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ACLU Criticizes Governor Schwarzenegger’s Comments on Controversial “Minuteman” Program

by ACLU of California
Gov. Schwarzenegger’s recent off-the-cuff statement that he supports the work of a handful of vigilantes in Arizona staked out on the Mexico-U.S. border without the support of the U.S. government, the Border Patrol or even President Bush is bad governance

ACLU of California Criticizes Governor Schwarzenegger’s Comments on Controversial “Minuteman” Program

April 29, 2005

Contact: media [at]

Statement of the ACLU of California

SACRAMENTO -- A governor who ran for office as the people’s politician should unite the residents of California rather than divide.

Gov. Schwarzenegger’s recent off-the-cuff statement that he supports the work of a handful of vigilantes in Arizona staked out on the Mexico-U.S. border without the support of the U.S. government, the Border Patrol or even President Bush is bad governance. The governor then took it one step farther in saying he is not opposed to vigilantism within our state. Encouraging this kind of dangerous activity that invites harassment and intimidation is irresponsible.

In a state so rich and diverse, our elected officials are charged with supporting the people and solving problems, not advocating behavior designed to scapegoat a national issue on immigrants.

A governor who steers clear of tempered discussion and reasoned debate is not doing his job. Californians voted him into office because he promised no divisive rhetoric and to govern for all the people of California. Unfortunately he has sunk far below this claim.

For more information on the Minuteman program, go to
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by a straw man arguement on an nonexistant issue
you need more time outside of the pot clubs
by role of WTO/NAFTA globalization
Arnold, his beloved militamen and the ACLU are all missing the point. Why are people from Mexico and other lands in Sur America coming to Norte America in large numbers, often seperating themselves from loved ones and communities??

Does anyone really believe that Mexicans eagerly await the lawn mowing jobs in the suburbs of America??

If we don't look at the role of globalization (WTO, NAFTA, CAFTA, PPP, etc.) as the current primary cause of economic inequality and instability we will be forced to argue the tweedl-dee vs. tweedle-dum polarized immigration dogmas of the neo-liberals and the neo-conservatives..

It is foolish to attempt maintaining a border fence from San Diego to the Rio Grande delta in southeast Tejas. People will continue to enter across the US imaginary border as long as there is economic inequality between el norte y el sur. Spotlights, SUV driving INS agents, minutemen militia, barbed wire, concrete, helicopters, etc., are all a waste of energy and serve little purpose in "securing" anything except some INS agent's paychecks for dozing in an SUV at 3 am. Not to mention this unnatural frontera barrier prevents Sonoran pronghorn antelope, desert bighorn sheep and other indigenous fauna from migrating to needed water and food sources..

It is also foolish to maintain an economy where immigrants from Mexico and sur america fill low level jobs. We aren't helping anyone by handing them a weed wacker and saying "Trim those weeds for some US currency and a better way of life." Lawn mowing, fast food, plantation agribusiness in the Central Valley only exists because the economy forces people into these low paying jobs with little room for advancement. None of these industries are good for the ecosystem either, many are dependant on petroleum and/or massive factory farms..

If people cannot thrive and live in their own home without depending on a job in el norte, there is a problem more serious than immigration. If indigenous farmers in Oaxaca, Chiapas, Morelos (Tlalnepantla) ,

Police Invade Autonomous Community in Morelos

Michoacan, etc. are displaced from their land by a hostile Mexican military operating in the interest of corporate globalization and WTO/NAFTA mandates, then we realize the problem is not going to be solved by a fence..

If neo-liberals and neo-conservatives would both step back from the front lines of their polarized arguements they may both realize that other options are being ignored. Defending the autonomous collectivos in regions of Mexico where they exist would strengthen the people's resolve against a hostile government controlled by corporations (Plan Puebla Panama enables biotech Grupo Pulsar, timber Boise-Cascade, to evict indigenas from the Lacandon rainforest in Chiapas/Oaxaca)..

We may discover that the common grounds of la gente in el norte y el sur are that corporate controlled government is taking everyone's rights away. Maybe then language and immigration would really be a non issue, and autonomy and community solidarity across imaginary fronteras would become the real priority..

luna moth

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