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Indybay Feature

GMO Ban headed for November Ballot in Humboldt County

by Don Maddox
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Humboldt County
Humboldt Green Genes co-chairs Martha Devine and Mike Gann, delivered approximately 7000 signatures to Humboldt County Elections Manager Lindsey McWilliams for a ballot initiative to ban the growing of genetically engineered (GE) crops in Humboldt County. Only 4,400 signatures are required to qualify the initiative for the November election ballot. McWilliams said his goal is to have the signatures verified in a week. Following is the News Release from Humboldt Green Genes:

Late in 2003, inspired by their neighbors in Mendocino, organic farmers Mike Gann and Angela Flynn joined forces with Martha Devine, retired soyfoods businesswoman, to bring forward a ballot initiative to ban the growing of genetically engineered (GE) crops in Humboldt County.

Now, six months later, the Committee for Humboldt Green Genes, having collected approximately 7,000 signatures with only 4,400 needed to qualify, are ready to offer voters this alternative to corporate control of their farms and fields.

In March, Mendocino voters delivered 56% of the votes for Yes on Measure H, their own GE ban, becoming the first county in the country to plant the grassroots seeds of resistance to genetically engineered crops.

Local activists, farmers, businesspeople, and consumers have all jumped onto the Humboldt Green Genes bandwagon and the enthusiasm is growing. In fact, 97.5% of North Coast Co-op members recently voted to support a ban on GMO crops in Humboldt County.

Kicking off the campaign, People Productions, the folks behind Reggae on the River, are joining forces with Humboldt Green Genes to produce a benefit concert for the Humboldt County initiative on Friday, July 16th at Benbow Lake State Park on the banks of the beautiful Eel River in Garberville, California. Headlining will be STRING CHEESE INCIDENT with opening act SOUND TRIBE SECTOR NINE. Gates open at 5:00 pm with music starting at 7:30. Good food and beer/wine will be available. Call People Productions at 707.923.4599 or order online at

This November, Humboldt County citizens will become the next county to make resistance to GMOs the law of our land.

The following are available for interviews:

Martha Devine - Co-Chair 707.442.3481
(Tuesday 10 - 2)

Mike Gann - Co-Chair 707.668.4199
(Tuesday 8 - 6) 707.826.1031

Jim Ferguson - Treasurer/ 707.986.7835
Campaign Coordinator

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by 7
Thank you, Humboldt Green Genes!
by ladybug
CA is a great geolocation 4 a statewide ban on GMO. Sierra Nevadas are a barrier against any GMO pollen drifting from the east. Since winds usually come from the west off the ocean, the risk of pollen drift contamination is very low, almost negligible..

When getting certified as a state completely GMO-FREE, the international market of will come to CA 4 all the great certified GMO-FREE organic food,,

Monsanto, Ventria and other biotech corporations know this and therefore fear CA's GMO-FREE ballot measures, part of the reason they are attempting to block the GMO-FREE Mendo decision..

Mendo, Humboldt, Butte, Almeda and other counties can come together as a statewide coalition to keep the whole state of CA GMO-FREE!!
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