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Indybay Feature

School Beat: Closing Schools Again

by Lisa Schiff via Beyond Chron (reposted)
Schools got closed in San Francisco again last night. After about an hour of passionate public testimony regarding the flaws in the process and the uneven impact on communities (especially African-American communities) as reflected by the schools on the list for closure, merger or relocation, the board deliberated and eventually made their very hard decisions.
Despite calls from the public to pause the process in the hopes of the passage of Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi’s proposal to advance a portion of City bond money allocated for the schools, a motion to delay the closure based on this proposal failed to pass and so closures, mergers and relocations were back on the table. (Mirkarimi’s proposal is still set to be brought to the Board of Supervisors Government and Audit Committee at 1pm, Monday January 23rd).

Luther Burbank Middle School, Cabrillo Elementary School, and Enola Maxwell Middle School were all closed. John Swett Elementary was merged into John Muir Elementary, which many feel is simply just another closure. The Japanese Bilingual Bicultural Program (JBBP West) was merged with Rosa Parks Elementary, two very different communities and programs, which presents both challenges and opportunities.

International Studies Academy (ISA) will be relocated to the Enola Maxwell site and the Downtown High School will move to the old ISA site. Aim High will move to the Luther Burbank site. Because of it’s valuable Pacific Heights location, Newcomer High School will be moved to the current Edison site, but will be given a year to have community discussions regarding the move, and locations for Edison and Leadership High School, both charter schools, will have to be found.

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