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Indybay Feature

Colombia: Escalation of Violence and Possibilities for Building Peaceful Solutio

Wednesday, March 13, 2002
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Event Type:
Panel Discussion
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Location Details:
Centro del Pueblo 474 Valencia Street - Auditorium on 2nd floor San Francisco

A panel discussion with: Adriana Elisa Parra (Activist with the Ruta Pacifica de la Mujeres), Jutta Meier-Weidenbach (Fellowship of Reconciliation, Colombia Program Coordinator), Kelli Corrigan (Peace Brigades International volunteer in Bogota this past year). Each day, the internal armed conflict in Colombia worsens. The breakdown in peace talks promises has escalated this violence. Political killings and forced internal displacement are on the rise. Human rights workers have become the civilian population's last line of defense against repression and violence. Because of their brave efforts, these activists themselves have come under fire. In the last five years alone, Amnesty International reports that Colombian armed factions -primarily illegal army-backed paramilitary groups- have assassinated more than thirty human rights defenders. In this panel discussion, speakers will focus on the current political and human rights context in Colombia and about some of the courageous people and groups working for peace and human rights there. Sponsored by Peace Brigades International, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Global Exchange, and INS Watch. Suggested donation: $5, no on turned away for lack of funds. For more information, contact:
Added to the calendar on Tue, Feb 3, 2004 10:24AM
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