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Indybay Feature

Elders Block Bulldozers in Salfit, Gassed by Israeli Army

by Kate Raphael, IWPS (katrap [at]
On Thursday, June 17, older men lay down in front of moving bulldozers to stop the destruction of their olive groves for the Apartheid Wall in Salfit, West Bank. The army responded by shooting tear gas and sound bombs at close range, and later threatened youth with live fire. Video 5:40.
At midnight on June 17, Israeli bulldozers arrived in the small city of Salfit to begin destruction for the Apartheid Wall around the settlement of Ariel. Though there had been a court order issued staying the beginning of work, the bulldozers worked through the night, uprooting hundreds of olive trees. At 9:00 a.m. that morning, men and boys marched peacefully to the land. One group surrounded the first bulldozer, stopping it in its tracks. Three older men lay down in front of the second, but the army refused to stop it, throwing tear gas and sound bombs instead to chase the men away. Later border police aimed rifles loaded with live bullets at youth who were throwing stones. Watch the video in which a soldier is heard to say in Hebrew, "You are going to die today." 5:40
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