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Indybay Feature


by Stewart A. Alexander (stewartalexander4p&f@adelphia .net)
The California Secretary of State reversed his decision on Friday to remove the Peace and Freedom Party from June Primary ballot.

Stewart A. Alexander
2006 Candidate
California Lieutenant Governor
Peace and Freedom Party

Three days after being kicked off the California ballot the Peace and Freedom Party regained their ballot status after Secretary of State Bruce McPherson reversed his decision.
McPherson changed course after he was presented with more than 70 years of legal precedent and realized his argument for taking the party off the ballot would have been hopeless in a court of law.
Much of the victory that the Peace and Freedom Party enjoys resulted from the reliable information that was obtained from Richard Winger, Editor of Ballot Access News, based in San Francisco.
Stewart A. Alexander, a candidate for California Lieutenant Governor, says, “McPherson was completely aware of our legal position but was willing to step on our legal rights to pursue Schwarzenegger’s agenda. The Secretary of State was appointed by Schwarzenegger and works for the governor and not the people”.
Kevin Akin, State Chair for the Peace and Freedom Party said, “This was only an attempt to keep third party candidates off the ballot and to silence working people”. Kevin Akin was quick to spread the news of McPherson’s decision.
Stewart Alexander believes this is an ongoing attempt by Schwarzenegger and his group to silence working people. Alexander says “This is what the November special election was all about, to silence the nurses, the teachers, public workers, peace officers, firefighters, unions and the working class. This is what Schwarzenegger defines as special interest. For now we have won this battle but Californians need to realize that Schwarzenegger and his bunch have declared war on all working people”.
stewartalexander4p&f [at]
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by -
Super! All twelve of you are now happy.
by --
make that 13
by peace & freedom voter
The P&FP has about 60,000 registrants, according to press reports and the secretary of state.

We need at least 2 percent of the vote in the statewide races to remain a ballot-qualified party.

If folks who consider themselves 'progressive' or radical or socialist want to have a choice, an alternative, then you should support Peace and Freedom.

There will be many good people running this fall on the PFP ticket, and several good candidates from the Green Party. In the interest of true democracy, multiparty democracy, freedom of choice, and hope for change, please vote Green in some races and the Peace and Freedom Party in others so both parties can remain on the ballot!

Dump the Duopoly!
by Harry
"This was only an silence working people." Give us a break. As you yourself admit, the total registration for Peace & Freedom is about 60,000. That's ONLY 0.37% of all the eligible voters in California. Less than one person in a hundred! Since I suspect there are many more than 60,000 "working people" in the state, that means that a whole lot of "working people" don't care about your socialist rhetoric. Your little band doesn't speak for all working people, so stop claiming that you do.
by reality check
Oh, I guess we forgot that the " little band " you and Dianne Feinstein belong to DOES " speak for all working people..."

Yeah, right!

"The tiny privileged portion will do their damndest to deny
any try to pry their filthy, funky fungers from the pie..."

Those millionaires and corporate sell-outs who represent you via the anti-democracy Democrat [sic] Party really know what's best for working people!

And the Secretary of State (whether HE is a Republicrat or Demopublican) really has the best interests of voters in mind when he removes choices from the ballot!

And the tiny capitalist minority (the 20 percent who own 90 percent of the wealth) really have a democratic right to exploit and should not be challenged by the dreaded socialists! Capitalism has been such a success in improving the lives of workers ... pensions are safe, wages are very high, cost of living is really low, and our rights to organize are protected and defended so well by your friends in charge! Yeah, we'll just bend over and let the Democrats who have been so effective keep screwing us!
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