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Indybay Feature

Tree-Sits in Berkeley to Save Oaks

by immediate release
Activists Take to the Trees to Defend Oak Grove

Berkeley, CA -In early morning hours of Saturday, December 2, one University of California (UC) student and at least 2 local residents, including former mayoral candidate Zachary Running Wolf, climbed and occupied trees in a grove of Oaks that UC plans to cut down.


For Immediate Release
Contact: Zachary Running Wolf (cell in the tree) (469) 544-9756

Activists Take to the Trees to Defend Oak Grove

Berkeley, CA -In early morning hours of Saturday, December 2, one University of California (UC) student and at least 2 local residents, including former mayoral candidate Zachary Running Wolf, climbed and occupied trees in a grove of Oaks that UC plans to cut down. UC is planning destroy this majestic grove in order to build a parking lot and sports training facility. This unique eco-system, the last grove of coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) in the Berkeley lowlands, is protected by municipal code. However, UC, the largest landowner in Berkeley, claims they do not have to obey city laws and codes.

The California Native Plant Society said “This site is of great value as a gene bank for Coast Live Oak.” Environmentally this area is important habitat for a myriad of different species that have been pushed out of their nearby oak woodland habitat by development, primarily due to UC expansion. With the ongoing devastation from Sudden Oak Death Syndrome keeping this grove intact becomes even more important.

This tree-sit action is being taken after the university ignored the concerns of residents, students, scientists, the Berkeley City Council and many others. Community members have, for years, been frustrated by the University’s apparent disdain for citizen input and local opinion. “Having old trees and open spaces is important to the health of our community and children. I just don’t see how an institution supposedly dedicated to teaching good stewardship of the earth could even suggest cutting these trees.” said local resident Danielle Chase.

The planned cutting of the precious oaks has brought hundreds of alarmed local residents and university students to speak out against this destruction and degradation of local wilderness. After exhausting many other avenues, Running Wolf decided to take direct action because UC is stonewalling community, student and even City of Berkeley efforts to find workable solutions. “I’m not coming down until these trees are protected.” said tree-sitter Running Wolf.

The tree occupation is ongoing, located between Piedmont Avenue and Memorial Stadium on the UC campus. For more information and to speak to the tree-sitters directly call (469)-544-9756.

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by Grounds and Building Committee
Regents Vote:

The UC Regents will vote of the plan to cut the oaks Tuesday, Dec 5th, 4:30pm at UC San Francisco - Mission Bay Campus. Please ATTEND or Call a Regent.

The Following Regents sit on the Grounds and Building Committee:

Stephen Schreiner 619-231-0303
Joanne Kozberg 310-843-9600
Maria Ledesma 310-206-4416
Odessa Johnson 209-521-0887
Fred Ruiz 800-477-6474

The UC Mission Bay Campus is in the area of the intersection of 3rd and 16th Street in San Francisco.
by UC Berkeley’s PR spin

Why 3 small “replacement” trees can’t replace
an ecosystem

The cornerstone of UC Berkeley’s PR spin on the oaks is to talk about replacing each mature oak with 3 oak sapplings. But the Memorial Oak Grove is a complex Coast Live Oak ecosystem. Killing the existing trees would decimate that established ecosystem.

Furthermore, careful analysis of the “3 for 1” replacement scheme reveals how totally in-effective the replacement proposal is. For instance, one large Oak trees can have over 100,000 leaves in it’s canopy habitat area, while UC’s small replacement saplings would typically only have around 100 leaves. These native oaks can provide habitat for hundreds of animal and insect species. So just in terms of the Biomass of a tree that provides habitat, three small trees is nowhere near as valuable as one mature oak.

Native California Oak woodlands are a crucial component of our natural environment, supporting higher levels of bio-diversity than any other terrestrial ecosystem in California. Over 300 vertebrates and thousands of other plant and insect species depend on California Oak woodland ecosystems for their survival.
by Berkeleyite
Do you realize that there are TENS OF THOUSANDS of trees in Berkeley and the UC campus? Taking down three or four dozen oak trees will have absolutely no environmental impact.

It's ridiculous to talk about "biodiversity" and "high levels of biodiversity" in reference to this oak grove. What animals does it actually harbor? Squirrells and deer? Squirrells are quite plentiful all over campus, deer are an urban nuisance. You're talking about a narrrow grove along a city street that was planted a century ago on mostly bare land , not some primeval virgin forest ecosystem that is being clearcut like those greedy b*****s have done in the Headwaters.
by Tia
Its not ridiculous. Oaks are dying all over California. A healthy ancient grove is a rarity.

To the organizers- I participated in an action like this a few years ago- I brought a team of girl scouts in full uniform to the hearing. As we walked in, the developers were heard to say "Holy shit. They brought in the girl scouts".

Get little kids involved- it worked for us. Have them present sappy tree poetry and drawings to the university. Its great press.
by Kory Turnbull
It's like covering over a cancer with make-up to destroy a natural grove of adult trees to build over it and then say it's okay because we're going to plant more trees. Why can't UC just build on top of the buildings already there? It's generally not pretty to build up but that is in the eye of the beholder and if the beholder knows that he's looking at a building built in order to save a precious grove of trees, he/she shall see beauty.
Also, why not build where they're planning on planting the other trees? Or better yet, build upward and plant the other trees also. With continued short-sightedness we all might not ever get to see those new trees become adults! I'd hate to think that a grove of trees might be destroyed because some administrator will have his feelings hurt if his plan is scrapped.
by Berkeleyite
There are thousands of acres of healthy groves just on the UC campus alone! Have you ever been up to Strawberry Canyon? Tilden? Briones? The estimated oak population in CA is in the millions.

I STRONGLY agree that the State and other communities should do every thing in their power to preserve the health of the tree population, but please do not overstate the importance of the trees by the stadium. At least have the honesty to not lie about the real environmental impact of reducing the number of trees by the roadside, it is NIL!

You don't live there, or use the area. Students, faculty and football fans do. The athletic facilities are sorely needed and crucial to the future of university. I am sure most of yuo have a strong cultural disdain for the football program, but tens of thousands of Cal students, alumni and fans don't.

You are so dogmatized and short-sighted as to turn three dozen trees in a dense urban area into a sort of Headwaters. This is so misguided, your preservation efforts are sorely needed elsewhere. You have become tools of the millionaire NIMBYist who live in the hills above the stadium and have started this campaign.
by Kory Turnbull
Is Destruction of said oak trees the result of subliminal conditioning of future leaders with the end result of the eventual domination of the world by a shadow government? Think about this, do you remember being a child and your parents lying to you. You knew they were lying in that way children have to know these things. You wished not to believe it but in your mind you knew. It was inescapable and someday you too would lie to your children in the same way. Probably not even realizing why you would do it. Well, when the decision makers at UCbezerkley go ahead and raze the trees, in the backs of the minds of many of the students whose little minds are so busy consciously absorbing all manner of curicula some more deeper darker information is being absorbed. And perhaps someday when the fate of nations or the world is in their hands it will manifest itself in the complete disregard for the thoughts and minds of the many and do what it will seemingly devoid of conscious thought of circumstances. For deep within the psyche of every student at UCbezerkley is the memory of the sixties ands what was fought for and won by the students then and is being so thoughtlessly and perhaps spitefully cast aside by the power structure of today. In their spirit of 'you thumbed your noses at us then, so now we will thumb our noses at you' they may be dooming us to a world where nothing will ever get truly better, but will only look artificially rosy before the rug is pulled out from under our feet yet again.
A college devoid of respect for nature can churn out corporate shills programmed for thoughtless domination over the powerless but a forest can provide the serenity to grow a pliable mind into a sage of peace and understanding. So, put in benches and make the forest an outdoor classroom to be shared for the benefit of all mankind.
by Berkeleyite
Are you really reducing the legacy of the 1960s protest to the 38 trees by the stadium?!? Aren't there more relevant issues today that merit your attntion (Darfur, Iraq etc)?

It would also be a mistake to reduce environmental issues to the three dozen trees. The fact is there are THOUSANDS of trees that are going to be removed (eucalyptus groves, deemed inferior) just east if the stadium, and the area after the remodel will add more green areas around the stadium.

How will you own psyche be affected if dozens of students and staff end up dying from the next big earthquake because they are using a very unsafe structure every day? The oak grove will be partially cleared to move those people whose life is at risk to safer grounds.

"A college devoid of respect for nature can churn out corporate shills programmed for thoughtless domination over the powerless"

Would you prefer a college that is devoid of respect for the human life and safety of its students?

by Ariel Satyr DeHaviland (the-lotus-born [at]
Hey this is Ariel the one who got arrested for "Tree Sitting". I was arrested not just ONCE but TWICE. I spent time in Santa Rita Jail & let me tell you it was one of the worst experiences of my life. I was torchered & abused repeatedly. How is it that a person who fights for the "Good" is put down & shamed when the "Evil" people always seem to win. I am totally against the war & the facist Bush Regime. Am I the only one that notices we are living in the next Nazi Germany? But this is even worse!! Bush has killed & torchered more people than Hitler ever did. He is experimenting on people like me too. New forms of torcher devices tactics are being used. I was thrown in a cell the first time I was arrested with no clothes on in a bone chilling room to shiver & shake all night long with no sleep wishing to God they would quit their evil ways but they didn't, no they continued to laugh at me & call me a "Tree Hugger" & telling me how they were going to level all those tree & what was I going to do when they came with chain saws. This is a sickness. An absolute evil. What are you going to tell your children when they have no world to live in because of your selfish greed? Do you think the Earth is dead & you could just steal whatever you like from her with no consiquences??? WTF?? You people claim to know Jesus & be Christian but I can tell you honestly I know the secrets behind Christianity & the Illuminati & how Christ was killed & condemed by the same people who formed his religion later to enslave the minds of the masses. Giving the example that if you acted as a healer & lover you would end up torchered & abused to fuck & hung up on a cross with nails through your hands & feet. Let me tell you Illuminati I am VERY wise to your plans for your New World Order & may think you can break me down but you fucking can't. This is an all out WAR & it is all about EARTH FIRST before you fucks destroy the planet with your greed. RAPER! MURDER! TORCHER! Greedy fuck. I am raising an ARMY & we will crush you, you stupid insensitve fucks. If you try to crucify me I beat your fucking head in. I am a Lion of Judah not some pussy hippy. Yeah we tried that Peace & Love shit back in the 60's & we see how that ended up. This is the Manson Family era. All my brothers & sisters you keep throwing in jail for stupid shit like taking drugs or selling drugs. We should all be able to do as we will especially if it is only harming ourselves. The only reason you stick a poor man in jail for drugs is because you ain't gettin no money out of it, so you want a piece of the action. Yeah we all know the Mafia runs the govt. Rich people ain't ever gonna goto jail over drugs!! They might get caught but they got the money for the hot shot lawyers & they just bounce. A poor black man or a homeless fuck like me does serious time. Man, I am sick of this facist shit! I am about to turn your fucking pyramid upside-down. I am a Thelemite not a dumb ass Christian mind washed fuck. LOVE IS THE LAW!! LOVE UNDER WILL!! EVER MAN & EVERY WOMAN IS A STAR!! I AM A GOD OF WAR & VENGENCE!! Yeah I spit in your face PIG & I will tear out your fucking throat next time you fuck with me bitch! You think your Gestapo Bullshit is going to keep me down? "I may be a Black Magician but I'm a BLOODY GOOD ONE!!'"-Aleister Crowley. I am Magician & I will crush you with the Jedi Mind!
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