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Indybay Feature

Protest gas-guzzling, antisocial Hummer vehicles!

by Tmiwok
Protest gas-guzzling, antisocial Hummer vehicles!
Dear DBF Friends -- What better way to celebrate Earth Day?
Protest gas-guzzling, antisocial Hummer vehicles! If you are
interested in participating in a Bay Area or Sacramento Hummer
protest on Earth Day, please call us -- (415) 561-2165.

Protest Against Hummers on Earth Day!
Thurs. April 22, 2004

At Your Local Hummer (or GM) dealership

*Say no to this gas-guzzling behemoth that gets only 10 mpg, that
pollutes the air at 2-3 times the rate of an average car, and helps
fuel our oil dependence that leads us into war.

*Demand that car dealerships and manufacturers offer us more
fuel efficient cars and vehicles that run on clean energy.

*Take a stand for alternative forms of transportation.


Actions are planned across the country, including San Francisco,
Sacramento, Los Angeles, Portland (OR), Miami, Milwaukee,
Madison (WI), Rochester, Columbus (OH), etc.
For National list of actions, go to:

For more information, email nohummer [at] or call
Global Exchange at 415-575-5525 x 234.

Sponsored by CODEPINK, Global Exchange, Rainforest Action
Network, Greenpeace USA, The Sierra Club, Earth Action,
Theological Roundtable for Ecology, Ethics, and Spirituality,
Louisiana Bucket Brigades, Peninsula Raging Grannies, Veterans
for Peace, Pax Christi USA.

The Hummer is a hum-dinger of a target for an Earth Day protest!

What car better symbolizes America's misguided national
priorities than the Hummer? The Hummer, with its obscenely low
gas mileage, is fueling this Country’s dependence on oil. This oil
addiction pushes the U.S. into global conflicts, most recently Iraq,
which threatens the lives of our troops and civilians around the

Hummers are also threatening the life of our planet. They are
horribly destructive to the environment, with an Environmental

Protection Agency rating of two out of ten. The Hummer’s average
gas mileage hovers around 9 miles to the gallon, (yes, 9!). Oil
consumption is a major contributor to pollution and global
warming. Hummers are contaminating the very air that we breathe,
and undermining the health of our children and our planet for
future generations.

Adding insult to injury, the government gives monetary rewards for
purchasing such irresponsible vehicles. Business owners who
buy a Hummer are eligible to receive up to a $100,000 tax break
under Bush's 2003 Jobs and Growth Act. This same plan only
grants a tax break of $3,400 for the Toyota Prius hybrid, which gets
over 50 miles per gallon.

The mass promotion and sale of military-style vehicles to families
across America sends the message that war is just another
consumer product. The Hummer tends to glorify war and imply war
is fun. This is a profound disservice to all who have ever fought in
one and those who strive to put an end to war.
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the idiots expose themselves
Sat, Apr 24, 2004 7:55AM
Fri, Apr 23, 2004 8:04PM
Tue, Apr 20, 2004 1:20AM
Hummers bad
Mon, Apr 19, 2004 8:47PM
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