San Francisco
San Francisco
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Indybay Feature

San Francisco Unified School District and the recent closures of some schools

by Francisco Da Costa (frandacosta [at]
The San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) has NOT allowed the students to have a greater say in the closure and vision of the schools in San Francisco. Again and again in an environment of hostile shouting and fiasco decisions are made at many SFUSD Board Meetings. Parents for sure have a say but the students too have a greater stake in their future in San Francisco.
The recent closures of schools in San Francisco many of them in areas that affect African Americans adversely impacts good community relations.

Again and again the students are savvy and should be given an opportunity to state their feelings and ideas to bring about healing and concrete change to our schools.

Again and again we have NOT created an environment to permit our youth to address issues that they know best as students and leaders of our society.

California has a lot of money and boast as the 5th largest economy in the world. Why then can we not formulate the best models to help our youth in San Francisco and California?

Many parents in San Francisco are not happy with the recent happenings and decisions made at the SFUSD Board and this does not bode well for the students and the teachers:

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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