where. The Single Residential Occupancy (SROs) are a Health and Safety issue. Daily hundreds are suffering and abused - under the watchful eye of Mayor Gavin Newsom.

Care not Cash is not working. Lennar BVHP LLC is a rogue company and must go.

Only a hypocrite like Mayor Gavin Newsom could back such a rogue company.

Lennar Corporation stock has fallen to a all time low. Thousands of court case against Lennar Corporation all over this Nation. Yet, Mayor Gavin Newsom is in bed with this corrupt company.

Lennar will fall down and with its demise - Mayor Gavin Newsom will have to lick his chops.

Can you imagine the "hypocrite" Mayor Gavin Newsom has NOT said one word about our children that have been suffering because of the adverse impacts from Lennar BVHP LLC?

But, the hypocrite has been spreading rumors about Minister Christopher Muhammad telling lies that Minister Christopher Muhammad wants $2 million dollars.

Let me tell you I know Minister Christopher Muhammad and we will not put a sum of $2 million and agree that the suffering of our children and slow death is fine. No, $2 million can compensate for the suffering of our children - let alone one nose bleed.

Let be bold to say NO sum of money can equate to the suffering of one single child that has been impacted by Lennar BVHP LLC. Let this statement be very clear. Let this statement be very, very clear. Let the Board of Director from Lennar Corporation read this statement again, and again. Let Kofi Bonner read this statement. Let the City Attorney read this statement. Now, let the hypocrite, Mayor Gavin Newsom read this statement.

It is for this reason we want Lennar VBHP LLC out of our community - NOW.

Mayor Gavin Newsom you can take the money and shove it - you know where. And stop spreading rumors.

Now, finally you dropped your pants with intent several times and screwed you best friend's wife.
Now, you did that and admitted that - and for you you to throw stones at others is uncalled for.

The least you "hypocrite" could have done is backed our children and tested them.

This City has a $6 billion dollar budget. The SF Health Department has a $1 billion dollar budget plus and yet NOT one one child has been tested. Go figure.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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