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SEIU hears from the staff at La Raza Centro Legal

by La Raza Centro Legal
June 27, 2007

Service Employees International Union

Andrew Stern, International President
Anna Burger, International Secretary-Treasurer
Mary Kay Henry, Executive Vice President
Gerry Hudson, Executive Vice President
Eliseo Medina, Executive Vice President
Tom Woodruff, Executive Vice President

1800 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20036

RE: We oppose our International Union’s support of the Senate immigration bill.
Dear Brothers and Sisters of SEIU:

We are writing as members of SEIU Local 1021 to declare our outrage over your support of the immigration reform bill currently pending in the US Senate. Please be informed that you do not represent us when you support this human rights abomination.

The Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007, Senate bill 1639, will separate families, implement an exploitative guestworker program, cause more suffering and deaths at the border, and deny immigrants basic due process rights. Moreover, the bill provides no realistic way for the vast majority of undocumented immigrants to gain permanent legal status. This bill moves away from a permanent, family-based immigration system toward a temporary employment system. As an immigrant rights organization, we cannot in good conscience support it. And we are appalled that our International Union would even consider supporting it, especially without consulting us.

We join the majority of immigrant rights organizations across the country, as well as the AFL/CIO and SEIU 1021 (formerly 790) in denouncing temporary worker programs and the further criminalization of our communities.

We urge you to retract your support for Senate bill 1639 and join us in organizing immigrant workers and rank-and-file members in order to achieve a fair and just immigration reform law.


The staff of La Raza Centro Legal, San Francisco

Cc: Senate leaders
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
SEIU, Local 1021
Various press outlets
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