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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

SF events 8.22 Support Lt. Watada

by resist
resist unjust wars
Tuesday Aug 22 on
9AM California Woman Suffrage Exhibit
6PM Free Bookmaking/Zine Workshop
7PM ANSWER Activist Meeting: Eyewitness Iran
7PM SF Sept 21 Vigil Plan Mtg: Decl of Peace/ Intl...
Wednesday Aug 23
5PM Youth Can't Wait: to Drive Out the Bush regime
6PM Protest/Leaflet Ringling Bros. Circus in San Jose...
6PM Free Eco Film Night: The Power of Community-How...
6PM Protest/Leaflet Ringling Bros. Circus in San Jose...

The Science of Climate Change:

"Deforestation accounts for about half of the human releases of carbon
dioxide, one of the major causes of global warming." Derrick Jensen and
George Draffan in Strangely Like War. Originally from Nigel Sizer's
"PERVERSE HABITS", World Resources Institute Forest Notes, June 2000, p.2.

U.S. federal judge rules warrantless wiretapping unconstitutional

California Redwoods Being Cut Along Russian River NOW
Did you see in the LA Times this weekend that the Bohemian Club in
Monte Rio is cutting down their old growth redwoods along the
Russian River. Apparently they have alot of redwoods along the
river and up the hills just inland from Monte Rio. They are already
cutting them down and causing clearcuts along the trails.
I tried to drive into the Bohemian Grove about 2 or 3 years ago,
but they have many threatening signs along their private road so
I eventually turned back. Did not see any people.
*Arnold has a miserable record on enviro, labor, and taking money
from business to sell us out. NOW he is trying to get the votes
of the dummies who have not been following his record for the
last 3 years.

Operation Condor
the united states has long been a supporter of terrorism and terrorists

Watch what happens when new money seriously funds new media
Camelot 2 Is Coming: K Street Money Moves

Iraq now importing Oil - thanks Mr. President

Why Mike Ruppert Moved to Venezuela

US Interventions (with test)

COPS on the Playa - READ THIS!!

undercover cops CAN and WILL lie to protect their VERY

you are NOT allowed to do ANYTHING illegal on the Playa. would you do
it on the streets of your own town - out in the open? (Hollywood and
Amsterdam not included) the Playa is a city - in America.

*don't forget this*

if you do so much as light up (even in the middle of the open playa -
they use nightscopes now - NOT kidding) or you serve someone who is
UNDERAGE are running the risk of being ticketed.

in order for you to stay at the event, you'll have to pay the ticket
at the makeshift jail next to the Airport where they fingerprint AND
photograph you. if you cannot pay or you don't have a friend who
will, you have to leave the Playa. NO EXCEPTIONS.

also, you need to carry your IDENTIFICATION on your person at ALL
times. imagine this (my friend had this happen): you get ticketed but
they need your ID. well, you've got handcuffs on and can't open your
cardoor to get your I.D. out of the glove compartment. also, they're
not really sure...if they took the cuffs off...would you freak out or
run away? well, of course, the law is MORE than happy to help out.

they open your glove compartment and find a big bag of mushrooms!! oh
shit. now you have a ticket for possession AND ALSO for intent to
distribute. now you're super fucked!! if only you would have used
your head.

sooo...if ANYONE asks you for drugs on the Playa...take a step back
and at the top of your lungs yell, "HEY EVERYONE...this person is
either STUPID or he's a NARC. stay away from him - he just asked me
for drugs!!" if they're just stupid - they will learn a lesson. if
it's a NARC - at least people know to avoid them in the area or they
might be watched by this person. even TRADING drugs is illegal...FYI.

the cops DO serve a purpose on the Playa, they can save your ass.
they caught a rapist last year who fled into a nearby camp. they keep
the peace and they follow the rules - THEY ARE JUST DOING THEIR JOBS.
be nice to them.

shut your RV door - they have to ask permission to enter. zip your
tent up - same rule applies. if they smell marijuana, they have
probable cause to enter without your permission, although it's more
difficult to do as they need to get a warrant. you don't have to let
them in without one.

you have the right to resist a search politely. you can say, "i'm
sorry but i never consent to any searches." whether or not you have
anything on your person, it's your right to say NO. they can get a
warrant and make you consent to a search, but it takes alot of time
and if you're nice to them, they'll probably leave you alone.

if your friend gets hassled, keep your mouth shut. don't interfere
because you can get ticketed for that, too. if you're caught with
something, don't say anything to incriminate yourself. ask for a
lawyer if you think you might need one. tickets aren't too horribly
expensive - $250 to $550 unless they arrest you, then it's more
because there's usually bail involved and for that they'll take you
into Reno for the night.

LISTEN UP PEOPLE - they drive Art Cars, for chrissakes!! they're Hot
Little Burner Chicks and they're dressed up in costumes. they've been
doing this FOR YEARS - and they probably have better costumes than
YOU do.

don't be a fucking idiot. don't party with people you don't already
know. they can befriend you, get some good info from you and arrest
you hours later. they can do drugs with you legally, and send the
cops to cuff you when you part company. they CAN and they WILL. don't
think you can "get away with it" because they're everywhere.

when you see them, say HI. if you have a BM trinket that you think
they might like (they all want trinkets from BM to give their friends
- it's a privilege to work at BM ;o) offer them one. they might offer
you a cool BLM blinky-pin. don't be a dick because you'll make it
worse for the rest of us. use your head, be very POLITE when you see
them, and remember they're just doing their might make it
easier for the rest of us.

if they think of us more as humans instead of "Burners" they might
get a little lazy and not be so gung-ho about ticketing us. it can't
hurt. be safe!!

how do people carry an ID when they're naked?

**LISTEN UP PEOPLE - they drive Art Cars, for chrissakes!! they're Hot
Little Burner Chicks and they're dressed up in costumes. they've been
doing this FOR YEARS - and they probably have better costumes than
YOU do. **

can you give me a solid example of this, or is it heresay?

in my seven years on the playa i've had undecover cops strut into our camp asking for "the green goodness", but i've never seen a cop driving an art car. art cars have to be registered with the Department of Mutant Vehicles. this would mean that the BM org is cooperating with law enforcement on a different level than most burners oare used to.

but yes simmer, you are right. don't be a fool, use common sense. don't be like the kids from ohio i saw in the will call parking area a few years ago with a great big bong on the hood of their car.

sometimes it's better to be paranoid.

North Coast Earth First!
No compromise in defense of mother earth!
Any time man chooses himself over nature, man loses.

Global water crisis looms larger - growth limits

Map details global water stress

The War's Toll on Environment

War Game observers on Red Alert

70 laptops stolen in 7 months from one general area in Palo Alto! DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN SIGHT!
In response to a rash of laptop thefts int he area, police arrested 3 smash-and-grab thieves
police observed one of the culprets smash a car window, while the other two were stationed as lookouts.
The next New Orleans

How To Avoid Getting Arrested Video...WATCH THIS!!
Quite educational!! Thanks Ali ;o)
Pass it along to's awesome and EVERY American should know this stuff!!\
and you never just might come in handy on the Playa. aaargh.

"Busted: A Citizens Rights Guide to Police Encounters"

3 most important lines to memorize:

Officer, I *never consent* to any searches.
Officer, am I free to go now?
Officer, I have nothing to say until I speak with my lawyer... read more

Do you have trees in your yard? Protect the soil!

Ask a nursery for care tips or google your tree.
Find out how to care for it. Redwoods like Iron, Acid, Mineral Soil, Nitrogen and Water!
Iron: carot compost, iron scrap metal, rusty nails, bolts etc. But not toxic galvanized nails.
Acid: coffee grounds or Some fancy water filters make acid water and alkali water.
Drink the alkali water and pour the acid water on your Redwoods, Doug Firs,
Rhodedendrons, Hydrangeas, etc. google acid loving plants.
Mineral Soil: sand, chalky sand bags, crushed rock, etc. sprinkle all around.
Nitrogen: compost, manure, poo, etc.
Water: there is no such thing as too much water for a Redwood, so long as the soil can breathe.
On top of the compost you lay around the tree, apply a thick cover of mulch, or wood chips.
Wood chips can be dumped in your driveway for free anytime you see one of those chipper shredder trucks.
(Saves them a trip to the dump!) Just be sure they did not remove the tree because of bugs. Ask them!
Look at the wood they cut. Be sure there are no pinholes in the bark from boring beetles, termites, etc.
Wood chips can be piled as high as you like. But NOT near the tree trunk of some trees. Beware fungus, etc.
If you pile woodchips high enough, catching all the winter rain, you do not have to water in the summer.
Sound like a good idea? this is how forests do it,
and forests don't use pipes, artificial irrigation, or pay a water bill.
Forests are smart!
Wood chips keep the sun from drying the soil.
Wood chips catch and hold rainwater, slowly releasing it to the roots.
Wood chips eventually break down / decompose, becoming soil!
Wood chips are fun!

Oak trees do NOT like acid. Do not water the base of an Oak. Do not cover the base of an Oak.
Native Americans would apply volcanic ash to Oak trunks and soil.
You too can apply minerals / whitewash your trees! All trees like minerals. explains how! Dr Lee Klinger of Santa Cruz whitewashes trees with Azomite (60 minerals) to which he adds Calcium, Bentonite, and Lime.
Mineals absorbed by bark and root strenghthen the tree, boosting tree immunity.
Opportunists such as phytophthora ramorum (Sudden Oak Death fungus), bugs, etc. rely on weak trees.

Do not park or drive cars under the drip line of a tree.
The drip line of a tree is the shadow the tree casts if the sun is directly overhead.
The drip line of a tree is the cirlce in which water drops would fall from the tips of the longest branches.
The drip line of a tree maps closely to the root line of a tree.
Protect this soil: do not allow trucks or heavy equipment to compact this precious earth.
Do not pave, build, trench or cut into the soil beneath a tree. (It might fall over if you kill roots.)

Patriot Act is Null and Void
demand your freedom
study the laws of sovereignty

Any Law Repugnant to the Constitution is Null & Void
-Marbury Vs. Madison - 1803

Laws Repugnant to Constitution Null & Void CONTACT INFO

and as has been pointed out many times over the last few weeks,
anytime palestinians "take" a person, it is "kidnapping",
but anytime israel "takes" a person, it is "arresting"...

I have a plan for the revolution. In the spirit of the peaceful revolution, a movement which encourages people to write on the currency must be started. Can you imagine if every American who understood our situation wrote 'impeach' in bold letters across some dollar bills. Soon, our currency would flow black with the permanent markers of dissent and disgust.
Of course, this is illegal, but so is this entire sham administration. What do you think?
-Bad Attitude Man

Alex Jones yes all 4

"You can't fight city hall." "Death and taxes." "Don't talk about politics or religion." This is all the equivalent of enemy propaganda, rolling across the picket line. "Lay down, GI! Lay down, GI!". We saw it all through the 20th Century. And now on the 21st Century, it's time to stand up and realize, that we should NOT allow ourselves to be crammed into this rat maze. We should not SUBMIT to dehumanization. I don't know about you, but I'm concerned with what's happening in this world. I'm concerned with the structure. I'm concerned with the systems of control. Those that control my life, and those that seek to control it EVEN MORE! I want FREEDOM! That's what I want, and that's what YOU should want! It's up to each and every one of us to turn loose of just some of the greed, the hatred, the envy, and yes, the insecurities, because that is the central mode of control, make us feel pathetic, small, so we'll willingly give up our sovereignty, our liberty, our destiny. We have GOT to realize we're being conditioned on a mass scale. Start challenging this corporate slave state! The 21st Century's gonna be a new century! Not the century of slavery, not the century of lies and issues of no significance, of classism and statism, and all the rest of the modes of control... it's gonna be the age of humankind, standing up for something PURE and something RIGHT! What a bunch of garbage, liberal, Democratic, conservative, Republican, it's all there to control you, two sides of the same coin! Two management teams, bidding for control of the CEO job of Slavery Incorporated! The TRUTH is out there in front of you, but they lay out this buffet of LIES! I'm SICK of it, and I'M NOT GONNA TAKE A BITE OUT OF IT! DO YA GOT ME? Resistance is NOT futile, we're gonna win this thing, humankind is too good, WE'RE NOT A BUNCH OF UNDERACHIEVERS, WE'RE GONNA STAND UP, AND WE'RE GONNA BE HUMAN BEINGS! WE'RE GONNA GET FIRED UP ABOUT THE REAL THINGS, THE THINGS THAT MATTER - CREATIVITY, AND THE *DYNAMIC* *HUMAN* *SPIRIT* THAT REFUSES TO *SUBMIT*! WELL THAT'S IT, that's all I've got to say. It's in your court now.

important events:
fun events: (new) (old)
more events:
eco events: Sustainable World Coalition 390 27th St Oakland between Broadway and Telegraph Marin Peace and Justice Center Palo Alto Peace and Justice Center
Berkeley and Oakland political events events, art receptions, music, film, etc. Monthly Raw Food Potlucks (san rafael)

Tue Aug 22

Oakland vigil,Tuesday, August 22, noon--Support Lt. Watada

You are invited to join the weekly vigil to call for an end to the
U.S. war on the people of Iraq.
Tuesday, noon, Oakland Federal Building,
1301 Clay Street,
two short blocks from the 12th Street BART Station.

This vigil was begun in the spring of 1998, shortly after Madeline
Albright toured the country in her unsuccessful attempt to gain
support for a war against Iraq.
After a civil disobedience action to oppose the proposed attack,
Ecumenical Peace Institute/CALC and Mustardseed Affinity Group
decided to organize a weekly vigil to call for an end to the
sanctions which were causing the deaths of 5,000 Iraqi children
each month.
The vigil has continued since that time and other sponsors have
joined in the effort. The focus has changed, now calling for an
immediate end to the war and the occupation.
Each week we hand out approximately three hundred flyers. Usually
they are different each week, unless upcoming events are being

Well, that's certainly been effective. Does the actual impact of any
of this matter, or is it just a gesture for gesture's sake -- to make
the participants forget (ignore) their powerlessness?


Tue, Aug 22, 2006 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Annual Tomato Tasting @ Berkeley Farmer's Market
Berkeley Farmer's Market Derby St. at MLK, Jr. Way Berkeley


Tuesday Volleyball in GG Park, Peacock Meadows - every Tuesday night @ 5:30pm
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 - Tuesday, October 31, 2006
5:30 PM
Location: Peacock Meadows
Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA
When: Tuesday, August 22, 5:30pm
Series Schedule:
Recur every 1 week(s) on Tuesday
Final Date of the Series: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 View entire schedule

Please BRING A NET if you have one!!! A ball is useful too. And bug spray.

Miscellaneous stuff: We'll play till it gets too dark to see. This will keep happening weekly until North America tilts too far away from the sun. It usually works out to be 4's matches, occasional doubles, with miscellaneous bastardizations of same depending on who shows up and when.

The mosquitos show up around dusk, so plan accordingly (really, plan for this, West Nile is not pleasant).

Peacock Meadows is in the North East corner of the park, between the Conservatory of Flowers and McLaren Lodge


Tue, Aug 22, 2006 6:00 pm
SUPPORT Lt. Ehren Watada / Refuses Orders to Iraq...
Buena Vista United Methodist Church
2311 Buena Vista Ave. Alameda


Radical Love & Relationship Workshop Tuesday, August 22 8:00 PM
Location: Good Vibrations 1620 Polk Street (at Sacramento Street)
San Francisco, CA view map More Info: (415) 345-0400
8PM, $20, sliding scale, everyone welcome

Workshop Description:
At a time when our nation is determined to keep us on the warpath, what better time to raise our voices against intolerance, hatred, and violence? At a time when our government propels us into a new dark age of fascism, what better time to talk about radical love, or the right to love who we want, how we want, and as many as we want? Loving openly and freely in these times, whether you are straight or queer, is a brave political act. We have been conditioned by outdated social norms that limit our perceptions and shackle us to unhealthy cycles of dissatisfying relationships. Yet we also live in a time when we can choose our gender and redefine our sexual identities. Don’t we then have the right to decide what kind of relationship best suits our lifestyle? Declare yourself a revolutionary of the heart. Find out how you can expand your potential to love, transform your lifestyle, and together we can threaten the social forces of patriarchy!

Wendy-O Matik is the author of Redefining Our Relationships: Guidelines for Responsible Open Relationships. As an educator, role model, and spokesperson for the polyamory community, Wendy has become a revolutionary activist of the heart. Since the release of her book, she has taught over sixty Radical Love & Relationship Workshops globally, excavating important social trends and reshaping the future of alternative relationship models for the 21st century. As an activist for social change, Wendy is pushing the boundaries on firmly rooted notions in mainstream society on relationships, love, gender, sexual equality, and sexual politics. She is available for educational and motivational discussions on the topic of alternative relationship models and responsible non-monogamy.

For more info:


# Aug 22, 23 & 24. Beginner HoopDance Intensive. SAN FRANCISCO. T, W, R 7:30-9pm. Taught by Christabel, guest instructor on third evening... filling up fast! Don't miss out on the last class before the playa!


# Wed 23 AUGUST: Grab a free copy of today's SF BAY GUARDIAN. Clip and save their list of FALL FESTIVALS !!!


Wed, Aug 23, 2006 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm Greenbrae (Marin)
Free Eco Film Night: The Power of Community-How Cuba Survived Peak Oil
Marin Outdoor Living 2100 Redwood Highway Greenbrae


Wed, Aug 23, 2006 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
[view] Dar Al Amal and Amnesty International Host Benefit for Lebanese Refugees
Youth Radio Café 1801 University at Grant Berkeley


Wed, Aug 23, 2006 7:00 pm
[view] Meet Bob Watada, Father of Lt. Ehren Watada, Iraq War Resister
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
405 S 10th St (10th & San Salvador) San José


8/23: Krissy Keefer at the Bazaar (richmond / seacliff) 7 to 9 p.m.
San Francisco Green Party congressional candidate Krissy Keefer is joined by former Green Party congressional candidate/playwright/actress Terry Baum, performer/musician Scrumbly Koldewyn, and singer/songwriter Austin Willacy at a fundraiser at the Bazaar Cafe. Wednesday, August 23 7 to 9 p.m.
Bazaar Cafe, 5927 California Street (between 21st and 22nd avenues), SF, Ca. 94121
Free, but bring your check book!!! Nancy Pelosi has already raised more than $1 million in her campaign. Krissy, as a Green Party candidate, refuses corporate donations.
For more info, contact krissyforcongress [at], go to, or call (415) 835-4748.


Aug 16, 21 & 23. Beginner HoopDance Intensive. BERKELEY. W, M, W 7-8:30pm
Taught by Certified HoopGirl dance instructor Satise!


Wed, Aug 23 7:30 pm Oakland Film: Fehrenheit 451
Humanist Hall 390 27th Street (between Telegraph and Broadway)


# Thursday, August 24, 2006 7pm - 9pm
Ecovillages Presentation by Lost Valley Educational Center
Find out what an ecovillage is and how the ecovillage movement
affects the environment, the economy, and social justice issues. An
informational slideshow will be followed up by a question and answer
session. Discover what you can do to join the ecovillage movement.
Presented by members of Lost Valley Educational Center, an aspiring
ecovillage and intentional community in rural Oregon.
Location: Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave, near Dwight Way, Berkeley.
Cost: No charge. Info: 510-548-2220 x233.


Thu, Aug 24, 2006 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
[view] Free Eco Film Night: Sharing Mt Tam/Lost People of Mountain Village
Sports Basement 610 Mason St Crissy Field San Francisco


Thu, Aug 24, 2006 7:00 pm
Women Who Lead Resistance Movements Around the Globe
First Congregational Church of Berkeley 2345 Channing Way Berkeley


Thu, Aug 24, 2006 - Thu, Sep 21, 2006 7:00 pm
[view] Doug Dowd's Course on Economics
Modern Times Bookstore (wheelchair accessible)
888 Valencia St @ 20th St. San Francisco


Fri, Aug 25, 2006 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Garden Party benefit for New Orleans
Garden for the Environment 7th Ave. at Lawton St. San Francisco


# Fri Aug 26 5:30 pm
GLOBAL WARMING high watermark TOUR!
Join Cris Carlson on a route following the 7 meter high water mark
to see which parts of SF may be underwater by the year 2100
Meet at 5:30 pm on your bike, Justin Herman Plaza, Market @ Embarcadero
Helpful bikes stop cross traffic from running into mass.
Non helpful bikes do this 3 blocks ahead of the mass.


# The Temple of Sirens invites you to Gypsy Nights expand your senses
Swaying hips, undulating bellies, and healing hands will consume you in this mystical evening. Restore yourself with healing touch intimate connections and the expansion of all your senses.
The evening peaks with the demonstration of a woman in extended orgasm.
Join the tribe and be carried through an evening of soul connections, exotic entertainment and desirable play.
Friday August 25, 2006 8 pm - midnight.
Preregistration recommended $65 for men, $25 for women $10 additional cost at the door
One Taste Urban Retreat Center 1074 Folsom @ 7th St.
Spaces are limited. Reserve your space today by calling 415-503-1100 or email us at info @
Temple of Sirens Where Women Free their Desires

Sat. 8/26 - Water Playshop - Connect to Your Urban Watershed
Saturday, August 26 10:00am-1:00pm
$10 donation (nobody turned away for lack of funds)
SOMA Creativity Center 81 Langton Street, Suite 13
(Folsom @ 7th/ 8th St.) San Francisco, CA 94103
(near folsom/7th across from Brainwash cafe)

The Urban Alliance for Sustainability (UAS), a project of Global Exchange, has launched a monthly playshop for the local green community. Each month we present a different theme which is tied into our newsletter, movie night and playshop.

We invite special guests from local organizations who provide inspiring solutions on the current subject.


An inspiring afternoon of insight and inspiration about our relationship to our water and our watershed. Ben Jordan, local permaculture designer, civil engineer, biofuel guru and water wizard will bring his knowledge and solutions to share in a polylog playshop where we can all learn from each other.

What can I do to conserve water?
Where does my water come from? What's in it? Where does it go?
What would the sustainable urban watershed look like?
What about composting toilets? What about roof rainwater catchment?
What about greenroofs and impervious surfaces? What about water filters?

Bring all these questions and more for an adventure into a visionary salon where we will leave with a set of tools, tips, tricks, technologies and a vivid mental tableau for a shared common, clean, healthy, vibrant watershed!

About Ben Jordan:

Benjamin P. Jordan, P.E., Technical Consultant, provides civil engineering expertise for sustainable ecological design projects including water conservation, biodiesel production and permaculture education. He has extensive experience in the design and construction of municipal and residential utility infrastructure, biodiesel market development in San Francisco and sustainable community development projects. Before establishing an ecological design and education firm, Mr. Jordan worked for four years for private engineering consultants and has certifications in green design, composting education and tank inspection. Mr. Jordan holds a California Professional Civil Engineering License and a B.S. degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Michigan. He is the founder of Healthy Fuels, a non-profit organization that promotes sustainable and environmentally sound biofuels.


Protect Chickens this Saturday in SF
Two-Part Advocacy Event at Andronico's and Costco
Join EBAA for outreach outside of Andronico's and Costco to educate consumers about the inhumane treatment of poultry.
Saturday, August 26 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
* Andronico's, 1200 Irving St@ Funston/ 14th Ave, SF (11:30 AM - 12:30 PM)
* Costco, 450 10th St @ Harrison/ Bryant, San Francisco (1:00 PM 2:00 PM)


The really really free market
Please join us for the August Really Really Free Market!! This month's RRFM is also a good chance for the Burners out there to get into the spirit of giving and community before going to the playa!
August 26, 2006 12:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Dolores Park 550 Dolores st San Francisco, CA 94110


# 08/26/06 - First Year Anniversary Party for the 16th Ave Tiled Steps noon - 2pm 16th and Moraga there will be music, refreshments, games more info at


Grooves in the Park Saturday, August 26 2pm - 9pm
MLK Park Oakland Oakland, CA 94621
Grooves-in-the-Park (good House Music) daytime gathering
Saturday, Aug.26 2006 - 2pm - 9pm
MLK Shoreline Park (Pelican area) 7250 Doolittle Dr - Oakland, CA
Take Heggenberger West of 880, then North on Doolittle.

This gathering of people, togetherness, & great music has been awesome for 7 years now folks, and we thank you all for your continued support! The G-i-t-P sound system is ready for action, our beautiful park spot by the water is paid for, confirmed, and fully permitted, and the love is in the air. Thanks to those of you helping us make this happen. You know who you are.

We're very excited about our new parties in the bay area, also our home. We will continue to also do them in Stockton for those of you who have asked. Thanks for all of your support over these 7 years. This gathering costs us some cash, a lot of hard work, and time, but you guys make it well worth while.

Daytime, under the sun love with live underground house music dj's, bbq, good people, dancing, good times, family and friends.

G-i-t-P First Bay Area appearance in the Bay -
MLK Shoreline park (Pelican area) off of 880 Heggenberger exit in Oakland towards the airport - beautiful spot right on the water with a awesome view of the Oakland hills. There is also a boat launch very close by in case you'd like to bring the jet ski's or boats! The restrooms are very close by so use them not the bushes and please bbq in designated areas only. Last but not least, please clean up after yourselves
**and there are no drinks aloud out of the park area...
**So definately no drinks in the parking lot or the rangers will kick you out! Thanks...

This is a free gathering as usual, plus, at this park there is no car entrance fee either! So, good times. Donations are greatly appreciated to help us make back the some of our funds spent, so anything helps and we thank you for any donations. = )

Feel free to repost this ya'll. Spread the love!
Come out early!! Thanks everyone... Hope to see you there! G-i-t-P


# SHAC 7 Benefit, Oakland, August 26
Saturday, August 26th 6 PM - 9 PM
L AK Press (674-A 23rd St, Oakland)
Event Info:
* Screening of Various Films
* A Special Presentations
* Vegan Desserts
* Alcohol- & Drug-Free Event
For more information about the SHAC 7, visit
RSVP: shac7benefit [at]
To subscribe to Bay Area Animal Rights Network please send blank email to:
baarn-subscribe [at]
For events:
Please see yahoogroups message archives and calendar at
Yahoo! Groups Links


Saturday, August 26th: SHAC 7 BENEFIT EVENT

The SHAC 7 are animal rights activists who have been indicted under the
controversial Federal Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (one of many
recent attacks against domestic dissidents under the guise of fighting
terrorism). They now facing a combined federal prison sentence of 23
years. As their September sentencing date approaches they need as much
financial support as possible, so please come out for this benefit
event! Featured speakers will be David Hayden (No Compromise),
Christine Morrissey (East Bay Animal Advocates), and health care
provider Dr. Michael Kozart. Plus videos and food by Vegan Lust!
Time: 6pm - 9pm.
Location: AK Press, 674A 23rd St., between MLK & San Pablo, Oakland.
Cost: $8-$15 (no one turned away).
Info: 510-208-1700, akpress [at],
Wheelchair accessible. 2006-08-26 10:00 PM


Phil Smart (australia/
Seven (Nitevibe's DJ Dreamteamer #7 2006)
Influence ( Soren Bryan Boyce
Phil Smart has been playing records to people in clubs, warehouses and fields across the world for over 15 years. In 2000, Phil was voted Australian DJ of the Year at the inaugural National Dance Music Awards and has appeared twice in DJ Magazine's list of the world's Top 100 DJs. Phil was also one of the founders of seminal Australian electronic labels Think and Thunk, releasing music as Altitude and Earthlink.
Seven - NK7 Productions/Nitevibe's DJ Dreamteam #7 2006
Influence - Evil Breaks, Broken Beat Recordings, Phunky People Project or
Soren - Shadow Lounge Bryan Boyce
Boca 414 Jessie Street Near 5th / Mission- SF 10pm -2am $5 b4 11pm; $10 after


# Swim with Dolphins Adventure Aug 26 - Sep 2, 2006 or and click on Dolphin Trip! Enjoy!


Sun, Aug 27, 2006 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
[view] Robert Watada Puts the War on Trial—Serving One's Country with a Conscience
San Francisco Friends Meeting House (Mid-way between Market and Mission)
65 9th St. (Two Blocks From the Civic Center BART and MUNI Station) SF


Evolutionary Health and Well Being A Brief Introduction
MONDAY August 28th 7:00pm to 9:30pm [RSVP Required]
Arete Center for Excellence in SF 743 Clementina
between Folsom, Howard, 8th, 9th St. Why: Learn How:
• I virtually eliminated HIV from my system in a few months without
• To dissolve beliefs about what is and is not possible within your
• Bring evolutionary awareness to health and well being
+ Body: nutrition and fitness
+ Mind: How specifically to harness the power of the mind
for your healing and how to clear out significant negative
emotional experiences
• Which non-deity, non sectarian, spiritual practices I used
• Apply to the same technology to any illness or limitation in your
• Find out about the Evolutionary Health and Well Being™ workshop in
October All in one brief evening!
What if "incurable" diseases were curable? What if there were a mental
technology and a integral approach that could unlock that
possibility? Think this is impossible? Think again. Full Details are here:


)'( Aug 28 - Sep 4 2006 fun in the desert )'(
goto Reno, turn North... 100 miles North of Reno is the Black Rock Desert Download screensavers for ideas of costumes, artcars, projects...
This year's street names will be:
Esplanade Anxious Brave Chance Destiny Eager Fate Guess Hope
Burningman from space:,-119.239426&spn=0.019766,0.034332
<,-119.239426&spn=0.019766,0.034332> )'(

)'( WATER for Burningman! Save your engine, save your transmission, your car is working hard enough.
Travel light uphill, then fill your 5gallon and 1 gallon water bottles at
DONNER Summit REST STOP, 20 Miles West of the CA/NV border.
Donner Summit rest stop is just before Donner Lake, which is before Truckee.
Donner Summit is right after Boreal Ridge going towards Reno on Highway 80.
There are several campground type faucets that you can park right next to! )'(

How many of us will have engine or transmission failure on our way to bliss...
Hopefully now we will all make it complete.

If you are going to give your car a tune up, do it now.

For sure change your oil. Check your engine coolant.
For sure Properly inflate your tires.
Check your Automatic Transmission fluid (ATF)

I travel with a quart of ATF and a quart of oil in easy reach in my car.

I always check my fluid levels (Oil/ATF/radiator)
Before I go uphill towards Santa Cruz or Tahoe,
or whenever I notice any loss of power.

Water from Brian:
If you are driving a truck, another GREAT way to do this is to get a food-grade 55 gallon drum and a "space blanket" before you leave. Optional but highly recommended are either a stand for the drum and a petcock or a siphon pump.

Fill it at a location like this (we used to wait until we go to the high desert, but anyway), making sure the drum is in a location that it can be moved later, since it will weigh about 350 pounds when full!

Once you get to the playa, put the petcock in, put it on the stand, and put the blanket over it. You will be AMAZED that the water is still relatively cold by the time of the burn because of basic thermodynamics: heat travels to cold. In the day, the heat is from the sun, which is reflected by the blanket. At night, the playa gets cold and whatever heat that was collected by the drum escapes into the atmosphere as the night breeze gently blows over the drum. The drum basically acts as a heat battery, and the blanket acts like a one-way valve!

Four people in an RV, with a drum like this and a full load of water on the chassis will have indoor showers for a week and water to spare. Plus you save incredible amounts of fuel and waste from empty containers. The drums are sturdy and are easy to reuse year after year, but if you don't want to store it, you can spread the love on the playa by giving it to one of the permanently mobile. THEY WILL ALWAYS APPRECIATE YOU FOR THE GIFT!

)'( Events at the Earth Guardians Pavilion, Burning Man 2006 )'( )'(

)'( BRING ALOE VERA PLANTS and LEAVES to BURNING MAN! Best gift you can give!
Aloe Vera is the ONLY treatment that can prevent a sun burn AFTER exposure to sun.
Lavendar is helpful too, also for cuts and scratches. Info at Aloe Vera Camp! )'(

)'( COPS on the Playa - READ THIS!! )'(
undercover cops CAN and WILL lie to protect their VERY paranoid!! )'(
READ more at bottom of this online edition.

PLAYA SIDE OF ESPLANADE out front of the red nose district )'(

How to Find Your Friends on the Playa very cool site
some nerd had ALOT of time on their hands ;o) thankfully

This year's street names will be:
See you in Black Rock City!
Read more about the Burning Man 2006 theme...

)'( Lumber recycling. Tired of watching all that good wood go up in
smoke after the event? So are we. We're setting up a nail pulling
and lumber grading station at Camp Katrina ( approx 3pm and
Esplanade ), where we'll clean and sort all the lumber left over )'(

)'( Materials recycling. Not a green project per se, but FYI we may
also be collecting usable tents/sleeping bags/camp stoves etc. @
Exodus for use in future deployments to disaster regions. TBD for
certain, but wanted to let you know )'(

)'( Remember the Flower? The Flower returns to the playa with its fearful
counterpart, a Venus Fly Trap. This year the two flowers will dance
together, with special performances as follows:

Wednesday night at the Temple of Breaks,
Thursday night at the ARTery,
Friday night, a choreographed show near the Man,
Saturday night post burn choreographed show at Red Nose District. )'(

)'( GREENING THE BURN-- Taking the climate-changing heat out of the burning
of the Man!

Burners Without Borders has collaborated with the brainiacs at
CoolingMan ( to figure out the climate change
impact of burning The Man, and how to "offset" that impact, making the
burn climate change neutral.

CoolingMan estimates that the burning of The Man will generate
approximately 100 tons of greenhouse gases (GHG). To more than
neutralize these emissions, CoolingMan is seeking 110 tons of GHG offsets.

Offsets come in variety of ways. You can plant a tree, which is good for
one ton, or buy a ton's worth by investing in renewable energy projects,
like wind and solar. Buying a ton is anywhere from $5 to $10, and we're
estimating high so we can make sure we're able to meet our goal.

Cool it forward by going to to help us
completely offset the impact of the burn before the start of Burning Man
2006--there you can also figure out your theme camp's impact, and offset
that as well. It's easy, cheap, and makes a huge difference. Be sure to
report your participation to CoolingMan so they can track and then
report on our progress.

We're off to a great start! We've already received $180 in donations,
enough to offset at least 18 tons!

More info: )'(

)'( 2006 LNT TOUR OF THE CITY )'(

Leave No Trace Tour of the City wants YOU!

Each year we enjoy the fruits of a clean, beautiful, well organized City
and come up with better ways to manage our trash and play, eat, and
sleep in comfortable camps. We can be proud of the fact that Burning Man
is one of the largest Leave No Trace events in the country. We create a
temporary City in the desert, then help it disappear.

Now in its fifth year, the Leave No Trace Tour of the City features camp
showers, kitchens, trash management, grey water systems, good neighbors,
and repurposed structures. Model camps provide working examples for
those of us looking for ways to camp smarter at Burning Man.

A number of camps are returning to Burning Man with the same basic
structure or materials used in previous years. High traffic camps are
finding ways to minimize imported trash by planning ahead. Grey water is
being managed with an increasing number of solutions.

Model camps can feature any practice or technology. Theme camps of all
sizes and types are encouraged to join and need only be a registered
theme camp, subscribe to all seven principles of Leave No Trace, submit
their LNT Plan, and be willing to show their camp to interested
participants during the Burning Man event. The Tour is self-guided.
Model camps are featured on a large informational map in the Earth
Guardians Pavilion and are also eligible to win a coveted Camp of the
Day award.

The Camp of the Day contest, a separate LNT opportunity open to any
registered theme camp, awards 2 tickets to next year's event. Those
camps that best exemplify Leave No Trace will win. Theme camps can enter
the contest before or during the event.

Information on LNT at Burning Man can be found at

If your theme camp would like to be part of this year's LNT Tour of the
City, please contact Earth Guardians at lntcamps(at)comcast(dot)net. )'(

)'( LNT Tour of the City: Camps and now we got art
Hi there Greenies
This is a banner year for Leave No Trace and I am happy to share that many of the camps and art installations featured in the Earth Guardians LNT Tour will also reduce their impact on the earth. This year our application asked camps if there was anything specially Green about them. There were a few openly Green ones and a Teal camp.
After 5 years featuring model theme camps, we’re now excited to have a sister LNT Tour of art. Five art installations volunteered to be our first models.
These are beautiful and engaging pieces that also reflect the LNT principles. They are simple and complex, low tech and high tech, recycled, renewable and fossil. Some claim zero impact, others will purchase carbon offsets. They all share a commitment to Leave No Trace on the playa and in many ways reflect Green values.
If you know of other theme camps that shine LNT, please invite them enter our Camp of the Day contest, which awards recognition and rewards to the camps that best exemplify LNT.
Here’s list of theme camps and art you can visit to see working examples of Leave No Trace practices. The Tour is self guided so you can choose the ones to
visit. There will be display maps and information at the Earth Guardians Pavilion.


Leave No Trace Tour of the City 2006

Astral Headwash
4:30 near Chance
Featuring: grey water disposal by evaporation
Borrachos y Bicycletas
3 O’clock Plaza near 9:30
Featuring: trash management and grey water disposal bye active evaporation
Camp Katrina
Esplanade near 3 o’clock
Featuring: grey water, trash management, good neighbor
Associated with
Earth Guardians
Esplanade near 5:45
Featuring: repurposed structure(4th year of use) and good neighbor
Evolutionary Center
4:30 near Eager
Featuring: clean energy sources, recycled materials, community outreach on greening the burn, trash management with composting
Iron Rose
Anxious near 4:30
Featuring: grey water reclamation, WVO generator, recycled materials
Nose Fish
3 o’clock Plaza near 2:00
Featuring: trash management, less is more
Recycle Camp
Center Camp near 5:45
Featuring trash management, recycled and repurposed materials, good neighbor, biodiesel bus
Kitchen built with material from last year’s art project: Dicky Box), biodeisel bus
7 Sins Lounge
9 o’clock Plaza near 1:00
Featuring: solar shower, grey water disposal, fold up bar
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
3 o’clock and Guess
Featuring: grey water disposal, wind generator

LNT ART 2006

Burninator II
Bill Codding

Field of Sunflower Robots
Stefano Corazza

Peter Mathews

ScrapEden Recycled Art Garden BRC
Black Rock Arts Foundation
scrapedenbrc @

Starry Bamboo Mandala
greeningman-list mailing list
greeningman-list [at]

)'( Sacred Evaportive Cooler Ceremony on the Playa

Saturday, August 26, 2006 - Wednesday, September 6, 2006
12:00 PM Location: Il Hookahdome 3:40 & Esplanade

)'( Explanade @ 4:30 Ascension Tribe 3 classes:
Tuesday and Thursday Pole Dance 101 at 1PM
Wed 1:30pm Lusty Lapdance all adult genders welcome )'(

)'( Burning Man Unicycles Unite! ~The Ride~
Wednesday, August 30, 4:00 PM
Unicyclists of Burning Man, reveal yourselves!
Together across the playa we shall ride!
Meet @ the Pancake Playhouse with your Uni & we'll cruise across the playa en masse! How many will we be?
Last year, Burning Man 2005, at least 13 unicyclists got together and rode across the playa.
This year, 2006, its officially a tradition!
Burners, Unicyclists, Don't leave them at home!
Bring your unicycles to the playa and ride with us...its like riding on dusty pavement!
Wednesday, Aug 30, 2006, 4:00pm
Burning Man Unicycles Unite!

)'( Munch on the Playa (2006) Wednesday, August 30 7:00 PM
Location: Center Camp Cafe, Black Rock City, Nevada (Burning Man)
More Info:
We are holding two munches at BRC this year.
Wed and Thu nights from 7 til 9 PM.
Hopefully we will adjourn to a play space afterwards.
If your interested please come looking for the black and blue
balloons, somewhere in the Center Camp Cafe.
This is a Semi'nilla event so be aware that all burners
look really kinky on the playa.
Details can be found at

Thu Aug 31 7:30 PM Flying Spaghetti Monster Ceremony
Location: Perpetual Dome Builders @ Alternate Energy Zone
"Friday evening, at sunset, our very own Eddie Spaghetti will lead a congregation of Pastafarians in the worship of the one and only Flying Spaghetti Monster. At the conclusion of the service, we will have communion and feed everyone in attendance a fine spaghetti dinner.
Please join us and be touched by His Noodly Appendage.
The Power of Pasta Compels you !
Date & Time: 2006-08-31 7:30 PM
Location: Perpetual Dome Builders @ Alternate Energy Zone

)'( Curtis and Fresh's BIG ASS PLAYA WEDDING!!!
Thursday, August 31, 8:00 PM Conexus Cathedral 1:00 and Esplanade

)'( Stealth&Burn: Secret Agent Get Down
...calling all Sexy Secret Agents.. your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find the most throbbing beats on the playa...put on your most stealthy shades, come and get down,... no...deeper, I mean reeealy get down... Yes, you can feel it, yes like that...
Find the secret location of Camp Stealth through playa info...
Caffinated beverages, super hot secret agents, and deep sexy funkalicious grooves await....
Jocelyn (Get Freaky) Rhythmystic (Beatstream) Breakbeat Buddha
Plus surprise special guests TBA Friday Sept 1st 1-6pm
Stealth Camp - 8:00 and Chance... or there abouts... we want to keep it a bit stealthy, after all )'(

)'( Captain Erotica's Erotic HOT ASS Extravaganza at Spike's Vampire Bar
Thursday, August 31 Midnight12:00 AM
Come see me and my girlfriends and my boyfriends get flogged.
Captain Erotica is dishing up some sweet whippings, double floggings, and nasty canings at Spikes Vampire Bar
When ~ Thursday, Aug 31st, at midnight
Where ~ Spike's Vampire Bar, 1:30 and Center Camp, Burning Man

Peepshow Minigolf (7.30 and Esplanade) Wed - Sun, Dusk till done.

September 2006

Camp Democracy It's big this; September in D.C. See Sep 8-21

# N. Cal. Women's Herbal (and Sustainability) Symposium
Friday, September 1, 2006 - Monday, September 4, 2006
Once again, Women, Healing Plants and Sustainable Lifestyles will come together in great celebration for four full days of inspiring Herbal and Sustainability classes, gourmet vegetarian meals, refreshing swimming hole dips, talented camp-fire capers, amazing handcrafted marketplace items, Rites-of-Passage Ceremonies, powerful drumming and dancing, and incredible women in Mendocino County.
Session 3: September 1-4, 2006 See our website for details

# Upcoming dates: September 2, and October 7.
Walks are held the first Saturday of every month from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.
Meet at the bookstore kiosk near the main gate of the San Francisco Botanical Gardens at Strybing Arboretum, 9th Avenue at Lincoln Way.
Darin Dawson of the San Francisco Botanical Garden, who is a plant expert. Angie Geiger returns in September.

# 9/3/06 - Nor Cal Women's Surf Fest Linda Mar Beach Pacifica

# Free History Tour of Dogpatch & Potrero Point
Sunday, September 3, 2006 (11:00 AM)
18th St. & Tennessee St. San Francisco, California
WHERE: starts at 18th and Tennessee
DETAILS: Designated as a San Francisco Historic District, this colorful neighborhood has important ties to many of the city's past commercial industries. From its historic working class cottages and industrial age relics to the current proliferation of ultra-modern lofts, we'll explore the past and present of this suprising, eclectic neighborhood in transition in this 2 hour walking tour. A $5 donation to SF City Guides (non-profit) is suggested, but optional.

# SF LiFE's September potluck will be on Sunday, September 3.
The laughing yogi, Renee Morris, will show us how to bring more laughter into
our lives and reduce stress. This presentation will be done before we eat.
The potluck/meeting is from 1:00 to 4:00.CAll sproutline after Aug. 21 for details.
415-701-2855(temporary sproutline number) Dorleen

# Sept 5, 6 and 7. Beginner HoopDance Intensive. SAN FRANCISCO. T, W, R 7:30-9pm. Taught by Christabel. Special Post Burning Man class to keep your spirits high during re-integration to city life...

# Sep 6, 7pm San Rafael
Last year, the Bay Area responded with open arms to the devastation
caused by Hurricane Katrina by taking into their homes the
bewildered dogs and cats who had been abandoned and left to suffer
the wrath of the storm alone. In observance of the one-year
anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the Marin Humane Society and In
Defense of Animals present a special one-time screening of Dark
Water Rising: The Truth About Hurricane Katrina Animal Rescues,
Wednesday, September 6, 7pm, at the Smith Rafael Film Center (1118
4th St., San Rafael). Award-winning documentary film director Mike
Shiley will make a personal appearance to introduce his new film and
answer questions, and Captain Cindy Machado of the Marin Humane
Society will present information about disaster preparedness for
people with pets. A $10 suggested donation will benefit animals in


More than 2,500 of the four-legged Katrina survivors were brought to
the Bay Area for care prior to being reunited with their families or
placed in new, loving homes. They were the lucky ones — more than
35,000 companion animals perished in New Orleans due to disaster
policies that didn't take pets into account. Dark Water Rising
introduces us to the courageous people who traveled to New Orleans
from around the country and risked their own lives to rescue trapped
and starving animals. The film also begs the question: How can we
protect our pets if something like this happens in the Bay Area?

Haunted by his memories of the dead, frightened and emaciated
animals he saw while filming in New Orleans, Shiley says, "It's my
deepest hope that this film motivates people to put pressure on
Congress to pass the PETS Act so that never again will anyone be
forced to evacuate without their pets."

The roles MHS and IDA played in the aftermath of the hurricanes
The Marin Humane Society was centrally involved with pet rescue
efforts in the aftermath of the hurricanes last fall. Leading the
first-ever pet airlifts to transport animals out of the disaster
region, 2,500 rescued dogs and cats were flown to the Bay Area as
part of MHS' Operation Orphans of the Storm. Animal shelters and
rescue organizations around the Bay cared for these animals until
they could be reunited or rehomed.

"I will never forget the looks of relief and gratitude in the eyes
of the dogs and cats as they emerged from their airplane crates into
the arms of volunteers waiting to care for them," says Diane
Allevato, executive director, Marin Humane Society. "We were happy
to help these animals, but they deserved much better — they deserved
to be evacuated with their families."

In Defense of Animals also played a key role in disaster relief
efforts for animals, sending volunteers to the hurricane-stricken
area to rescue animals and transport them to regional shelters with
the ability to care for them. IDA's Project Hope volunteers are
still involved in transporting animals out of the affected areas.

"This powerful film of bravery and compassion documents the courage
and dedication of caring people to right the wrongs of others," says
Elliot Katz, DVM, president, In Defense of Animals. "Viewing it made
me more determined than ever to advocate for disaster relief and
preparation. I hope that the harsh lessons we've learned from this
disaster have not been in vain and that our national leaders will
commit to animal evacuation plans being part of all future disaster
planning around the country."

Tickets for the screening of Dark Water Rising will be sold at the
door beginning at 6pm. Space is limited. For further information,
please call In Defense of Animals at (415) 388-9641 or the Marin
Humane Society at (415) 506-6256.

Please note:
Filmmaker Mike Shiley is available for interviews.
The film trailer can be viewed at:

CONTACT: Sheri Cardo Marin Humane Society (415) 506-6263
scardo @

# September 8 - 21 Announcing Camp Democracy
Announcing Camp Democracy
Cindy Sheehan to Move Camp to National Mall
Cindy Sheehan and activists in the growing peace movement plan to
move Camp Casey to the National Mall in Washington, D.C., September
8 - 21. The camp on the Mall will carry the name Camp Democracy at
Fort Fed Up. Organizers intend the camp to bring together peace
activists with activists for social justice, united in demanding a
shift of public resources from war to the needs of people.
Participants will lobby Congress to end all funding of the
occupation of Iraq, and will demand that Congress hold the Bush
Administration accountable for the falsehoods that launched the war
and the abuses of power here at home that have accompanied it. Camp
Democracy is launching an outreach effort to include organizations
in the planning of the camp's activities, which are all in the
initial stages. Organizations already on board are listed on the
Participating organizations and guest experts and celebrities will
provide workshops and training sessions on a wide range of issues,
as well as on communications, voter registration, nonviolent civil
disobedience, lobbying, organizing, media production, and
performance arts. Congress Members and congressional candidates will
take part. Local elected officials will instruct attendees on
participation in local government. Musicians will perform concerts.
New films will be shown on a large screen. Participants will acquire
useful skills while demanding fundamental change.
Individuals can sign up and plan to come:
And volunteer to help:
Organizations, large and small, can sign up to participate:
Organizations, trainers, speakers, educators, and performers should
propose activities that they believe would benefit thousands of
citizens who want to work for change:
Internet activists, and anyone with a blog or a website, can help by
posting this information and link to the website using this link:

A camp for peace, democracy, and the restoration of the rule of law.
Camp Casey will move from Crawford, Texas, to Washington, D.C., to
create a larger camp focused not only on ending the war but also on
righting injustices here at home and on holding accountable the Bush
Administration and Congress. Tents will provide activist activities,
trainings, workshops, and entertainment on these themes: War/ Peace/
Nonviolence | The Constitution/ Accountability/ Censure/ Impeachment
| Poverty/ Katrina/ Immigration/ Labor | Environment/ Health Care/

# SEP 9 Power to the Peaceful Concert Free concert in Golden Gate Park Michael Franti Speedway Meadow

# Sat Sep 9 5th Annual Rally and March for 9-11 Truth

Saturday, September 9th, 2006

This Year's theme- "Impeach the Terrorists!"
Rally 10:00 AM in San Francisco at the Panhandle (between Oak and Fell
at Ashbury),
10:30 AM March/Parade up Ashbury to Haight Street through Golden Gate
Park to Speedway Meadow (about 2 miles) to the-

8th Annual 9-11 Power to the Peaceful Concert
featuring Michael Franti & Spearhead
beginning at 11:00 AM, free Concert & Social Justice Festival lasts
until 5:00 PM. (We are co-sponsors of the Power to the Peaceful
Concert/Social Justice Festival and will have a booth there.)

9-11 Truth for Peace and Justice Rally and March sponsored by the
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance, 1-866-268-2320

Pictures of last year's march and rally- (It was fun!)

To endorse, volunteer, contact Carol Brouillet, 650-857-0927, cbrouillet [at]

# The Time Of Peace Is Now
You Are Cordially Invited To Bring Your Divine, Peaceful Presence To A Rainbow Circle Of Peace...
Saturday Sept. 9th Speedway Meadows In The Golden Gate Park Following "The Power To The Peaceful" Event...
We Will Gather At The Center Of Speedway Meadows By The Permanent Bathrooms And Create A Sacred Space And Circle...
Ah-Oming And Praying For Global Peace... The Time Of Peace Is Now

# Michael Franti & FREQ Nasty: 9/9 in SF!!!
Saturday, September 9 9:00 PM “BIG BEATS NOW!”

What: The 4th Annual Power to the Peaceful After Party!
Why: 100% of Proceeds benefit the Power to the Peaceful Festival and helps keep free Conscious Music Free in San Francisco!
When: Saturday, September 9th. 9:00pm-4:00am
Where: Mezzanine, 444 Jessie Street @ Mint (5th St. @ Mission)
How Much: $25, Must be 21+ with valid ID, NO In & Outs!
Details: World Class Live Music, DJs and Performance
Limited Pre-Sale tickets: http://www.Powertothepeacceful.Org

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$170.00 donated
in the past month

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