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GARY WEBB, 49, wrote about CIA and Crack, Found Dead

by Alex Walker (AlexCathy [at]
GARY WEBB, the investigative reporter who broke the story about the CIA's involvement with crack cocaine dealers in Southern California in the 1980's has been found dead from a gunshot wound to the head in Sacramento. He was 49 years old with two sons and a daughter. They are calling it a "suicide."
GARY WEBB, the investigative reporter who broke the story about the CIA's involvement with crack cocaine dealers in Southern California in the 1980's has been found dead from a gunshot wound to the head in Sacramento. He was 49 years old with two sons and a daughter. They are calling it a "suicide."

What an amazing "coincidence" that this happens just when Our Dear Great Dumb "Intelligence Community" is under scrutiny again. Also note, that in recent years Mr. Webb did some great work exposing corruption in the administration of California Democratic Gov. Gray Davis. In other words, Webb had a lot of "bipartisan" enemies. Also note how that sick, "liberal" Los Angeles Times is still sticking to their "cover-up" story about Webb's work. Nevermind the inconvenient fact that since 1996 the CIA, itself, has quietly admitted that most of Webb's original story was true.

The purpose of this article to alert as many people as possible of this news. Was it a suicide? Probably was. Far be it from me to spread conspiracy theories, but it's funny how so many people who have crossed swords with the goddamn CIA, including a couple of presidents, end up disgraced or dead.

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Posted on, Sunday, December 12, 2004.

Gary Webb, 49, former MN reporter, author
By Jessica Portner
Mercury News

Gary Webb, a former Mercury News investigative reporter, author and legislative staffer who ignited a firestorm with his controversial stories, died Friday in an apparent suicide in his suburban Sacramento home. He was 49.

The Sacramento County coroner's office said that when A Better Moving Company arrived at Mr. Webb's Carmichael home at about 8:20 a.m. Friday, a worker discovered a note posted to the front door which read: ``Please do not enter. Call 911 and ask for an ambulance.''

Mr. Webb, an award-winning journalist, was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head, Sacramento County Deputy Coroner Bill Guillot said Saturday.

Mr. Webb's friends and colleagues described him as a devoted father and a funny, dogged reporter who was passionate about investigative journalism.

As a staff writer for the Mercury News from 1989 to 1997, he exposed freeway retrofitting problems in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and wrote stories about the Department of Motor Vehicles' computer software fiascos.

Mr. Webb was perhaps best known for sparking a national controversy with a 1996 story that contended supporters of a CIA-backed guerrilla army in Nicaragua helped trigger America's crack-cocaine epidemic in the 1980s. The ``Dark Alliance'' series in the Mercury News came under fire by other news organizations, and the paper's own investigation concluded the series did not meet its standards.

Mr. Webb resigned a year and a half after the series appeared in the paper. He then published his book, ``Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras and the Crack Cocaine Explosion.''

In the past few years, Mr. Webb worked in the California Assembly Speaker's Office of Member Services and for the Joint Legislative Audit Committee. The committee investigated charges that Oracle received a no-bid contract from Gov. Gray Davis. After being laid off from his legislative post last year, Mr. Webb was hired by the Sacramento News and Review, a weekly publication.

Tom Dresslar, a spokesman for state Attorney General Bill Lockyer who has known Mr. Webb for more than a decade, was distraught Saturday when he heard that his friend may have taken his own life.

``He had a fierce commitment to justice, truth and cared a lot about people who are forgotten and society tries to shove into the dark corners,'' Dresslar said. ``It's a big loss for me personally and a great loss for the journalism community.''

Services for Mr. Webb are pending.

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Posted on, Sunday, December 12, 2004.

Gary Webb, 49; Wrote Series Linking CIA, Drugs

By Nita Lelyveld and Steve Hymon, Times Staff Writers

Gary Webb, an investigative reporter who wrote a widely criticized series linking the CIA to the explosion of crack cocaine in Los Angeles, was found dead in his Sacramento-area home Friday. He apparently killed himself, authorities said.

Webb had suffered a gunshot wound to the head, according to the Sacramento County coroner's office. He was 49.

His 1996 San Jose Mercury News series contended that Nicaraguan drug traffickers had sold tons of crack cocaine from Colombian cartels in Los Angeles' black neighborhoods and then funneled millions in profits back to the CIA-supported Nicaraguan Contras.

Three months after the series was published, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said it conducted an exhaustive investigation but found no evidence of a connection between the CIA and Southern California drug traffickers.

Major newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times, New York Times and Washington Post, wrote reports discrediting elements of Webb's reporting. The Los Angeles Times report looked into Webb's charges "that a CIA-related drug ring sent 'millions' of dollars to the Contras; that it launched an epidemic of cocaine use in South-Central Los Angeles and America's other inner cities; and that the agency either approved the scheme or deliberately turned a blind eye."

"But the available evidence, based on an extensive review of court documents and more than 100 interviews in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington and Managua, fails to support any of those allegations," The Times reported.

Months later, the Mercury News also backed away from the series, publishing an open letter to its readers, admitting to flaws.

"We oversimplified the complex issue of how the crack epidemic in America grew," wrote the paper's executive editor, Jerry Ceppos, adding, "I believe that we fell short at every step of our process — in the writing, editing and production of our work."

The paper reassigned Webb to a suburban bureau. In December 1997, he quit.

"All he ever wanted to do was write," said Webb's ex-wife, Susan Bell, who met him when they were both high school students in Indiana. "He never really recovered from it."

Webb was born in Corona to a military family and moved around the country throughout his youth. He dropped out of journalism school just shy of graduating to accept his first newspaper job at the Kentucky Post, then went to the Cleveland Plain Dealer and the Mercury News.

Within two years of arriving at the paper, Webb was part of a team that won the Pulitzer Prize in 1990 for coverage of the Loma Prieta earthquake.

Webb continued to defend his reporting, most notably in a 548-page book, "Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion," which was published in 1999.

After leaving the Mercury News, Webb worked in state government, including the Joint Legislative Audit Committee's investigation into then-Gov. Gray Davis' controversial award of a $95-million, no-bid contract to Oracle in 2001.

"The guy had a fierce commitment to justice and truth. He cared deeply about the people who are forgotten, that we try to shove into the dark recesses of our minds and world," said Tom Dresslar, a spokesman for the California attorney general's office who worked with Webb on the Oracle investigation.

But Webb's career remained troubled. While working for another legislative committee in Sacramento, Webb wrote a report accusing the California Highway Patrol of unofficially condoning and even encouraging racial profiling in its drug interdiction program.

Legislative officials released the report in 1999 but cautioned that it was based mainly on assumptions and anecdotes. Earlier this year, Webb was one of a group of employees fired from the Assembly speaker's Office of Member Services for failing to show up for work.

Webb, who lived in Carmichael, continued to write occasionally for a variety of publications. Last summer, the weekly Sacramento News & Review hired Webb to cover government and politics. He had recently written two cover stories, including one on how much money Sacramento County was making off the use of red-light cameras.

"He's obviously a skilled reporter and writer and he was doing good work for us and the evidence was on the page," said News & Review Editor Tom Walsh.

Webb is survived by two sons, Ian and Eric; and a daughter, Christine.

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by activists anonymous
remember similiar deaths of the enron executive and barry seal, and plane crashes of sen. wellstone and the senator who ran against john ashcroft etc etc etc
by reader
I wanted to verify this so using my ridiculous username and password I checked the SJ Mercury News website: is the url of the story about him.

by bmali (bmali [at]
it is amazing that even now LATimes can not admit it did a hatchet job on Gary Webb . that CIA's own inspector general ina thorough report pretty much affirmed most of Webb's points.

"The Octopus Returns"
by Kenn Thomas

Here's a quick refresher paragraph on the Octopus:

Danny Casolaro was "suicided" in 1992 on the trail of the mother of all conspiracies, a transnational cabal manipulating world political events since World War II called The Octopus. Key to his research was a super-surveillance software called PROMIS, which was given to a crony of Ronald Reagan's as a pay off for the deliverance of $40 million to the Ayatollah Khomeini for the "October Surprise" -- holding on to the 52 American hostages in Iran until after Jimmy Carter lost the 1980 election. The crony profiteered from PROMIS (really owned by a company called Inslaw) by selling it to police agencies throughout the world for the purpose of tracking criminals and extrapolating their next moves.

Feral House plans a new edition of the book The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro. Casolaro's own notes - those that didn't disappear the night he died - provided the basis of the book, which I co-wrote with another celebrated conspiracy writer, Jim Keith. That first edition came out in 1996 and is now a bit of a collector's item, costing about $100 on amazon if you can find a copy.

Like all great conspiracy writers, Casolaro was dismissed as a paranoid crank. The book's existence as a kind of cult classic testifies to how cutting-edge parapolitical insight is pushed into an underground of the few who care to know. It's re-emergence now, however, has an eerie, although not unsurprising, parallel with events and people easily recognizable to the wider world. The Octopus, the real one, has returned just in time for the book.

Example one: shortly after the Afghanistan war stories began circulating that Osama Bin Laden was using the PROMIS extrapolation function to avoid capture. According to these stories, it was given to him via a circuitous route from the Russians who got it from the famed turncoat spy Robert Hanssen.

Example two: the June resignation of Paul Redmond, Assistant Secretary of Information Analysis for the US Homeland Security department. Described by some as a "legendary spy catcher" - he had a role in the capture of CIA traitor Aldrich Ames - Redmond officially resigned for "health reasons." Most took that as polite cover for Redmond's frustration with under-funding of the department, but others connected into to a rumored secret investigation Redmond was conducting of long-standing common interests between the Bush and bin Laden families and was forced to resign. Among the connections: PROMIS, also had been given to Saddam Hussein by the senior Bush in the early 1990s, and he too now uses it to avoid capture. Danny Casolaro had reported that Iraq was among the countries that originally purchased the software illegally.

Example three: Casolaro had also written about John Poindexter, one of the few people convicted in the Iran-contra scandal, a trading-with-the-enemy affair that grew out of the October Surprise. An appeals court overturned his five 1990 felony convicitions, however, and more recently Poindexter was appointed head of a new information technology unit of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Pentagon agency that developed the internet. This new DARPA unit was called Total Information Awareness. Symbolized on its website and on a wall decoration in Poindexter's office by an eye over a pyramid - a tip of the hat that he worked for secret masters -- it's purpose was to further develop PROMIS-like software that could track every detail of every American citizen's life.

In July, Poindexter was forced to resign from the administration when it was discovered that DARPA's TOI also was developing a futures trading market based on the prediction of terrorist events. Of course, a short-selling spree on the real market made a fortune for someone just after the destruction of the World Trade Towers, so someone was already pretty good at predicting terrorist events.

Examples four and five: the central conspiracy that concerns even the major media now is the role of the Saudis in the 9/11 disasters. Casolaro had written about the al-Yamama aerospace contract umbrella that keeps US and British money flowing into Saudi Arabia. He focused on the career of arms merchant Adnan Khashoggi, who helped develop the contracts, and his partner, Manucher Ghorbanifar. Back in March, because of meetings Khashoggi set up with Bush defense adviser Richard Perle to privately profiteer from the still pending war in Iraq, Perle was also forced to resign. This month it has been reported that Pentagon underlings for the Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith, have been meeting with Manucher Ghorbanifar, unauthorized by Dubya, of course.

The pattern of resignations is erupting around the edges of the Octopus entity that Casolaro began to delineate back in the late 80s/early 90s. The low-level, limited hang-out resignations more or less shield the central creature from true exposure. The compliant press helps with that, of course, not having enough historical memory to see the pattern. The only memory it has of Danny Casolaro is that he had whacky conspiracy "theories".

The new book looks at all of this and much else concerning The Octopus, Casolaro's original research as well as how it illuminates what now goes on in the post 9/11 warfare world.

by @
No mention of depression, though no doubt that will be added to later reports to complete the black-op. Maybe he know something about Bush's next homeland security nominee. Here's another corpse for the Bush body count:
by @
An excerpt from the Sacramento News' obituaries.

"Gary Webb, a prize-winning investigative journalist whose star-crossed career was capped with a controversial newspaper series linking the CIA to the crack cocaine epidemic in Los Angeles, died Friday of self-inflicted gunshot wounds, officials said.

Mr. Webb, 49, was found dead in his Carmichael home Friday morning of gunshot wounds to the head, the Sacramento County Coroner's Office said Saturday."

Note the plural "wounds". An actual suicide from a gunshot to the head wouldn't leave the victim in any state to pull the trigger a second time.
by Vince Foster
Four Bush biographers, Mark Lombardi, J.H. Hatfield, Danny Casalaro, and now Gary Webb--all "suicide" victims. What are the odds all of these people actually committing suicide?

Examining the male U.S.suicide rate for recent years
(, we can
extrapolate a conservative estimate of 17 male suicides per 100,000 people, or 0.017%. The odds of 4 specific, male biographers committing suicide would be the 4th power of 17/100000, or 8.3521 4.913 x 10^-17...roughly 1 chance 10,000,000,000,000,000. About as good a definition of impossible as you can get. A person would stand a better chance of playing the Canadian lottery 6/49 exactly twice in one's lifetime and winning ther grand jackpot BOTH TIMES! (That is, picking 6 numbers out of 49 possible numbers and matching all 6 numbers out of 6 random draws, on 2 separate occasions, and having only purchased two Canadian lottery tickets ever.) This calculation should be regarded as a conservative estimate: the actual odds against such a "coincidence" would be much greater. For example, if any of the biographers were female, the odds would be even greater.
by sad
Maybe he was suicided but as mentioned above the press did a damn good job of finishing him off before he died. In a country with a genuine free press a writer of Webb's courage and ingenuity would have been rewarded and above all employed.
by poocho
Here is some math:
Given a .0017% suicide rate, we can calculate how many biographers Bush must have for 4 suicides to be statistically expected:

x * .000017 = 4
x = 4/.000017
x = 235,294
So if Bush has a quarter of a million biographers, it makes perfect sense...SO THERE!

(I think you figures are a bit exaggarated, but no matter how you slice it its pretty wierd!)
by found in Google news "entertainment&quot
of 51 national news articles showing up in the google news 'Entertaiment"(!!??) section, 48 are copies of the AP version, written by their anonymous reporter.
by Elbow Prints
The problem is: Why now? What's up? Although Webb's work has been carefully discredited, it is plainly factual because it was published in a context where it was known that the underground "black" (drug) economy was sloshing around more than a trillion dollarii a year in the mid-80's. That simply cannot happen without the active participation of key administration personnel and the involvement of key institutions. If there were a real effort to crack down on the traffic of Schedule A narcotics, I would not have been - 1980's - in the allarming situation I slowly discovered in San José. My neighbour, Carrie, supplied narcotics to people in the Town Planning department in order to infringe on my property rights as part of a larger scam; we - Green Card - had no American friends or colleagues who wanted to spend an evening without narcotics on tap; my hairdresser's husband was Iranian - left over from student expats after the so-called "Revolution" - who performed enthic music at exiled generals' parties in the Santa Cruz hills. They were embarassed by the trays of cocaïne available on the buffet tables and he decided not to perform at any of those parties. As a consequence, he had no work and she did housecalls. We were invited once as Social Cover to join a group which had expected that we normally would have brought some unusual or exotic stuff with us. We were given 3pm on Sunday as a date, and sat in the salon talking to nice, dull aunts who left around 6. Then the crowd showed up, someone handed me a phone and I was talking to a girl in San Francisco who seemed friendly and cordial and wanted to know if she should show up. I of course said Yes (why not?). She sulked at me when she arrived though: I had disappointed her expectations, though I was at a loss as to how I might have done this. The party fractured into different [drug-taking] rooms and we found ourselves wandering and wondering, and not particularly welcome anywhere. I realized what was going on, and insisted we leave. We discovered that it was dangerous for us to socialize with such people if we didn't share their interest in interdicted narcotic substances because we would always be suspect to them when they had a "problem".
A random call to a friend for the name of a Reccomended travel agent turned up a gal whose daughter was in prison for LSD trafficking; she might have been On something, too: she made a real mess of my vacation. A loan appraiser, ethically mandated a random pick, arrived high on what I suspected was Ice, since he couldn't keep quiet about how he got the Stuff out of Hawaii; he was as skinny as a rake and I now conclude that he was eager to sell me some. All I wanted was an appraisal, and stuck to the script. And so on and so forth. Narcotics were everywhere you turned and the place was falling apart for that very reason.
The fact is that neither of us had been sucked into participation during our later school years; we wondered a lot how and why we were able to escape the pandemic unharmed.
Given the social pressure exerted to have us join in, Gary Webb's articles were entirely credible and their discrediting a national disgrace.
by Real Revolutionary
This is horrifying news! There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Gary Webb was murdered by the CIA, FBI and or other fascists.Suicide... my ass! Just another reason why we must overthrow the Bush dictatorship!
by Eric Blair
I find it interesting that Gary Webb's obituary in the Sacramento Bee refers to "gunshot wounds" - plural - TWICE. Usually, folks who shoot themselves in the head only manage to do it one time.

Here's the link:

But I also copied and pasted the article, just in case it disappears soon:

Obituary: Gary Webb, prize-winning investigative reporter
By Sam Stanton and Sandy Louey -- Bee Staff Writers
Published 2:15 am PST Sunday, December 12, 2004
Get weekday updates of Sacramento Bee headlines and breaking news. Sign up here.

Gary Webb, a prize-winning investigative journalist whose star-crossed career was capped with a controversial newspaper series linking the CIA to the crack cocaine epidemic in Los Angeles, died Friday of self-inflicted gunshot wounds, officials said.

Mr. Webb, 49, was found dead in his Carmichael home Friday morning of gunshot wounds to the head, the Sacramento County Coroner's Office said Saturday.

He left a note, but officials would not disclose its contents.

"I'm still in a state of shock," said Tom Dresslar, who works as a spokesman for California Attorney General Bill Lockyer and had known Mr. Webb for 15 years.

"He was a hard-core, no-fear investigative reporter," Dresslar said. "He wasn't afraid to stand up to whatever authority."
The two worked together when the Joint Legislative Audit Committee was investigating the Davis administration over the failed Oracle Corp. software contract.

Dresslar said Mr. Webb brought all the skills and tenacity that he had honed as an investigative reporter to his job as an investigator for the Assembly. "I was proud to work with him and call him a friend," Dresslar said.

Mr. Webb was divorced and had three children, according to Dresslar.

Most recently, Mr. Webb had been reporting for the Sacramento News & Review, covering politics and state government.

Mr. Webb had been working in the California Assembly speaker's Office of Member Services until February, when he was ousted after the new speaker, Fabian Núñez, took office.

Mr. Webb won more than 30 journalism awards in his career, which included stints with the Cleveland Plain Dealer and the San Jose Mercury News.

But it was Mr. Webb's tenure at the Mercury News from 1988 to 1997 that made his name in the business and eventually drove him from daily newspapers.

Mr. Webb, who was based in the newspaper's Sacramento bureau, authored a three-part investigative series in 1996 that linked the CIA to Nicaraguan Contras seeking to overthrow the Sandin ista government and to drug sales of crack cocaine flooding south-central Los Angeles in the 1980s.

The series, "Dark Alliances: The Story Behind the Crack Explosion," was controversial almost from the start.

Even as newspapers nationwide carried versions of Mr. Webb's reporting and congressional leaders called for investigations, the CIA director at the time visited Los Angeles for an unprecedented town hall meeting with area residents at which he denied the allegations and was met with loud jeers.

Three of the nation's leading newspapers, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post, followed up with reports questioning Mr. Webb's conclusions, and eventually his own newspaper turned on him.

In a letter to readers published in the Mercury News in May 1997, then-Executive Editor Jerry Ceppos told readers there had been problems with the series and that "we fell short at every step of our process - in the writing, editing and production of our work."

Within a month of that note's publication, Mr. Webb told the Washington Post that he had been pulled off the story, and his editors had told him they would not publish his follow-ups.

He also said he was fighting a transfer from the Sacramento bureau to a posting in Cupertino.

By then, however, his fate at the Mercury News was sealed, and he left the paper that year, eventually taking a job with the Assembly.

Mr. Webb later published a 548-page book based on his series, and in a 1998 interview with The Bee he said he still was befuddled over how he became notorious while the allegations in his stories were dismissed.

"That is an amazing phenomenon," he said. "I'm still not exactly sure how that happened."

by Hats off to Gary
I received this e-mail from Cele Castillo, who received it from Peter Dale Scott. Gary was a wonderful journalist who fought the good fight. He broke an incredible story with the Dark Alliance, and the internal investigation within the CIA actually upheld the key elments of his story (while obscuring much of the rest in doubletalk). We should continue to move his story about the Dark Alliance forward in the years ahead.
-- Bill Simpich

Peter Dale Scott: Gary Webb, Pulitzer Prize winner, died this weekend in what was pretty clearly a suicide. Even if he pulled the trigger of the shotgun that killed him, he was still a victim punished unjustly for his pursuit of the truth.

It is clear that anyone who has dared to speak out about the CIA and the drug traffic has risked losing his job. In like fashion Celerino Castillo was eased out of DEA, and Robert Parry lost his job at AP. When Gary was absurdly abused by a pack of attack dogs at the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Washington Post, Gary’s editors at the San
Jose Mercury-Tribune failed to stand by him; and in the end virtually they forced him off the paper by reassigning him to a trivial suburban post.

The guilty consciences of the major newspapers is reflected now in the
demeaning obituaries they have written about him. Gary’s treatment of the CIA-drug story was not flawless; no one’s is or can be. But he deserved far better than he got; and it is the other journalists who attacked him who should now hang their heads in shame.

It is difficult to be the victim of injustice, and not become obsessed by it. As someone else has observed of this tragedy, it is important that we resist the changes imposed on us by the world, by responding instead to the truth that is within us.

For those of us who have had the luck to survive in this struggle while others have died, some of them murdered, our response must be to carry on.

by Archie
You can't really expect someone like Bush, who was in on killing 3,000 innocent people on 911 in order to provide a catalyst, as stated in the PNAC by VP Cheney and other Bushites, for fulfilling VP Cheney's observation in 1990 when he was Secretary of State under Bush Sr that if the US controls Middle East oil, we will have a stranglehold on the economies of the nations of the rest of the world, to really care about suiciding four main thorns.
by eighty-eighty-eight
Entry wound. Exit wound. One bullet.

Just speculating...
by Andrew
Correction. Mr. Casolaro was "suicided" in 1991, from what I recall.
by youngwithafuture (youngwithafuture [at]
bush could very well finally end up murdering 1/4 MILLION human beings, each with their own story to tell as to how horribly bush murdered them.

wait, the sanctions have already done that ...

mostly children, kind of like when the Pharoe of egypt killed all those first born sons ...

wait ... almost exactly like that
by repost
Investigative journalist Gary Webb speaks to a packed house on the CIA's connection to drug trafficking, and the failure of the media to expose the truth.

by Charles Overbeck
Matrix Editor
easterisle [at]

When the Nicaraguan contras began to covertly fund their war against the Sandanistas by selling drugs and guns to California street gangs, the Central Intelligence Agency turned a blind eye. While black neighborhoods were being ravaged by the crack cocaine plague, CIA operatives actively participated in this devastating drug explosion, protected from prosecution by a secret agreement between the Department of Justice and the CIA. The bastards knew it was happening, and they did nothing to stop it. Once again, human rights and human life took a back seat to "national security" considerations.

Nevertheless, thanks to investigative journalists like Bob Parry and Gary Webb, the story got out. When Webb's "Dark Alliance" series was released on the Internet by the San Jose Mercury News, the scandal ripped across USENET and the Web like a wildfire. Yet three years later, we're still fighting to get all the answers from a government that would prefer to flush the whole matter as quickly as possible.

On January 16, 1999, Webb spoke to a packed house at the First United Methodist Church in Eugene, Oregon. Approximately 300 people listened with rapt attention as Webb recounted his investigation of the CIA's connections to contra drug trafficking. Webb's presentation was followed by an intense question-and-answer session, during which he candidly answered questions about the "Dark Alliance" controversy, his departure from the San Jose Mercury News, and CIA/contra/crack secrets that still await revelation.

It was a fascinating exchange packed with detailed information on this developing case. Webb spoke eloquently, with the ease and confidence of an investigator who has spent many long hours researching his subject, and many more hours working to share this information with the public. ParaScope operatives were fortunate to be in attendance, and we've prepared the following roundup for those who haven't had an opportunity yet to hear Webb speak.

Links to .WAV-format sound clips are inserted below adjacent to their corresponding text. Click the 11-kHz version for optimal clarity; click the 5-kHz version if you're on a slow connection.

Transcript: Gary Webb Speaks on CIA Connections to Contra Drug Trafficking (and Related Topics)

Date: January 16, 1999
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: First United Methodist Church, 1376 Olive St., Eugene, Oregon
Sponsored By: Eugene Media Action; Eugene PeaceWorks; Hungry Head Books; The Committee in Solidarity With Central American Peoples; Support Coalition International.

Gary Webb: I look like an idiot up here with all these mikes, the CIA agents are probably behind one or the other... [laughter from the audience]. It's really nice to be in Eugene -- I've been in Madison, Wisconsin talking about this, I've been in Berkeley, I've been in Santa Monica, and these are sort of like islands of sanity in this world today, so it's great to be on one of those islands.

One of the things that is weird about this whole thing, though, is that I've been a daily news reporter for about twenty years, and I've done probably a thousand interviews with people, and the strangest thing is being on the other side of the table now and having reporters ask me questions. One of them asked me about a week ago -- I was on a radio show -- and the host asked me, "Why did you get into newspaper reporting, of all the media? Why did you pick newspapers?" And I really had to admit that I was stumped. Because I thought about it -- I'd been doing newspaper reporting since I was fourteen or fifteen years old -- and I really didn't have an answer.

So I went back to my clip books -- you know, most reporters keep all their old clips -- and I started digging around trying to figure out if there was one story that I had written that had really tipped the balance. And I found it. And I wanted to tell you this story, because it sort of fits into the theme that we're going to talk about tonight.

I think I was fifteen, I was working for my high school paper, and I was writing editorials. This sounds silly now that I think about it, but I had written an editorial against the drill team that we had for the high school games, for the football games. This was '71 or '72, at the height of the protests against the Vietnam War, and I was in school then in suburban Indianapolis -- Dan Quayle country. So, you get the idea of the flavor of the school system. They thought it was a cool idea to dress women up in military uniforms and send them out there to twirl rifles and battle flags at halftime. And I thought this was sort of outrageous, and I wrote an editorial saying I thought it was one of the silliest things I'd ever seen. And my newspaper advisor called me the next day and said, "Gosh, that editorial you wrote has really prompted a response." And I said, "Great, that's the idea, isn't it?" And she said, "Well, it's not so great, they want you to apologize for it." [Laughter from the audience.]

I said, "Apologize for what?" And she said, "Well, the girls were very offended." And I said, "Well, I'm not apologizing because they don't want my opinion. You'll have to come up with a better reason than that." And they said, "Well, if you don't apologize, we're not going to let you in Quill & Scroll," which is the high school journalism society. And I said, "Well, I don't want to be in that organization if I have to apologize to get into it." [More laughter from the audience, scattered applause.]

Gary Webb photo They were sort of powerless at that point, and they said, "Look, why don't you just come down and the cheerleaders are going to come in, and they want to talk to you and tell you what they think," and I said okay. So I went down to the newspaper office, and there were about fifteen of them sitting around this table, and they all went around one by one telling me what a scumbag I was, and what a terrible guy I was, and how I'd ruined their dates, ruined their complexions, and all sorts of things... [Laughter and groans from the audience.] ...and at that moment, I decided, "Man, this is what I want to do for a living." [Roar of laughter from the audience.] And I wish I could say that it was because I was infused with this sense of the First Amendment, and thinking great thoughts about John Peter Zenger and I.F. Stone... but what I was really thinking was, "Man, this is a great way to meet women!" [More laughter.]

And that's a true story, but the reason I tell you that is because it's often those kinds of weird motivations and unthinking consequences that lead us to do things, that lead us to events that we have absolutely no concept how they're going to turn out. Little did I know that twenty-five years later, I'd be writing a story about the CIA's wrongdoings because I wanted to meet women by writing editorials about cheerleaders.

But that's really the way life and that's really the way history works a lot of times. You know, when you think back on your own lives, from the vantage point of time, you can see it. I mean, think back to the decisions you've made in your lifetimes that brought you to where you are tonight, think about how close you came to never meeting your wife or your husband, how easily you could have been doing something else for a living if it hadn't been for a decision that you made or someone made that you had absolutely no control over. And it's really kind of scary when you think about how capricious life is sometimes. That's a theme I try to bring to my book, Dark Alliance, which was about the crack cocaine explosion in the 1980s.


Continued at:
I wish someone would stop Bush. He is so foolish, fumbles at every crime he commits, and does it all blatantly -- yet he continues. He assassinates his biographers, investigators, reporters, scientists, any dissenters in high places and some in low, he sends a huge deployment to its death in Iraq as puppets to do Israel's dirty work because Israel wants to play dirty with the Palestinians and doesn't want to soil its own hands, he covers up all manner of corruption in our government and the government of other corrupt nations, including ambushes, bombings, military coups and espionage, plotted and carried out 911 himself making himself responsible for all those lies and the deaths of all those innocent people and has done everything possible to cover it up, although he has left a huge trail of evidence against himself, encourages all the corruption he can, is at the helm of the poisoning of Yuchenko and Arafat and the attempted coverups and election fraud in the Ukraine, rigged our elections here in every possible illegal way for 2000 and 2004, lies to us constantly, has bankrupted Social Security and our nation, has caused our dollar's value to plummet to 80 cents (expected to drop to 40 cents), has allowed utter corruption of Wall Street and all politicians, has allowed the government to be bought by big beef and the drug industry, allows us to be guinea pigs for the military, government and big beef and the drug industry, steals the world's oil, backs the drug trade, does all he can to devastate the environment, is single-handedly responsible for loss of millions of US jobs here and abroad, has stripped us of as many rights as possible and will strip us of all of them, has covered up the fact that aliens are everywhere all over the globe and in this country, have bases and operations here, covers up the fact that aliens have traded off with the military human experimentation for alien technology, has murdered right and left to cover up keeping energy technology from us and is having anyone assassinated who disagrees with him or tries to stand for the truth and for what is right or even to speak the truth or to question what he is doing, he has ordered the maiming and torture and detainment endlessly of those accused of no crimes, has made the building of prison camps for us, prisons and missiles our number one economy and priority, leaves our veterans homeless and forgotten, is at the head of involvement in biochemical destruction on a huge scale of human and animal life to depopulate certain races and areas. What more do you want? Bush is a criminal and a murderer of the lowest degree in a very high position, and is a puppet for those even more criminal and more powerful than he is. He is no leader, no savior, and he isn't handling the "war" or anything else as a US president should or anyone should, and it is a disgrace upon all of us that he is in the position he holds. He is despised the world over, and he has locked down the media so that they cannot tell you the truth anymore. Is there no obvious remedy among any of you to stop such a man, his henchmen and the massive government structure to oppress us at home and to kill and destroy as he pleases here and abroad unsanctioned? Will we stand for nothing? Will we not even protect our own children? Or will we just wait for him to come for us.
by slobodan Xmas
mmmm, shotguns have more than one "bullet".
by reader
"he sends a huge deployment to its death in Iraq as puppets to do Israel's dirty work because Israel wants to play dirty with the Palestinians and doesn't want to soil its own hands"

Yeah Alex, there are LOADS of Palestinans that the coalition forces are fighting in Iraq. Idiot...
Most of the conspiracies you mentioned make no sense. If Bush had rigged the election "in every possible illegal way", he would have gotten a lot more than 51% of the vote. Face it, half the country has its collective head up its collective ass. Social Security was doomed from the get-go, as was our monetary system. Politicians have been corrupt for centuries. I'm not sure how Bush is backing the drug trade or why this would be a bad thing. He hasn't "single handedly" stripped us of millions of jobs; as any economist knows, the president has little or no direct control over the economy. As for the "secret alien bases" -- I recommend you check out this reputable dealer of high-quality tin foil hats.
by reader
Scott, I checked your link. That was f-ing hilarious!
by Hedley
is that Bush and all the people who support him and voted for him can be so ignorant. (So many people say.) Yet, are still clever enough to pull off all of the conspiracies listed.

Absolutely amazing
by roxane
From the reports, it doesn't sound like Gary Webb was working on anything threatening enough to kill him over, and suicides do happen. Especially by people who (1) have been seriously discredited professionally, (2) have had their marriage break apart, (3) run into financial problems...and all three reportedly happened to Gary Webb. Though I think it's always healthy to keep a skeptical mind in these situations, the fact is, a gun shot to the head will produce entry AND exit wounds (2).

I'm afraid you'll have to look elsewhere for clues to something more sinister.
by Iyanna
they're not all ignorant, albeit many are many things, evil, criminally insane. I'm not sure who "they" all are but I've been around for a long time and I do know what Cointelpro did to the Panthers. Who bombed Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney? and murdered many others. I also know opium poppies and coca plants are not grown here in the U.S. and such large quantites of the final products are not imported by local drug dealers via the internet or the post office. Then there's the murders of JFK, Bobby, ML King, Malcolm, Fred Hampton, etc. 9/11, WMD's, lies and more lies and on and on. Come on, this ain't rocket science.

by Real Revolutionary
There is no doubt in my mind that we need to press for an investigation of the circumstances behind Webb's death. It could have been a suicide, but my gut level feeling is that it wasn't. You got to be in absolute denial of reality - and your brain totally poisoned by the corporate media and the irrational disease of conspiracy-phobia - to not suspect that Webb was murdered by the CIA and the Bush dictatorship.
by Richard Thieme (rthieme [at]
Islands in the Clickstream:
Gary Webb is Dead

The San Jose Mercury News reports that “Gary Webb, a former Mercury News investigative reporter, author and legislative staffer who ignited a firestorm with his controversial stories, died Friday in an apparent suicide in his suburban Sacramento home. He was 49.”

I was heartsick. Just knowing that Webb was alive was enough to keep me going through difficult nights.

The Mercury News says that “Webb, an award-winning journalist, was ... perhaps best known for sparking a national controversy with a 1996 story that contended supporters of a CIA-backed guerrilla army in Nicaragua helped trigger America's crack-cocaine epidemic in the 1980s. The ‘Dark Alliance' series in the Mercury News came under fire by other news organizations, and the paper's own investigation concluded the series did not meet its standards. Mr. Webb resigned a year and a half after the series appeared in the paper. He then published his book, `Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras and the Crack Cocaine Explosion.'”

Of course the newspaper did not report that he resigned only after months of commuting to a dead-end assignment 150 miles from his family and home to which he had been exiled. Forced to work so far from his family, Webb grew depressed and made a sane choice.

So he was not a stranger to depression. Conspiracy stories are already suggesting that his suicide was something else, but I know he would want more than anything for solid investigative work to stitch together all of the pieces, that we not impose a pattern prematurely. That’s what he did for his stories and it’s the least we can do for him.

Besides, why kill him now? As I said in my blog-piece three days ago:
Voices of clarity and conscience are effectively controlled and spun into irrelevance rather than silenced. Marginalization is more effective than assassination – it leaves no dead heroes as leaders, after all – and there’s no blood.

Webb understood that.

His Dark Alliance series was attacked not for what it said (the CIA initially denied then later admitted there were connections between operatives and drug cartels) but for what attackers claimed it said. Webb expected that kind of distortion and created a web site loaded with primary documents, transcripts and audio tapes of interviews so interested parties could read and hear for themselves what sources had said. It was one of the first times the Web was used to support a mainstream story that way and the site had over a million hits.

But a person can only say “I didn’t say that ... I didn’t say that ...” so many times. The mass mind soon accepts the oft-repeated distortion as reality.

Or as a friend, a political consultant, recently said, “You can’t always change reality but you can always change the facts.”

Or as Joseph E. Levine said, “You can fool all of the people all of the time if the advertising is right and the budget is big enough.”

Or as I said three days ago:
the manipulation of the herd by the substitution of symbols and images largely irrelevant to matters at hand, used so efficiently in the recent election, makes persons of clarity and conscience feel impotent and ineffective.

In May 2000, I was exploring a story with some dark edges to it. I was anxious and needed encouragement to persist. I asked Gary about the consequences of his investigation and its impact on his life. Above all, was it worth it?

”Yes,” he said. “The CIA admitted it. I know it was the truth, and that's what kept me going. I knew I was right.”

He added, “My eyes were wide open. I knew what I was getting into. My kids suffered but I had the paper behind me - I thought.” After his paper withdrew its support, he drew on the energy of people who knew the truth of the streets. "Support came from all sorts of places," he said. "Especially African Americans."

And his wife? "She was OK with it,” he laughed. “She was used to me getting death threats."

Webb joked that colleagues often said he was naive rather than cynical. We agreed that a cynic might be nothing but a disappointed idealist. If we accept reality as it is without expectations to the contrary, we’re never disappointed.

Gary spoke of his work in terms that I used for ministry. He had been mentored by a journalist who taught him that his work was to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. That’s what the best bishops taught me too.

I was once asked by Jean Feraca on Wisconsin Public Radio, why are so many of your heroes assassinated?

She rattled off Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, Jesus.

Maybe, I said, assassination is the ultimate form of censorship for those who can’t help but tell the truth.

Dark Alliance was Gary Webb’s best shot at doing that.

"You get one chance in a lifetime to do the right thing," he said. "If you don't do it, you surrender, and then they win."

The passion for truth and justice is not a sprint. It’s a long-distance run that requires a different kind of training, a different degree of commitment. Our eye must be on a goal that we know we will never reach in our lifetimes. Faith is the name of believing in the transcendent, often despite all evidence to the contrary.

But what are the options?

Webb knew what he was up against. He said of the CIA, "Richard, these are the worst people on earth that you're dealing with - they lie, plant stories, discredit and worse for a living and have the resources and the experience.

But somebody's got to do it [tell the truth]. Otherwise they win.

The choice is to do the work – or surrender."

And I am grieving for someone who did the work. And never surrendered.

Rest in peace.

Islands in the Clickstream is an intermittent column written
by Richard Thieme exploring the ultimate concerns of our lives. Comments are welcome.

Richard Thieme is an author, professional speaker, and consultant focused on the issues that matter most: creativity, change, the consequences of technology, the search for a meaningful life and the deeper truth about “what really works.”

Feel free to pass along columns for personal use, retaining this signature file. If interested in publishing columns or employing Richard as a speaker, retreat leader or consultant, email or call for details.

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Islands in the Clickstream (c) Richard Thieme, 2004. All rights reserved.

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by Real Revolutionary
"Conspiracy stories are already suggesting that his suicide was something else, but I know he would want more than anything for solid investigative work to stitch together all of the pieces, that we not impose a pattern prematurely. That’s what he did for his stories and it’s the least we can do for him.

Besides, why kill him now? As I said in my blog-piece three days ago:
Voices of clarity and conscience are effectively controlled and spun into irrelevance rather than silenced. Marginalization is more effective than assassination – it leaves no dead heroes as leaders, after all – and there’s no blood."


We need to call for an investigation into the circumstances behind Webb's death. The circumstances are way too suspicious to buy the corporate media allegation that it was a "suicide." One of the worst things that the "left" suffers from is an irrational "conspiracy phobia." The conspiracy-phobics deny the reality of corporate elites developing an agenda - which is exactly what a "conspiracy" is - while the rest of us make plans all of the time.

Many so called progressives march lock step into this irrational fear of "conspiracy theory," denying the indisputable fact that elites can act in their own self interest, and yes, conspire.

You ask why kill him now? Are you kidding? This would be a perfect time to get rid of him. He had got out of the limelight in progressive circles and was working on a book about Bush. Dude, are you living in a fantasy world or what?

We live under a ruthless regime that will stop at nothing to achieve its goals. Now that Webb was marginalized, the Bush dictatorship could have finished the job that was started during the Clinton years.

Webb made one major mistake - he never developed a real network of support in Sacramento among the progressive community. He was very isolated from others who were doing activist and journalistic work that paralleled his. That's why his death came as a surprise to many.

So again I argue, right now would be a perfect time to arrange a faked "suicide." Don't get me wrong - his death may indeed have been a suicide, but unless there is a thorough investigation, we'll never know.
by Ex Federal Bank Examiner, Survived Twice
Listen now:
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Suicide by your own gun is the new method of murder preferred. By utilizing technology from the US patent office not yet released or barely released, our enemies have connections to the war criminal organization, the National Treasury Employees Union, who have direct access to patents and the federal government.

We need a wide demand that the NTEU be downsized. Their hand is choking our nation. If we can not have freedom from attacks on our life by our own government, we had just as well all be dead.

America has fallen to a large extent. We need an organizing force with protective capacity from our enemies who have siezed the highest offices through treachery and medical atrocity and murder.

The FDIC director of San Fran was listed a suicide in the early 90's. Numerous accountants for scandal plagued organizations have suffered the same. Third rate cut throats now coat the carpets of D.C.

Let it turn velvel red if we can not regain our nation in its positive directive force. War criminals are war criminals. Mafia is a lie created by war criminals. A war criminals punishment is often death.

I have included a song here titled Somewhat Koshifer Lucifer, and it is a simple piano piece with vocals and laments the investigations of crime in government I have undertaken. It is a thank less thing to do, so I congratulate myself.

Mobile Audit Club
by Kurt Brown, aka Saint Ram Bone
Recently I blew the whistle on a bank in Roseville that was issued a banking charter by my bank examination colleagues at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, a federal agency, and the bank was likely part of a money laundering circuit through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and their colleagues at the National Treasury Employees Union.

Twice I have survived assassination attempts and the government went silent, tried to cover up, had me attacked twice and subjected to war like horrors in Los Angeles, California, under the direction of the federal criminal hand and dealt by California state government war criminals.

Their weapons are immense because the NTEU has first choice of patents on weapons and marvels of technology. We are under siege by war criminals who are petty and beneath us.

Do not trust your children to many of their drugs and vaccines. It is often a choice of lesser evils. Avoid all unnecessary procedures, including ultra-sounds. We are surrounded by those who view themselves as our betters and our enemies.

Mobile Audit Club, for hire
by jimmy
Alex,I've never heard anyone put the whole thing in one article before.Good work, your a true patriot.
by terrible
after the revolution, there ought to be a law...
by gfhrt
Iris Chang the author of "The Rape of Nanking was also recently found dead.,1413,125~1549~2566699,00.html

Iris Chang's suicide stunned those she tried so hard to help
by CWH
One thing that I have'nt seen anyone point out here (or elsewhere) regarding this story is the highly suspicious fact that a moving company was involved in the finding. For most people that fact alone is probably not suspicious. If you begin to investigate the interstate moving industry in the US, however, you will soon find that it is a very little policed arena, dominated by various groups of largely Isreali/Jewish rogue/criminal companies, some of which are likely mossad (Isreali intelligence) fronts. Many of these organizations could easily be involved in the interstate trafficking of narcotics as well, as they are clearly involved in other overtly criminal endeavors. It could have easily been a political favor. In my opinion, a search for the killer(s) of Mr. Webb would have to begin there.

I will not be opening my door to any movers in the near future.
by American Governmental Victim, X number
Very few know how interlaced federal agencies are, with themselves, and the war criminals behind numerous federal agencies represented by the National Treasury Employees Union.

That could include any federal police agency. One dirty hand washes another and some are stunned unconscious or dead. Never trust any government agency or agent in America. I would beware in many places.

One Bloody Hand Washes Another.
by X factor
Considering all of our government is an abusive beast, let us celebrate if D.C. is overthrown by allowing the invading party to assist with open the doors to true democracy throughout the nation.

Lt. Nad
by Daniel
When a controversial person dies an unexpectedly, people are naturally going to wonder about it. And if there's no credible investigation, then people will have reason to wonder.
by Let`s find the truth
Webb Spoke Of Death Threats, 'Government People' Around His Home

Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson | December 14 2004

Credible sources who were close to Gary Webb have stated that he was receiving death threats, being regularly followed, and that he was concerned about strange individuals who were seen on multiple occasions breaking into and leaving his house before his apparent 'suicide' on Friday morning.

Webb, a Pullitzer prize winning journalist, exposed CIA drug trafficking operations in a series of books and reports for the San Jose Mercury News. He was found dead on Friday morning in what the police said was an apparent suicide.

Webb's 1996 series in the Mercury News alleged that Nicaraguan drug traffickers had sold tons of crack cocaine in Los Angeles and funneled millions of dollars in profits to the CIA-supported Nicaraguan Contras during the 1980s.

Today's Alex Jones Show, aired on the GCN radio network featured interviews with Chico Brown and Cele Castillo. Castillo is author of "Powder Burns", Cocaine, Contras & The Drug Connection. A retired DEA agent, Castillo personally witnessed CIA drug smuggling operations. Chico Brown, was former business parter and co-defendent with 'Freeway' Ricky Ross, the biggest drug dealer on the west coast supplied by the CIA.

Ricky Ross, one of Gary Webb's primary sources had spoken to Gary in the days before his death. Gary told Ricky that he had seen men scaling down the pipes outside his home and that they were obviously not burglars but 'government people'. Gary also told Ricky that he had been receiving death threats and was being regularly followed. It was also mentioned that Gary was working on a new story concerning the CIA and drug trafficking.

Gary described the men around his home as 'professionals' who jumped from his balcony and ran away when Gary confronted them

Alex jones, while working with documentary film maker Kevin Booth has interviewed ricky ross many times from his federal jail cell in north texas

On Monday night Kevin Booth broke the news to Ricky Ross during Ricky’s once a week call that he makes to Kevin.

The tape of that conversation which is edited to omit personal comments, is available by clicking here.

Original Associated Press reports stated that Webb had died of gunshot wounds (plural) to the face. This was later changed to 'single gunshot wound' when people began to question how or why a man would shoot himself in the face twice. This represents a concentrated effort to cover up the nature of Webb's death. There have also been reports that the coroner on the scene had originally reported 'multiple gunshot wounds' but later changed his story.

Newspapers also reported the fact that Webb's body was found by removal men without questioning why a man who was about to commit suicide would plan a house move.

The Miami Herald and LA Times continue to attack Webb even after his death in their obituariues published yesterday. Both claimed that his work was discredited despite the fact that Webb was vindicated by congressional investigations.

Former DEA agent Cele Castillo concurs that Webb was murdered and that in such a 'revenge hit' situation it was common in his experience that the murderers would have likely talked to Webb at length about how and why they were about to kill him.

In a death of this nature a homicide investigation would be par for the course but the media is complicit in bleating like well-behaved sheep to the acceptance that this was a suicide.

You can listen to the whole show by clicking here. We are asking our great readers and listeners to make a transcript of this show and to help us get the word out. The address to E mail the transcript is prisonplanetweb [at]
by Still not convinced
It's official now. Coroner Robert Lyons has responded to a flood of requests that the facts of Webb's death be verified. No foul play, it was definitely "suicide." The coroner also confirmed that Webb received 2 gunshot wounds in the head, and concedes that "It's unusual in a suicide case to have two shots."

The article is at
by Charles Wilbourne Miller
From the Clinton body count: sound familiar?

Charles Wilbourne Miller, 63, was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head on November 17, 1998 in a shallow pit about 300 yards from his ranch house near Little Rock. Police found a .410 gauge shotgun near Miller's body and a Ruger .357-caliber revolver submerged in water. Investigators concluded the Ruger was the weapon used by Miller to kill himself. Yet, two rounds in the handgun's cylinder had been spent. He had long served as executive vice president and member of the board of directors for a company called Alltel and was deeply involved in his own software engineering company until the day he died. Alltel is the successor to Jackson Stephens' Systematics, the company that provided the software for the White House's "Big Brother" data base system and that was behind the administration's plan to develop the secret computer "Clipper" chip to bug every phone, fax and email transmission in America.

by Two gunshot wounds
The coroner confirms that the victim received 2 gunshot wounds in the head and calls it a suicide. I think he's suggeting that we shut up and don't ask any more questions.
by Ryan

you can read over and over and over again about suicides, people found with "gunshot wound" not "WOUNDS" from suicides. you don't count entry and exit wounds, people.
by gary webb
it,s so funny.history keeps repeating itself and you american lot are too brainwashed or stupid to see this.
by a true american looking for freedom
Geary Webb is now dead but that did not have to happen. If people would just wake up and see whats right in front of them, he would have been a national hero. We need to start supporting those brave souls by listing to them and respecting them. We are could lose more great people like Geary if we dont look for them and believe what they are saying. Most of the time they are trying to save us. Dont let this happen again. Seek out independent news sources and support them. We need them just as they need us.
by lost in space
YOu are so right Have you haerd of NASARA ? They are so on the same page.
by Geary Webb; rebel without a cause
Geary Webb;

fiction writer for the conspiracy nuts. he is a truly a funny read
and it's laughable that his work is taken seriously by some deluded soles. But hay, some people believe star trek is real too.

beam me up scottie
by Itisalmosttoolate
M.E.R. Magazine's Brian Quig Columns from 1991 by Brian Quig Brian Quig wrote in 1991: Goldwater's Administrative Director Tom Dunlevy... was an insider at the [1980 GOP] convention... I will always remember the very words of Tom Dunlevy following my protest of the selection of George Bush for VP. They were etched into my mind. "We didn't like that either. It was a deal with the Devil. Henry Kissinger and Gerald Ford, present at the convention as agents of David Rockefeller, assured Reagan the presidency if he accepted Bush on the ticket. Otherwise Rockefeller would swing the election to Carter." DAVY1.JPG"

Cleon Skousen spoke with Reagan at the convention, both before and after the Bush decision, and related how Reagan told how Kissinger and Ford with the support of Walter Cronkite coerced him. According to Skousen these are Reagan's very words "They showed me the brush by which I would be tarred if I did not go along." After the election, when George Bush's top man, campaign manager James Baker, became Reagan's chief of staff -- the one person who controlled who saw the president -- the betrayal of conservatism was complete. After Reagan was allegedly shot by John Hinckley, Jr. barely two months into his first term, this curious item turns up in the Associated Press March 31, 1981:;read=33263 CONSPIRACY RESEARCHER, BRIAN QUIG: SUSPICIOUS DEATH

by investigator
In one interesting coincidence, the day Gary Webb died, Dec. 13, 2004, was the same day Oracle Corp. announced its takeover of PeopleSoft, a $10.3 Billion merger that ended a hostile takeover lasting 18 months and noted as hostile.

This merger is said to shake up the business software industry. From China Daily:
"Oracle is already the world's largest supplier of databases — a position it hopes to strengthen by getting PeopleSoft's customers to spurn rival products from Microsoft Inc., IBM Corp. and Sybase Inc. in favor of Oracle's wares."

"After completing the takeover next month, Oracle expects the PeopleSoft acquisition to boost its earnings by about $400 million, or 8 cents per share, in the fiscal year ending in May 2006."

"This is a coup for Oracle," AMR Research analyst Jim Shepherd said. "While there were other acquisitions that interested them, none could do for them what this will do."

"Oracle eventually hopes to buy other tech companies, but won't consider any other large acquisitions until PeopleSoft is fully digested, Ellison said."

This merger is expected to create layoffs that will affect thousands of employees.

Gary Webb's connection? In all the obitituaries, they announced that Webb worked on the California legislature's Joint Legislative Audit Committee, which in 2001 investigated the Davis administration over the failed $95 million, no-bid Oracle Corp. software contract.

This contract would have provided software for the state, which most departments did not want or need, and covered 30,000 more users than the state has employees.
A week after this contract Arun Baheti, Davis' top aide for technology, took a $25,000 check for Davis campaign from an Oracle lobbyist. Baheti subsequently resigned, and the check was returned, amid allegations of document shredding.
and the Department of Information Technology, which approved the contract, was dissolved.

On Oracle Corp. website, it says that they have "over 30 years of experience working with the highest levels of government on national security issues." -

From all this, I think we need to dig more into Oracle's role in Webb's death, and see what he investigated on them.

by freddy NL (feikeweeda [at]

You guys really do a great job, making this more transparant. I sure have been suspicious for a long time, but always thought Hollywood exagerated things partially true. Here in Holland we don't seem to have NSA, CIA etc. as creepy as you have. But i tell you we sure are frightened to get laid by "agencies"! I still find this presidential thing quite odd. Somebody you don't know gets in the oval office, using his own connections. Who wouldnt like to benefit from being MR i now know what suicided means... Exercising your freedom of speech means suicide: your own fault, pall!

by Charles Edward Griffin (thegriffn [at]
If you ever want to see Aliens, get really high on cocaine, and then you will make the relationship betweenthe CIA and cocaine. This is from my personal experience, and it is also my belief that caocaine has been re-engineered, using alien DNA in some secret out of the way laboritory. You can see things while under the influence of cocaine. You can see the Aliens on a half dollar. You can see subatomic spooks, and you can recieve radio transmissions from out of this world. Add a small dose of radiation to the mixture and you can see lights that you never thought existed; Lasers, magnetic pulses, images emanting from your plasma television. You can gleam images from refracting light of Aliens and other strange creautres. I believe that I can expose every link between Aliens and this world. I can tell you what they are trying to say given some time and some coaine. I am having a hard time finding the latter. Please send me a package.
I have tried to contact A particular agency for some work, however they have yet to contact me. Sincerly, Charlie.
by Charles Edward Griffin (thegriffn [at]
If you ever want to see Aliens, get really high on cocaine, and then you will make the relationship betweenthe CIA and cocaine. This is from my personal experience, and it is also my belief that caocaine has been re-engineered, using alien DNA in some secret out of the way laboritory. You can see things while under the influence of cocaine. You can see the Aliens on a half dollar. You can see subatomic spooks, and you can recieve radio transmissions from out of this world. Add a small dose of radiation to the mixture and you can see lights that you never thought existed; Lasers, magnetic pulses, images emanting from your plasma television. You can gleam images from refracting light of Aliens and other strange creautres. I believe that I can expose every link between Aliens and this world. I can tell you what they are trying to say given some time and some coaine. I am having a hard time finding the latter. Please send me a package.
I have tried to contact A particular agency for some work, however they have yet to contact me. Sincerly, Charlie.
by Charles Edward Griffin (thegriffn [at]
If you ever want to see Aliens, get really high on cocaine, and then you will make the relationship betweenthe CIA and cocaine. This is from my personal experience, and it is also my belief that caocaine has been re-engineered, using alien DNA in some secret out of the way laboritory. You can see things while under the influence of cocaine. You can see the Aliens on a half dollar. You can see subatomic spooks, and you can recieve radio transmissions from out of this world. Add a small dose of radiation to the mixture and you can see lights that you never thought existed; Lasers, magnetic pulses, images emanting from your plasma television. You can gleam images from refracting light of Aliens and other strange creautres. I believe that I can expose every link between Aliens and this world. I can tell you what they are trying to say given some time and some coaine. I am having a hard time finding the latter. Please send me a package.
I have tried to contact A particular agency for some work, however they have yet to contact me. Sincerly, Charlie.
by Charles Edward Griffin (thegriffn [at]
If you ever want to see Aliens, get really high on cocaine, and then you will make the relationship betweenthe CIA and cocaine. This is from my personal experience, and it is also my belief that caocaine has been re-engineered, using alien DNA in some secret out of the way laboritory. You can see things while under the influence of cocaine. You can see the Aliens on a half dollar. You can see subatomic spooks, and you can recieve radio transmissions from out of this world. Add a small dose of radiation to the mixture and you can see lights that you never thought existed; Lasers, magnetic pulses, images emanting from your plasma television. You can gleam images from refracting light of Aliens and other strange creautres. I believe that I can expose every link between Aliens and this world. I can tell you what they are trying to say given some time and some coaine. I am having a hard time finding the latter. Please send me a package. I have tried to contact A particular agency for some work, however they have yet to contact me. Sincerly, Charlie.
by Peter Rosenholm
I've been attacked by police who I have fought with as a teen and then attacked with advanced technology hospitalized and an attempt at forced suicide was made against me.

just so you will know what it is like when they go in for the kill

This is a breif account of an attack and an attempt at force suicide and with a goal to destroy my life by my local police and government here in the USA. Contact me if you wish to hear the point of veiw of the other side.

I remember being in the mental hospital and after a year of surveillance, threats and intimidation and my own family loosing faith in me at this point. Partly because of the v2k attacks and partly because I had sold my Company after spending 11 years building it. I was out of work with carpel tunnel syndrome. My wife of 17 years was divorcing me. She had spent the last two years going to nursing school that about tapped me out and she was steeling the rest and forging my checks. She had taken two of my three children and to live I had run my credit cards up to forty something thousand, ten thousand of that to my divorce lawyer.
After a night of blasting noise that was identical to the attack mode of the LRAD of today's police weapons. A local cop who had falsely arrested me earlier because I had made a complaint against another cop, along with the second floor tenant(evicted by now) and a friend of his talking, threatening and blasting me with this aversion tone or attack mode of LRAD the night before. I knew I was under attack they kept saying they were cops, the mob, the FBI. Switching back and forth, now they were playing a tape of my little girl who was about 10 then. After my divorce she would spend every weekend with me and my son Jesse until the asshole tenant( and others ) who lived up stairs would follow me around right above my head every waking minute of the day and eventually scared my little girl so she was afraid to come over any more. They now played a tape of her crying saying "no daddy I don't want to. no!" and they would ad-lib "I'll teach you something little girl." This was freaking me. The earlier that night, the first night in the hospital they were attacking by saying where my kids were and to go and get them. They scared me so much that I tried to called my x-wives neighbor Steven Kennedy at the
East Providence RI Police station. I told who ever I talked to to tell him to protect my family that I think the mob is after them. For making that call and having the police call back the hospital. They had some big orderlies come and get me in the middle of the night and bring me to the real insane people floor. Now after being put in a room by myself they were playing this tape of my daughter crying and they went in for the kill. While playing this tape of my daughter crying and them acting like they were going to hurt her. They said to me" you want to save your daughter jump out the window." I looked at the windows and they didn't open far enough. I was a strong 300 pounder. While still being attacked they continued the scenario and started to say to hang myself. Of course I'm praying to God and at the same time I'm thinking that not long ago I went to Sam's club to go shopping and my daughter didn't want to go in and she cried,"No daddy I don't want to, No". just like they were playing to my head. Of course when we got in the store and she started snacking on the samples that they have, she didn't want to leave.
I began to think if I tried to kill myself and they caught me I would never get out to protect my family. Even if they had my daughter I had two other children, and I was beginning to doubt the tape. I only heard the same thing over and over. Never did she address the evil men? At around 8:00AM in the morning I called my x-wives house. My daughter answered. It took everything to not start balling uncontrollably, I'm balling now 6 years later. I haven't been able to tell anyone this it was too traumatic. I started to cut down on medicine about two years ago, I am almost off it now. I'm starting to fight back.
If I had doubts about being attacked before there were none now, But I didn't know it but I was probably permanently damaged from that day on. I don't think I will ever be normal again. That night was new years 2001 after midnight. I always wondered what law passed on the first of the year to allow this.
Now I knew what direction the attack was coming from and it wasn't just psychological, I felt nauseous and my nervous system was under attack. I went out to the desk area and was trying to act normal. I tried to put a column between me and the direction of the attack but it didn't do any good. I pulled up a stool and closed my eyes and prayed to God to give me some way to defend myself. I could see cotton being rapped around a finger in my head. This gave me the idea to put wet towels around my head because they were white like cotton in the hospital. I know about Arnold doing it in a movie but that didn't come to me this is how I thought of it. It helped, it helped a lot I could still hear them but I wasn't about to explode anymore.
When I first went to the original hospital not the mental hospital that I was at now, that I woke up in after taking two pills to relax me at the first hospital While at this first hospital, they were pretending to be the mob and told me either I join them or take a bullet in the head. I pointed at my head and told them to do it. So now I'm more relaxed although still traumatized. I hear the main attacker(who My e-tenant had referred to as the hit man) say off to the side, thinking I couldn't hear him(or maybe they knew who knows at this point) say, "did you hear what this guy did at the other hospital,--- yeah, well it's hard to hate this guy."
"They seemed to be coming up to the microphone to say their lines then stepping back to talk quietly and get new Ideas. There was a girl talking all through this and she kept saying "I love you Pete." as hit man seemed to do the attack scenario. Hit man came up later and said," how do you like working for a Jew". My last employer had been Jewish and I was out on workers compensation with carpel tunnel syndrome and he had laid me off and hire someone to take my place. Before I worked for him I had my own company and my company use to do jobs for his and other companies. I had sold out to him and agreed to work for him and run his company. His son was to go to medical school but didn't make it in. So he had come to to work at the manufacturing plant. He had head problems, like telling me he had repaired a machine that I had fixed, I was dumb founded, the kid hadn't worked a day in his life. His father had told me to straighten it out that there were always problems with it, so I made the rails centered and parallel and perpendicular to the drive axis and made all drives
and exact distance from each other and square. Since I had moved everything I asked the foreman to reset the stop since he understood that better than me since he was the one who would set up the jobs. The kid walked up as we were finishing.? The father wasn't much better, he would run around screaming at old Ladies and make them cry like a tyrant. Most of them were black and from cape Verdi and Hatti. He asked me when I first worked for him, did I think I could work for him and I said sure why not? He said only blacks could work for him in the past. I thought this petty ignorant and rude. Later I found out all the people working for him were from a temp agency and immigrants. Maybe they thought they could be deported if he fired them? Anyway when he let me go they were all crying because I had treated everybody decently. He was also trying to tell me he didn't believe I developed my problem at his company, that I must have had it earlier. In any case it wasn't a nice parting.
Later that week I heard the attackers say off to the side, "he hasn't said one word about Jews?"
As a kid my friend got in a fight with a relative of the mob. When others jumped on my friend I jumped into the fray to help him. Later a bunch of kids in my neighborhood went over to return the favor. Me and my brother fought these relatives.The cops were there to jump on us. As I got up from the ground I picked up one cop over my head. When he declared that he was a cop I put him down. He was freaked and ran. I went and got my brother and took off. Later my brother went on to become a Nuclear Engineer and Lawyer, and one of the mobs relatives went on to become a doctor. I even went on to sponsor a T-ball team with my company and one of their kids was on my team. The cop Sousa who attacked me that new years eve also lived a block away from that fight. He also showed up seconds after after I chased off a group of kids who pulled over and went to attack one of my friends after we had split up and were walking home. I told my friend I would walk him to his side street to see he was safe as he was smaller than me. Seconds later the cop Sousa pulled up and and searched us. Finding pot he made a false statement saying he saw us come from behind an insurance building and therefor searched and arrested us. I think the car load of kids was for me and it went bad. He was probably off in the distance expecting to see me get beat up. I made a complaint against a cop during my divorce for serving a restraining order against my X-wife, and this cop Hurley flipped out when my father-in law came because he apparently new him. This cop Hurley and this cop Sousa got the garage at the top of my road who tows cars for the police department to block my car in as I drove home from dropping my son off at school, and when I got out of my car to shut his trucks door so I could get by he came at me with a screw driver. I was confused why was this kid coming at me with a screw driver. He thought better of it half way towards me, so he said I'm calling the cops turned and went towards his garage. It turns out that I had called the police about this garage blocking our view with their trucks and we couldn't see the traffic pulling out at the top of the road some time earlier and Hurley told me he contacted the state police and they were going to put up no parking signs since it was a state road. Now he tells this garage that I'm the one who called and blamed me for the signs when all I wanted for him to do was talk to them.
So these two cops show up and falsely arrest me. I notice a knife behind the railing where this kid would have met me if he kept coming. I think they were going to stab me.
Anyway the attacks have gone on for most of my life and I still don't have a police record.
I guess the point is, is that they will through things at you to see what bothers you. If they are going to try and kill you by forced suicide, or have you retaliate against someone else, or just make you insane they are going to find out what hurts or bothers you the most.
In the end they will play on any and all conflict in your life. In my case my weakest point is my love for my children if you call that a weakness. They did their best to isolate me, attack me and went in for the kill. At that point I was scared, sleep deprived, and the people around me were beginning to believe I was psychotic. They knew this because after kicking the tenant out. I wouldn't rent the apartment fearing I would kill someone if they got another attacker in.
So they(a man and a woman) moved in with a couple across the street. The guy I evicted established a dialog with this couple before he had to leave, I guess setting up the possible alliance if I didn't rent to an agent, and even though it was just one apartment. As I would meditate I could hear them commenting on my vital signs, breathing etc.. So I know they know what bothers you. Most of there power comes from not understanding who would attack you or why, so now you know.
So you also know I survived, my kids love me and me them. I paid off the credit cards. As I said earlier I'm almost off the medicine. I've still suffered attacks initiated by police, but I am fighting back. I also still don't have a police record, Screw them, and probably most important for my soul I haven't become an animal like them.
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