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Is Arizona attorney Ron Logan aiding international penny stock fraud ?

by Tony Ryals (endoscam [at]
' The client was offered the opportunity to exchange shares of Advanced Micro Devices for Endovasc shares before the release of the alleged bad news, but was told that he would have to wire almost $7,000.00 U.S. to Union Bank of California that would be forward to an account at FBME Limited in Nicosia, Cyprus to complete the transaction.
This is a completely fraudulent scheme ....'
- from,of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai,who may themselves have perpetrated the scheme.
U.S.penny stocks are being used as a conduit for money laundering and illegal pump and dump activities around the world.The SEC turns its back and,while international in scope and conducive to criminal activities and fraud upon unsuspecting individuals and investors and to money laundering or even aiding terrorists ,these transactions may be going on,at least in part,in your own back yard,or at least in your own state.And you or a neighbor may become a victim if they are not reigned in. The world wide internet combined with SEC's Reg S and lax enforcement of rules and laws already on the book have made it all too easy for these criminals to 'reach out and touch someone'.

Does California Department of Corporations not have a responsibility to investigate if the SEC chooses to encourage U.S.stock fraud and
possible money laundering IN TERRORIST REGIONS launched from
a California bank if the SEC shirks all responsibility ?

Does some of this fraud have Beltway connections,such as James Dale Davidson,founder of the National Taxpayers Union? For those interested in these issues and California jurisdiction due to some of the international and illegal pump and dump of penny stocks and consecuent money laundering being or having been launched here including through Charles Schwab and Well Fargo I direct you to the
two links immediately below for additional reading.

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

San Diego:'Senator Bennett,penny stock scam,Cheetah Club' :
and a San Diego Wells Fargo account of ,THAT ONLY GIVES 'ADDRESS' AS CHEETAH CLUB OF LAS VEGAS AND SAN DIEGO !!! being used to promote penny stock fraud and touting on Yahoo's NFI and OSTK message boards.Threats are made to Marc Cohodes hedge fund manager and his family living in Marin on Yahoo's NFI message board as well as to myself.You may go to
and its NFI and OSTK message boards right now and see for yourselves.Yahoo is aiding and abetting criminal securities activities
and an anonymous group who work togather and make death threats.I kid you NOT !!!

That an aging and incompetent Utah Senator would aid and abet the mafia furthers my suspicions of a Beltway and James Dale Davidson connection to that Wells Fargo account in San Diego and the San Diego law firm SADR & BARRERA,in their employ.Also the 'Mary Campbell' in the ncans video found in the sandiego.indymedia link below is really a Mary Campbell Hellburn and the titular head of NCANS itself NOT AN INVESTOR WHO LOST MONEY DUE TO 'NAKED SHORT SELLING AS SHE CLAIMS !!!

I have reason to believe she resides in San Jose,California,she may have a Charles Schwab account and she is a fraud.

You may do a google search yourself of 'mary helburn ohio' and read her letter in Just Response of February suggesting SEC employees commit mass suicide as she claims they would if they were Japanese !!! So it is not surprising one of the fraudsters touting or promoting NFI on the Yahoo NFI message board goes by the alias rev_jim_jones_lives !!! As one business blogger named Jeff Matthews who also follows this criminal soap opera states,I'm not making this up' !!!
Yahoo aids and abets so far...

Below are two posts from message board:

They are written by a Mr. Ron Logan of Logan & Geotas, PLC,Phoenix, Arizona,the Arizona attorney for the Bellador Group,(, a boiler room operation located in Kuala Lumpur and Dubai, etc and a Mr.Taylor from that boiler room, or penny stock sales goup itself.

These types of questionable penny stock operators are allowed to deal in U.S.penny stocks to the detriment of U.S. and other retail investors and shares are not generally audited by the SEC that looks the other way so far.

Note that Bellador's Arizona attorney Logan lauds the corrupt,even criminal,management of Mr.Dwight Cantrell and Mr.Robert Johnson of Endovasc in Montgomery, Texas and has the nerve to claim the company is being 'naked shorted',meaning non-existent shares are being dumped by some unnamed party or broker.

'Bellador has been a strong supporter of the efforts of Endovasc to fight the naked shorting.'

- Attorney Ron Logan

The sad truth is that Endovasc,Bellador Group and the corrupt Nevada Agency and Trust Company of former SEC employee Alexander Walker, who received at least $200,000 in free shares as an insider to their illegal pump and dump scam, all worked together to conceal the 'float' or number of shares available to be bought and sold as they themselves promoted the company with press releases etc.and all dumped or sold shares in collusion while hiding this fact from retail investors.

Which is to say those who bought at market price from brokers such as Schwab Capital, Ameritrade, etc.,were ripped off.No retail investor had a chance to compete with their free or steeply discounted offshore shares or to even know they were dumping millions,even tens of millions, of new shares while fraudulently claiming brokers like Charles Schwab were 'naked shorting' their company's stock as an excuse to justify or divert attention from the true reason for the collapse of share price and thus loss of retail investors money as shares became worthless !!!

Besides defrauding naive,unsophisticated investors, including myself,this is also a conduit for laundering money and the SEC and U.S.government continue to let the fraud go on.Even Ollie North used and bought and sold penny stocks during the Iran-Contra days.Could it be that certain levels of our own government know they are rewarding and aiding an international mafia who deal with and launder with these U.S.penny stock shares ? Certainly the SEC and U.S. CONGRESS IS NOT THAT NAIVE.

Very thoughtful business writers have brought this up,particularly Christopher Byron of Rupert Murdoch's N.Y.Post.But on the other hand Murdoch's former employee from London Financial Times,the Lord Rees-Mogg,has been connected to the National Taxpayers Union founder James Dale Davidson for many years.

Both Davidson and the Lord Rees-Mogg have been investors with LOM of Bermuda that has attracted attention from the SEC for huge penny stock frauds.In fact it is now clear that Charles Schwab as well as lessor known brokers and market makers such as vFinance in Florida aided them by providing for accounts to dump and manipulate huge amounts of U.S. penny STOCKS FROM, AT THE EXPENSE OF DEFRAUDING U.S.RETAIL PURCHASERS.

James Dale Davidson and the Lord Rees-Mogg recommended LOM to wealthy investors for offshore investing in their book,The Sovereign Individual', without disclosing their substantial interest. And recently it has come to light that Mr.Davidson, friend to Steve Forbes and other far right Beltway insiders including no doubt Grover Norquist an ex-Executive Director of National Taxpayers Union that Davidson founded in 1969 , has Middle East and Dubai business connections and no doubt U.S.penny stock deals as well.

Mr.James Dale Davidson probably also knows Utah Senator Bennett as well who made an erroneous claim to the SEC earlier this year about a fraudulent penny stock pump and dump scheme called Global Links(GBLL) being the victim of 'naked short selling'.

Further Mr.James Dale Davidson,who likes to hide behind a pseudo patriotism as he defrauds Americans in a myriad of penny stock scams,is founder of 'NAANSS' , or 'National Association Against Naked Short Selling',a fraudulent website since closed down,(probably due to my and others complaints to the SEC),that was used to promote the very scam I have tried to explain above to pump and dump penny stocks and possibly launder money.It was housed in the very same Blaine,Washington office in 2002-2003 that he and at least one convicted Canadian securities fraudster,Brent Pierce, promoted the Genemax penny stock scam from.

And I suspect he was behind an ad paid for by Patrick Byrne of of Utah and an anonymous group called headed by an unidentified individual using the pseudonym 'Bob O'Brien'.They've actualy made threats to me as well as a hedge fund manager,Marc Cohodes,over on the Yahoo NFI message board.

Links at bottom to stories on 'James Angel, Georgetown aids penny stock fraud' and Senator Bennett,penny stock scam,Cheetah Club' discuss that group and a $100,000+ ad-letter to President Bush, placed in the Washington Post on February 8 claiming 'naked shorting' a serious threat to investing in the markets.

In my case with,Endovasc,I'm sorry to say even Stanford University was in on and benfitted from the fraud.The patent promoted by Endovasc to lure investors such as myself came from Stanford which inspired confidence in the company,at least in my case.Stanford as well as two professors Heeschen and Cooke made out like bandits from a 'nicotine patent' promoted as a breakthrough discovery to induce angiogenesis or blood vessel growth.Only recently did the scandal and my complaints become enough for Stanford to withdraw their patent,too late to avoid massive stock fraud by the ongoing biotech scam called Endovasc in Montgomery, Texas and incorporated in Nevada whose corporate laws attract this paricular form of crime.

Dear Mr.Ron Logan,

Below are your statements from message board about Bellador Group,James Dale Davidson,Endovasc, and 'naked shorting'.I would like to ask you why your client Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur,Dubai,etc.,and Mr.Taylor, did not disclose or have their Endovasc deal disclosed on Endovasc SEC filings.If you are indeed so concerned about 'naked shorting' shouldn't you be concerned about your client's disclosure or lack thereof of shares they controlled and at what price ?

Are you not concerned about the 'Endovasc scam warning' placed on the website in early 2004 claimiing an unknown person or group was running an international stock swap scam using Endovasc and AMD shares and requiring an up front fee be deposited at a California bank that would then be wired to Nicosia or Cyprus of all places ? Wouldn't getting to the bottom of such criminality using your client's own name be a better use of your time as opposed to harassing critics on message boards ? And coincidentally using both the Bellador's name and Mr.Taylor's name to do it ? Are you sure that your client Mr.Taylor of Bellador Group and the other Mr.Taylor of Bellador were not one and the same ?

And as you,Mr.Ron Logan,went out of your way to quote my statement regarding James Dale Davidson on the website and defended him against me with little reason or information to judge my circumstances or the frauds Mr.Davidson perpetrated at Endovasc and Genemax using an erroneous 'naked shorting' claim to mask his own insider and illegal pumps and dumps and manipulation of those same penny stocks ,why did you take Mr.Davidson's side,who you claim not to even know ?

Does Bellador Group have any involvement with Mr.Davidson or Amenni in Dubai or elsewhere ?
Was Mr.Davidson involved still with Endovasc and its shares when Bellador became involved with Endovasc ? And finally what do you base your claim upon that Endovasc was 'naked shorted' ? What is your proof ? It is an outrageous claim to cover up illegal pump and dump activities by Mr.James Dale Davidson and Endovasc 'management' and apparently used by Bellador Group management as well. Why has your client Bellador Group,who admits a deal with Dwight Cantrell and Robert Johnson of Endovasc,not disclosed that deal to defrauded American investors ?

What follows, in addition to the Bellador Group's 'Endovasc scam warning' posted on their website in 2004, is one of your most pertainent message board posts and one from your client,Mr.Taylor,using the message board against David Marchant's wishes to tout or promote
Bellador Group,no doubt just as he touts U.S. penny stocks to foreign and offshore 'investors'. Do you
know if any of the Endovasc shares pertaining to Bellador Group entered the U.S. market by way of vFinancial ?

I will add my further communication with Judge Ken Reilly Reilly and part of the SEC filing the I think
pertains to Bellador's Endovasc shares as an add on commentary to this news-opinion post below.
Tony Ryals


'Bellador has been a strong supporter of the efforts of Endovasc to fight the naked shorting.'

Bellador attorney Ron Logan

Reply Re: Bellador boiler room, Endovasc,Advanced Micro Devices,etc.
By Ron Logan on 11/10/2004 4:06:36 AM
E-mail: logan [at]


It is always troubling when anonymous, uninformed, message board "experts" make posts such as the following:

"The question remains as to why James Dale Davidson who founded 'naanss' supposedly to 'stop naked short selling' with convicted Canadian securities fraudster Brent Pierce,and who must have dumped many unaccounted for shares when he pumped through his 'Vantage Point' etc. wasn't included in this group of insider share dumpers.Nor Belladorgroup boiler room boys out of Kuala Lumpur for that matter."

I have no connection with, or special knowledge of, the other parties that you mention, but I am well informed about Bellador Advisory Services (Labuan) Limited and its operations. You are completely wrong about your accusations of short selling and regarding your claim that Bellador operates a boiler room. Your post suggests that you are do not understand what an insider is, what a boiler room is and what constitutes commercial defamation.

1. Bellador Advisory Services (Labuan) Limited owns no shares in Endovasc, Inc.

2. Bellador Advisory Services (Labuan) Limited is not a boiler room. It is a research firm and financial advisor that screens well over 60 public companies for each one that it recommends to its high net worth clients around the globe. It has an extensive due diligence system that identifies late development stage and early revenue stage companies that are expected to become highly profitable. Bellador looks for companies that occupy a unique place in their industry, have strong intellectual property protection on exciting products, can become very successful with a modest amount of capital and that have a strong management team which has a strong plan for success.

Endovasc is one of those companies. The screening, information gathering and analysis performed by Bellador's due diligence team is followed by the preparation of a report on each opportunity that is more extensive in some respects than analyst reports that are produced by major brokerage houses. Bellador, in addition to conducting research to fully understand a funding candidate's industry, undertakes careful financial due diligence, conducts extensive interviews of all key employees, examines all important contracts to which the company has entered into and requires contract terms that allow for careful monitoring of the use of proceeds. Your complete misunderstanding of Bellador brings your own credibility into question.

3. Bellador's directors, not the company itself, have invested in some companies funded by its clients, but neither Bellador nor its directors have ever sold, shorted or otherwise engaged in hedging transactions involving a single share of any funded company. Bellador is subject to exhaustive audits by the licensing authority in Labuan, the Federal Territory of Malaysia (a growing financial center in East Malaysia). Any interested party can contact the Labuan Offshore Financial Services Authority (LOFSA) and will find that Bellador Advisory Services is licensed as a fund manager and advisor and has been thoroughly audited by both LOFSA and by the Malaysia Securities Commission within the past year. The audit is intended to assure that Bellador has complied fully with the strict laws of LOFSA. Bellador is in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. The regulatory authorities in the Federal Territory of Labuan and in Malaysia are very aggressive in their protection of investors and not at all like the fast and loose jurisdictions that have developed reputations as havens for shady operators.

4. It is patently ridiculous to assert that Bellador would sabotage its own business by causing harm to the share price of Endovasc, Inc. or any other company that it recommends to its clients. Only if Bellador's clients experience consistently good returns will the clients have confidence in Bellador's recommendations. Bellador has an outstanding track record of recommending companies that have experienced success. Not all excellent investment opportunities bear fruit in the first year. Endovasc, for example, was viewed as a 2-3 year opportunity. Bellador has sophisticated clients and it maintains the confidence of those clients, who understand that strong companies can be shorted and that the best remedy is for the company to pursue an unwavering, determined strategy of producing good results.

Bellador has been a strong supporter of the efforts of Endovasc to fight the naked shorting. Anyone who doubts this can call Endovasc and speak with CFO Dwight Cantrell or Vice President for Business Development, Rob Johnson, about their high regard for Bellador and its directors. Mr. Cantrell and Mr. Johnson work with the attorneys for Endovasc in monitoring the naked short selling. They know who is doing it and when it is happening. They absolutely know that Bellador and its clients are a friendly ally and are not part of the problem.

Anyone who doubts the positive direction in which Endovasc is moving and the level of confidence that its investors have in the company should read the press releases linked below. Endovasc has recently reorganized as a Business Development Company and has announced the raise of $5,000,000:

Your delight in attacking responsible people and companies and indiscriminately lumping them into a category with bad actors is a destructive way for someone to spend their time on the Internet. You carefully hide behind the anonymity of the Internet. I have no need to do so.

Ronald J. Logan
Logan & Geotas, PLC
Attorneys at Law
Suite 300
2198 E Camelback Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85016-4747

Office: (602) 957-9320
Internet Fax: (602) 532-7694

Below is an message board post from Peter Taylor of Bellador Group. I mentioned in my original story above that someone coincidentally using the Bellador name as well as his own name coincidentally had been running a stock swap scam between a California bank stretching all the way to Nicosia.Note neither he nor Endovasc's Cantrell ever explain where all those unaudited Envasc shares that are supposed to be traded for AMD shares plus thousands of dollars wired to Nicosia from the California bank came from.But I doubt seriously they were non-existent 'naked shorts'.
Note how he uses the message board, much to David Marchant of offshorebusiness' disapproval, for promotion of his scam.

Bellador Success
By Peter Taylor on 11/10/2004 2:41:34 AM
E-mail: petertaylor [at]

After the fantastic success of Biophan last year where clients made 233% Bellador seamingly are doing it again with the most recent recommendation American Soyl Technologies SOYL in the last quarter rising 93.24%

About Biophan Technologies

Biophan develops and markets cutting-edge technologies designed to make biomedical devices safe and compatible with the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) environment. The Company develops enabling technologies for implanted medical systems such as pacemakers, and interventional surgical devices such as catheters and guidewires, as well as stents and other implants that can be safely and effectively imaged under MRI. The technology is also being used to create MRI contrast agents, and has expanded to include other applications, such as drug delivery and power systems derived from body heat. Four Biophan product lines include advances in nanotechnology and thin film coatings. Committed to growth through innovation and developmental leadership, Biophan and its licensors have 21 issued U.S. patents and 71 patents pending, in areas including nanotechnology (nanomagnetic particle coatings), radio frequency filters, polymer composites, thermoelectric materials for batteries generating power from body heat, and photonics. Biophan has joint development arrangements with Boston Scientific (NYSE:BSX - News) and NASA's Ames Center for Nanotechnology. Biophan's goal is to make all biomedical devices capable of safely and successfully working with MRI, and delivering other technologies which will improve quality of life.

About American Soil Technologies Inc.

American Soil Technologies develops, manufactures and markets cutting-edge technology that decreases the need for water in agriculture and other plant growing environments while increasing crop yield and reducing the environmental damage caused by common farming practices. The company has an exclusive license to two method patents with cross-linked and linear polymers as their basis. The company also has three patents allowed on a revolutionary new machine, the M-216 Polymer Injector, designed to install its liquid products in mature turf as well as some standing crops. The machine has been built, tested and is now operational.

About Bellador:

Bellador Group carries out substantial investigation of the NASDAQ, OTC:BB and IPO markets to filter out those undervalued situations which demonstrate future potential in their given market sector. We source small and micro cap situations, which are currently under followed.

To find about more about the Bellador Group and the service we provide please visit our website at

Endovasc Scam Warning
Dated: Friday, 9 January, 2004
Dear Client
We have been advised that one of our long-standing Clients has been contacted by a company called Bellador Institutional Services, offering to purchase Endovasc shares in exchange for shares of Advanced Micro Devices.
"Bellador Institutional Services" has no connection with our company, and is being operated as a fraudulent scheme to lure unsuspecting investors into wiring money to an account that has no connection with Bellador Advisory Services (Labuan) Ltd, or Endovasc Inc.
The client received a recommendation that he should exchange stock that he owns in Endovasc, Inc. for stock in Advanced Micro Devices, a company that has a very strong recent trading history. The request included a false claim that this company had inside information about bad news that would soon be released about Endovasc which would allegedly cause the trading price to fall. The client was offered the opportunity to exchange shares of Advanced Micro Devices for Endovasc shares before the release of the alleged bad news, but was told that he would have to wire almost $7,000.00 U.S. to Union Bank of California that would be forward to an account at FBME Limited in Nicosia, Cyprus to complete the transaction.
This is a completely fraudulent scheme by a company that is not connected with the real Bellador Advisory Services (Labuan) Limited. We would never give this type of advice regarding the purchase or sale of securities. It would be a violation of the securities laws of the United States for us to provide information to you from insiders at Endovasc that is not generally available to the investing public and for you to purchase or sell stock based upon that inside information that, when released to the public, might affect the trading price.
This fraudulent company called Bellador Institutional Services has no connection with Bellador Advisory Services (Labuan) Limited. The Peter Taylor who is referenced in the communications from Bellador Institutional Services is not the Peter Taylor who is a director of Bellador Advisory Services (Labuan) Ltd. The money that you may be requested to wire will almost certainly wind up in the hands of criminals in Cyprus rather than being used to pay for shares of stock in a public company called Advanced Micro Devices.
All communications with you by representatives of Bellador Advisory Services (Labuan) Ltd will be from persons at our office who are known to you. All real transactions will be confirmed by the usual Transaction Confirmation letter with instructions for funds to be sent only to trust accounts of Logan & Geotas, PLC., our law firm in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. You will not receive wire transfer instructions that show a bank outside of the United States as a final destination. Cyprus has joined Nigeria and several former Soviet republics as centers of Internet fraud and the recent schemes seem to be targeting sophisticated, high networth investors.
Our Internet technology consultants confirm that we have a secure firewall on our servers and that the confidential information about addresses of our clients who previously purchased Endovasc stock has not been compromised. The matter has been reported to the two banks which were listed on the fraudulent wire transfer instructions.
We have notified Endovasc, Inc. of the attempted fraud. We have requested (and Endovasc has agreed) that all future communications of shareholder addresses between Endovasc and its stock transfer agent be sent by facsimile transmission rather than by e-mail to reduce the chance that confidential information about client addresses could be obtained by the interception of e-mail messages.
Please advise us if you have any concerns or issues with the above information, because we are treating this as a very serious matter and we are also advising our Regulatory Authority LOFSA (Labuan Offshore Financial Services Authority) in respect of this matter.
Bellador Advisory Services (Labuan) Ltd
Client Services Dept

To SEC : James Angel,Georgetown University,Aids Penny Stock Fraud

Senator Bennett,penny stock scam,Cheetah Club

James Dale Davidson,Dubai,and penny stock connections:

Has Texas Attorney John O'Quinn covered up stock fraud and money laundering ?

Judge Ken Reilly,Endovasc and money laundering in Montgomery,Texas

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

Bellador Group,Amenni,James Dale Davidson and Dubai

Further reading re Bellador Group can be found at link below to the message board.Two recent comments from that board by myself and the alias 'Mlyons' who commented to my article on austin.inymedia as well in order to put lipstick on the pig Endovasc of Montgomery, Texas and its pimp BELLADOR GROUP are also below.


Bellador Group,Dubai share-money laundering and Endovasc :

Re: Are Davidson,Lochrie,and Amenni connected to Bellador Group ?
By MLyons on 9/24/2005 5:10:16 PM
E-mail: MLy (at)

Craig Dean works in Bellador's Dubai office as an advisor. As I indicated in a reply to another of your posts, Bellador is not the boiler-room operation you allege. Davidson, Lochrie, and Amenni have no connection to Bellador. I have personally confirmed this with them.

I'm all for chat and message boards, but the unfortunate aspect about them is that they aren't subject to any editorial process whatsoever. People are free to post false allegations, innuendo, and inaccurate information no matter what their motive, and their posts are not subject to any vetting at all. Endovasc is not performing well and I am as troubled by this as you, but to make false allegations and mislead readers/investors puts you in the company of those individuals you suggest have engaged in other wrongdoing.

Re: Is The DILIGIZER Board Up ?
By To Mr.Mlyons re Bellador - Davidson on 9/24/2005 9:53:11 PM
E-mail: endoscam (at)

Well as one who is merely a client you seem to know a lot.You might also note I often post with questions but provide certain
facts to justify my asking them.Yes interesting James Dale Davidson has a Dubai connection through Amenni anyway,isn't it ? Maybe you through your connections at Belllador might even be able to inform us where the Amenni office is located in Dubai.Is it far from the Bellador Group office ?

And it is also at least interesting he had an Endovasc connection just before or possibly at the same time that Bellador Group did.If you all didn't cross paths,why,I'm sorry to say,you just missed him.A real pleasant fellow I'm sure.

And in fact, through Agora, a Southeast Asian connection and publication there as well I believe.David Marchant might know more about that,I'm not sure.He also has British connections as Mr.Taylor might know,having gone to Oxford and being a chum of the Lord Rees-Mogg.

Now I don't know if you are an American or not but in this post 911 era,all personal interest aside,wouldn't you have to admit,Reg S shares or any other form of shares would have to be audited or one could never guarantee,however principled the holders might be,that no money was laundered using those shares ? So getting above the fact that Mr.Cantrell and Mr.Johnson ripped me off of 100% of my investment by dumping shares through Charles Schwab and probably LOM of Bermuda and
by whatever means and route through vFinance and then on to Kuala Lumpur and maybe Nicosia for all I know by someone named or claiming to be named,coincidentally,'Mr.Taylor' of Bellador something or other......regardless of all that don't you think Bellador Group should simply disclose how much was paid for how many Endovasc shares as an example of how above board they are,and we should all be,in this post 911 era ?

And until that is done how can attorney O'Quinn of Texas or Ron Logan of Arizona dare defend Endovasc and Dwight Cantrell and Robert Johnson of being victims of naked shorting
when they apparently are pocketing a fair amount of cash of Bellador Group and or its clients as well as from James Dale Davidson and holders of that 'select clients' account and never declaring ?!!

This you see is what I call 'share-money laundering' and I have every reason to be indignant don't you think,both as an American and as a defrauded investor ? Just you believe money has ever been laundered in say,Kuala Lumpur or Dubai,with unaudited U.S.penny stock shares ?

Re: Are Davidson,Lochrie,and Amenni connected to Bellador Group ?
By MLyons on 9/24/2005 5:10:16 PM
E-mail: MLy (at)

Craig Dean works in Bellador's Dubai office as an advisor. As I indicated in a reply to another of your posts, Bellador is not the boiler-room operation you allege. Davidson, Lochrie, and Amenni have no connection to Bellador. I have personally confirmed this with them.

I'm all for chat and message boards, but the unfortunate aspect about them is that they aren't subject to any editorial process whatsoever. People are free to post false allegations, innuendo, and inaccurate information no matter what their motive, and their posts are not subject to any vetting at all. Endovasc is not performing well and I am as troubled by this as you, but to make false allegations and mislead readers/investors puts you in the company of those individuals you suggest have engaged in other wrongdoing.

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