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Breaking News: Israelis surround Arafat compound

by bbc
Israeli troops have surrounded the headquarters of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, according to witnesses.
Dozens of Israeli jeeps were reported to have sealed off the complex in the West Bank city of Ramallah, and soldiers occupied buildings nearby.

Mr Arafat has been confined to the building for more than two years.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon recently said he no longer felt bound by a commitment he made not to harm the long-time Palestinian leader.

Mr Arafat's adviser Nabil Abu Rudeina said: "The soldiers, travelling in 15 jeeps, approached the president's HQ and blocked the three entrances to the building."

Fears of attack

He said he feared the move was "in preparation for an attack on the president".

But Israeli military officials told the AFP news agency that soldiers were arresting suspects, and the operation was not linked to Mr Arafat's office.

Israel has said the Palestinian leader is free to leave but might not be allowed to return.

Israel claims that Mr Arafat backs Palestinian militants, a charge he has denied.

Mr Sharon said last month that he had been responsible for "the murder of Jews for decades", and that "all those who kill Jews or push for the killing of Jews or Israeli citizens deserve to die."

US warning

The latest moves follow the stepping-up of the Israeli policy of targeting leading militants, and the killing of two of the leaders of Hamas in quick succession.

Last September, Israel's cabinet declared that Mr Arafat should be "removed".

But the US has insisted that Mr Sharon should honour the promise made three years ago not to harm him.

Secretary of State Colin Powell said President Bush had made it clear he would oppose any attempts against the life of Mr Arafat and "the president firmly believes that he has a commitment from Prime Minister Sharon that no such attempt will be made".
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