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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

The School of the Americas: Where the U.S. Trains Terrorists

Thursday, November 15, 2001
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Event Type:
Brian Vaughan
Location Details:
Walden Pond Book Store 3316 Grand Avenue Oakland, California

ISO Meeting ----------- The School of the Americas: Where the U.S. Trains Terrorists Since 1946, the U.S. government has run the School of the Americas, a combat training school for Latin American soldiers, now located at Fort Benning, Georgia. Its focus is “counterinsurgency”—how to defeat political opposition and mass movements through the use of armed force, torture, and intimidation. SOA graduates have led military coups and are responsible for massacres of hundreds of people. SOA graduates were responsible for the Uraba massacre in Colombia, the El Mozote massacre of 900 civilians in El Salvador, the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero, and the Jesuit massacre in El Salvador, the La Cantuta massacre in Peru, the torture and murder of a UN worker in Chile, and hundreds of other human rights abuses. In the next few days, mass protests against the SOA will take place in Georgia. Come to the next meeting of the ISO to find out how you can help shut down the school of the Americas. Speakers * Christina Vasquez, Colombia solidarity activist * Michelle Simon, International Socialist Organization Thursday, November 15, 7:00 PM Walden Pond Book Store 3316 Grand Avenue Oakland, California
Added to the calendar on Tue, Feb 3, 2004 10:25AM
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