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Indybay Feature

Report from the Front Lines of Struggle: West Africa, Venezuela; St. Petersburg,

Thursday, February 23, 2006
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Event Type:
Wendy Snyder
Location Details:
Humanist Hall, 390 27th St., Oakland

Hear Gaida Kambon, National Secretary of the African People's Socialist Party, report on the global struggle of African people from Oakland and New Orleans to Freetown, and from St. Petersburg to Caracas. Kambon will give presentations based on her experience organizing internationally on three different continents. As part of the efforts to build a worldwide organization of African people called the African Socialist International, Kambon traveled in December to Makeni, Sierra Leone, and participated in a conference with the Africanist Movement, an organization led by former child soldier Chernoh Alpha M. Bah that spans seven different countries in West Africa. With the theme “Touch One, Touch All!,” the African People’s Socialist Party is building unity amongst African people across the globe. In January, Kambon attended the World Social Forum in Caracas, Venezuela, to connect with the struggle of nearly 140 million African people who suffer from colonial oppression in South America. Kambon has been a fierce proponent of African independence for over 20 years. In the early 1990’s, as part of the “Tampa 5,” she challenged the attacks on the African community of Tampa, FLA following the police murder of an African man. In 1996, she led campaigns to challenge to the brutal police murder of TyRon Lewis, and helped to galvanize the whole African community in St. Petersbrug, FLA to demand economic development, not police containment. Kambon organizes internationally to connect and unite the struggles of African people for liberation and freedom. $5-25 donation requested; nobody turned away for lack of funds.
Added to the calendar on Wed, Feb 22, 2006 11:36AM
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