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HUD Is The Enemy Of The Poor & Disabled

by Lynda Carson (lyndacarson [at]
With Thousands Facing Eviction, Housing Agencies At Risk Of Falling Into Receivorship, and Affordable Housing Projects Falling To The Wayside, HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson Has Quickly Become Known As The Nation's #1 Enemy Of The Poor!
HUD Is The Enemy Of The Poor & Disabled
By Lynda Carson June 7, 2004

It's Official, HUD's Secretary Alphonso Jackson Is The Enemy Of The Poor & Disabled!

The Section 8 voucher programs serve more than 2 million poor people across the nation.

HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson, is on a mission to repeal the federal rule that housing authorities are required to hand out 75 percent of their Section 8 housing vouchers to the poorest of the poor, which also include the disabled that happen to be 22% of the housing voucher holders across the nation.

Just barely in office during the past few months as the latest Secretary of HUD, Jackson's attempts to sabotage the Section 8 voucher programs has had far reaching effects which placed many thousands of low-income renters at risk of becoming homeless across the nation, with no end in sight to his intentional malicious actions against the poor.

Housing agencies across the nation have been scrambling to lock their public housing properties up in perpetuity because of their fear that HUD's latest policies will force them into receivorship which would then allow HUD to grab all of their properties and sell them off in an effort to fully privatize public housing.

As recent as June 4, 2004, during a visit to St. Louis, Jackson brought his message of contempt for the poor by leaving the impression that they are at risk of becoming homeless because of his plans to take vouchers from them and hand them over to middle class income-renters.

Jackson's intent to punish the poor is carried out by creating funding shortfalls that are wreaking havoc in housing agencies across the nation, and his new proposed policy called the Flexible Voucher Program would reward the housing agencies with more money for their budgets when they take vouchers from the poor (leaving them homeless) and transfer the vouchers to higher-income tenants.

Some recent quotes from Alphonso Jackson, the Secretary of HUD, leave no doubt that he is not fit to be head of the nations department of Housing and Urban Development.

In defense of his policies which have created a more than $200 million shortfall to fully fund the nation's existing Section 8 housing vouchers already in use, Alphonso Jackson was quoted as saying, "being poor is a state of mind, not a condition."

To the many thousands of poor facing eviction because of Alphonso Jacksons underhanded scheme to destroy the Section 8 program, being poor is much more than a state of mind, and Jackson's actions have been condemned from here to hell since he became Secretary of HUD.

During recent months, Alphonso Jackson has demonstrated that he is anti-poor, anti-union and anti-small business.

In an attempt to intimidate HUD's union employees from participating in union activities, recently Alphonso Jackson said, “When I was a child, it took my father three whuppings to get the message through to me. And that's what I am prepared to do. I do not want any more problems from this field office."

Union officials were outraged by Jackson's statement that showed how much contempt he had for the union employees that worked for years to make HUD into the nations #1 affordable housing agency across the country.

Double-speak is the new language of HUD, to distract the people from the wide-spread damage being done to America's affordable housing programs, public housing and the Section 8 voucher programs.

While in St. Louis last week to promote the administrations latest home-ownership proposals, Alphonso Jackson mis-lead the people with his latest promises of funding for home-ownership when he neglected to mention that the program he was trying to sell to the public is about to lose $53 million in funding as early as October of 2004.

Americans across the nation are just becoming aware of the Bush administration's latest despicable cabinet member that has shown nothing but contempt for the poor or affordable housing programs which the people depend upon to keep a roof over their head.

Alphonso Jackson has wasted no time in making it clear that he is the enemy of the poor and that he intends to dump them out of their housing as fast as possible.

It is now up to the people to contact their representatives in Congress or hit the streets with protests in an effort to fight back before HUD totally destroys the affordable housing programs across America.

Secretary of HUD Alphonso Jackson and Michael Liu, the Assistant Secretary of HUD may be reached at the following numbers, and you are urged to tell them to save affordable housing by fully funding the Section 8 vouchers already in use across the nation.

Call, Alphonso Jackson 202/708-0123

Call, Michael Liu 202/708-0950

Congressional Members may be reached at the Capital Swithcboard toll-free number to demand that they force HUD to fully fund the Section 8 vouchers already in use.

Call, 1-888-818-6641

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Click below for more links to the trail of woe created by Alphonso Jackson since he became HUD Secretary in April of 2004.
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by Anti-Eviction Activists
The latest in the Section 8 housing crisis... 

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St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Missouri)
June 6, 2004


FEDERAL HOUSING SECRETARY ALPHONSO JACKSON brought a message of tough love to St. Louis this weekend, urging poor families living in subsidized housing to take more responsibility for becoming self-sufficient. He also insisted that they would be better served by the Bush administration's approach to handing out housing vouchers and addressing chronic homelessness.

Mr. Jackson's message was not well-received by local housing authorities and housing advocates. They say the administration's proposals will mean big cuts in housing assistance and scarcer affordable housing for the needy. Housing authority officials in the city of St. Louis and St. Louis County say they expect to lose nearly 1,400 housing vouchers because of the proposed cuts.

To make up the shortfall, housing authorities say they will be forced to raise minimum monthly rents beyond what many tenants can afford; give out fewer vouchers; or pay landlords less, thereby giving them a disincentive for renting to poor families. The administration also wants to repeal the federal rule that housing authorities hand out 75 percent of their vouchers to the poorest of the poor -- families at or below the poverty line.

Mr. Jackson, who spoke with Post-Dispatch reporters and editorial writers Friday, said the Department of Housing and Urban Development is proposing to cut administrative payments to housing authorities that don't use all their vouchers. Agencies will be paid based on the number of vouchers they actually use rather than the number of vouchers they have available; those that don't use all their vouchers will lose money.

Mr. Jackson, who headed the St. Louis Housing Authority in the 1980s, insists that housing authorities will be better off with HUD's flexible voucher program. Under it, agencies get a set amount of funds along with flexibility in the ways they can use the money. Authorities will be rewarded with extra funding if, for example, they find ways to help wean tenants off of vouchers and become self-sufficient. The flexible voucher program is bad news in that it's the equivalent of a block grant. Congress shouldn't back that part of HUD's proposal, since Washington's funding for block grants to help the needy never keeps pace with inflation.

Mr. Jackson doesn't deny that the administration's goal is to bring more income diversity to the housing voucher program. Pointing to working-class families who now pay as much as 50 percent of their income for rent, Mr. Jackson says giving these families access to the voucher program would help them lower their rent and save enough money make down payments on homes.

He also says the administration has developed a model program for addressing chronic homelessness through support for emergency shelters, transitional housing and services for people with disabilities, mental illnesses and addictions that can lead to homelessness. Last year, he said, HUD gave $1.27 billion to homeless assistance projects nationwide.

Mr. Jackson makes many good points. But the reality is that housing authorities nationwide have long waiting lists and not enough money to help needy families find housing. Also undercutting most of Mr. Jackson's arguments are reports that the White House has put many government agencies -- including HUD -- on notice that their budgets will be cut after this election year. Among programs targeted for reductions is the administration's home ownership initiative, reportedly set to lose as much as $53 million in the fiscal year that starts in October 2005. Reports like this one give credence to the view among housing advocates and housing authorities that, unless Congress steps in and stop the cuts, life for the poor will get worse under this administration.


HUD cuts hit Tacoma hard;
leaving mom, girl homeless

JASON HAGEY, The News Tribune
The News Tribune (Tacoma, Washington)
June 7, 2004

Geneva Runyan was among the first to suffer from a change in the way the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development plans to help low-income residents pay their rent.

A Tacoma Housing Authority commissioner told a crowd of hundreds who attended a public meeting recently that 400 families might soon become homeless.

Click below for full story.


HUDs Fix To Section 8

These funding concerns were confirmed in late April when HUD finally sent out a formal policy notice on its new funding policies. Since then, the news stories on this crisis have progressed from the early reports that the program was in trouble, to HUD’s denials that there was a problem, and then finally to reports from HUD last week that it had fixed the problem.

Even worse, some PHAs who had already issued vouchers to families contacted them to tell them -- while they were still looking for housing -- that they wouldn’t be allowed to use their subsidies. As landlords got wind of these problems, they threatened to drop out of the program.

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Over 35,000 At Risk Of Losing Housing IN CA.
March 2004

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Wrecking Section 8

HUD DEFIES CONGRESSIONAL MANDATE: The WP reports a coalition of "Democratic politicians, anti-poverty advocates and nonprofit organizations" is threatening to sue HUD on charges that the president's housing advisers are misinterpreting the law to justify changes they want.


HUD/Section 8 Housing Vouchers/Shortfalls

In addition HUD has yet to provide Public Housing Assessment Systems (PHAs) with accurate inflation rates for their regions, creating significant confusion among PHAs, state and local policy makers and housing advocates across the country.


Lawmaker Asks IG To Investigate HUD Nominee

A senior House Democrat is calling for an internal investigation into anti-union statements made by President Bush’s nominee to head the Housing and Urban Development Department.

Waxman wants the IG to look into statements made by HUD Deputy Secretary Alphonso Jackson at an October meeting with employees in HUD’s Los Angeles office. Jackson — nominated in December to be HUD secretary — launched a verbal assault against the union at the meeting, saying its “asinine” activity contributed to a hostile work environment, according to a complaint filed Oct. 27 by the local chapter of the National Federation of Federal Employees with the Federal Labor Relations Authority regional office in San Francisco.

“Mr. Jackson’s statements interfered with the statutory rights of employees to join or assist the union and seek the union’s assistance, free of restraint or coercion,” FLRA Regional Director Gerald Cole said in a Dec. 29 letter to Jan Thompson, the union official who filed the complaint.

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Policy Watch: Alphonso Jackson, HUD.

In his few months as secretary, Alphonso Jackson has enraged the real estate and small business communities--an action that Rep. Don Manzullo, chairman of the House Small Business Committee, views as an example of HUD’s “cavalier attitude” towards small businesses.

--HUD attacks union--

Jackson verbally abused HUD employees

During an October 2003 visit to a HUD field office in Los Angeles, Jackson lashed out against the union that represents local HUD employees and singled out the union’s employee representative.

Jackson allegedly told over 100 employees present at a meeting, “When I was a child, it took my father three whuppings to get the message through to me. And that's what I am prepared to do. I do not want any more problems from this field office" [5].
He also described actions taken by the National Federation of Federal Employees as “asinine” and told the union’s field office representative that his work would be closely monitored for signs of improper union activity.

The Federal Labor Relations Authority ordered Jackson to post a written apology in the Los Angeles office.

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HUD nominee's alleged comments draw union's wrath

Alphonso Jackson tried to intimidate local, NFFE says
The Washington Post

Today's plot involves a troubled federal field office, a small union local, a friend of the president who reportedly said he was “sick and tired” of reading the union's memos about their “asinine” activities, and the union's decision to file an unfair-labor-practice complaint against the president's friend.

“We are going to make sure that everyone knows how this man has behaved, and demonstrate that he is unfit to be the secretary of HUD,” NFFE president Richard Brown said."


According to HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson, "being poor is a state of mind, not a condition." A recent press release issued by the Housing Financial Service Committee reports that Jackson made the statement during a hearing before the Committee to explain why he doesn't talk about housing the poor.

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