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Iraqi Communist official shot down near Baghdad

by sources
Baghdad, Nov 14. (AP): A prominent official of the Iraqi Communist Party was gunned down with two of his bodyguards outside of Baghdad, a party official said today.

Sadoun Mohammed was returning home from the northern city of Kirkuk when armed men ambushed his car by opening fire on it,party official Amar Abdul-Hussein said adding the incident took place on Saturday evening.

Iraq's Communist Party is part of the interim government of Prime Minister Ayad Allawi.

Culture Minister Mufeed al-Jazaeri is a party member.

Banned and persecuted under Saddam Hussein, it has also been critical of Allawi's close ties with the United States.

SULEIMANIYA, Iraq, Nov 14 (Reuters) Gunmen have ambushed and killed a senior official of the Iraqi Communist Party in northern Iraq, a colleague said.

Four cars followed Waddah Hassan Abdel Amir, a member of Iraq's provisional national assembly and two of his aides, from the city of Khalis and attacked them last evening on the road to Arbil, Kurdistan Communist Party official Ali Zanka said.

He said several others were hurt in a car crash caused by the attack.

Insurgents bent on undermining Iraq's American-backed interim government have carried out a campaign of assassinations against public officials they see as collaborating with the U.S. presence in the country.
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