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Members of Congress to Announce Legislation to Lift Cuba Travel Ban

Members of Congress will announce their new legislation to repeal the ban on travel to Cuba, and Cuban-Americans separated from family members by the travel ban will participate in a forum on the impact of the travel restrictions, both key events as hundreds of Americans converge on Washington, D.C. for "Cuba Action Day."

UPDATE: Members of Congress to Announce Legislation to Lift Cuba Travel Ban; Cuban-Americans Separated from Parents, Children to Address Cuba Action Day Forum April 27

4/26/2005 11:52:00 AM

To: National, International and Assignment Desks, Daybook Editor

Contact: Dwayne Lawler (media relations) of TSD, 212-222-4477; Sarah Stephens or Ingrid Vaicius (Spanish), 202-232-3317, both of the Center for International Policy/Freedom to Travel Campaign (CIP); Mavis Anderson or Philip Schmidt, 202-546-7010, both of the Latin America Working Group (LAWG); Geoff Thale or Rachel Farley, 202-797-2171, both of the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA)

News Advisory:

Members of Congress will announce their new legislation to repeal the ban on travel to Cuba, and Cuban-Americans separated from family members by the travel ban will participate in a forum on the impact of the travel restrictions, both key events as hundreds of Americans converge on Washington, D.C. for "Cuba Action Day." Cuban Americans, including Sgt. Carlos Lazo, a returned Iraq veteran who could not visit his sons, and a Miami teacher who could not see his dying father, will speak.

The Members' announcement and the forum will take place at the Hyatt Regency Ballroom, 400 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The day's other events will include a prayer breakfast, and meetings with Senators and Representatives.

WHEN: TOMORROW, Wednesday, April 27, 7 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.

WHAT: A day of action on Capitol Hill against the unfair ban on travel to Cuba including.

-- Prayer breakfast

-- Forum with Sen. Baucus; Reps. Flake, Delahunt, and Emerson; and other Members of Congress (also featuring Cuban-Americans and other travel ban victims).

-- State delegation meetings and congressional briefings

-- Evening reception

WHO: Center for International Policy/Freedom to Travel Campaign; Latin America Working Group; Washington Office on Latin America; Fifteen organizational co-sponsors

DETAILS: Cuba Action Day is the kick-off for a nation-wide, ongoing campaign. It is sponsored by organizations dedicated to changing US policy toward Cuba including: the Center for International Policy's Freedom to Travel Campaign, the Latin America Working Group, and the Washington Office on Latin America. For more information, please go to

EDITOR'S NOTE: Please note updated list of attending Senators.


/© 2005 U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770/
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