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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Women's Anti-war Protest & Speakout -- Invest in Caring Not Killing, Yes to Welf

Thursday, June 06, 2002
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
Welfare Department 170 Otis Street (nr Mission/Division) San Francisco

Women, come say why you oppose Bush's "endless war" and welfare 'reform'. Men, come show your support. From October 2001 throught March 2002, many of you came to our regular women's anti-war protest and speakout at 50 California outside CNN to protest war propaganda and censorship (Censored News Network). We are now moving our women's action to the Welfare department to bring attention to and press for action on welfare 'reform' reauthorization which has rapidly moved through Congress and is in the Senate. Now is the time for us to have an impact! Welfare "reform" has had a devastating impact on single mothers, our families and our communities. In SF we are seeing the severe consequence of these policies: more mothers and children are homeless, women are being arrested for prostitution and other crimes of (related to) poverty in increasing numbers and there is an increase inviolence against women. Lesbian mothers are being forced to name the father of their children and are sanctioned off welfareif they don't. Women are reporting having their children taken by Child Protective Services in indreasing numbers. This also Gay Pride month and an occasion for lesbian mothers to register our protest against welfare 'reform' which discounts lesbian mothers by pushing for marriage and discounts our work as mothers. We will focus on gathering signatures on our Every Mother is a Working Mother Network's petition to get mothers' caring work valued in welfare benefits. We will also launch our new anti-war petition which demands that the money going up in smoke to war and increased military spending should be going to caregivers globally. Society should invest in caring, not killing! Yes to Welfare, No to War! Money going to mothers for raising children is money not going to bomb people around the world. Coordinated by the Wages for Housework Campaign (WFH), US PROStitutes Collective and Wages Due Lesbians.
Added to the calendar on Tue, Feb 3, 2004 10:24AM
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