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Indybay Feature

"More than a Million in the Streets!" Bay Area RNC Protest Update and Graphic

by Not in Our Name Bay Area (bayarea [at]
Join local efforts to get "More than a million in the streets when the Bush Team meets!" in NYC, August 29 through September 2.

The Republican’s are going to New York City trying to use the grief of 9-11 to advance an agenda of horrors. This is the time to make history with the most massive outpouring of resistance ever. Be in New York City on August 29 and stay the week. Join more than a million in the streets to demand a different future - another world is possible!

Bay Area Action

Don’t wait until you get to New York City next month to take action against the addenda of endless war and repression. Get involved right here in the Bay Area to help make the protests at the Republican National Convention truly historic.

Not in Our Name Bay Area is focused on doing everything we can to deliver a resounding “NO!” to Bush and everything he represents – but we need your help. Come to the next Not in Our Name Bay Area meeting.

Not in Our Name Bay Area Meetings
Every Wednesday, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
3945 Opal Street, Oakland
At 40th Street, two blocks west of Broadway
A short walk (towards the hills) from Macarthur BART

Help distribute tens of thousands of postcards (image above) throughout the Bay Area. Come to a meeting or schedule a time to pick up a stack of cards. Contact 510-601-8000 or email

Resistance Summer 2004
New York City

Throughout the summer, activists from around the country will be gathering in NYC to prepare and build for “More than a Million” to be in the streets during the RNC. If your going east early as well, they could use your help.

  • Help with Outreach, in the Bay Area and in New York - Flyer subways, neighborhoods, festivals & concerts
  • Donate Money - For stages, sound, flyers, banners & materials
  • Contribute in your own way - Donate art, DJ, throw a house party, perform . . .
  • Join the Not in Our Name Contingent for the Mass March and Rally August 29th - Gather at Union Square, New York City

Not in Our Name NYC Volunteer Meetings
Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday

Community Church of New York
28 East 35th Street (between Madison & Park)
Contact 212-760-1722 or email

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$130.00 donated
in the past month

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