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Indybay Feature

When the wall comes tumbling down

by Munzer Morrar (munzer [at]
The title refers to the ridiculous apartheid wall currently being constructed in Palestine.
Total cost should only run about 10 billion. People negatively affected will be the US tax payer, since we will be footing the bill. The palestinian people who will essentially be imprisoned behind the wall, and the israeli people who oppose such a wall. So if no one benefits why build it? Well the israelis say that construction of such a wall will bring security to israelis. Kind of like the weapons of mass destruction idea. Palestinians have been fighting for freedom for fifty years. The blood of thousands of martyrs have been spilled, and will not go unnoticed in their ultimate sacrifice for freedom. This wall will come tumbling down at the expense of the us tax payer, im sure.Thats not it. When children stand in the streets, with with only a broken off piece of a cynder block to use as protection against armed soldiers in tanks, who fire live ammunition and kill the kids, you have a revolutionary spirit in the air. NOT TANKS, NOR COPTERS, NOR armed soldiers can deter even the youngest revolutionist. The wall is a joke, a symbol of cowardice, and innability to communicate. Fighters, or the unofficial Palestinian soldiers are already embedded behind the seperation barriers, waiting. Waiting for the walls completion, so that their contribution to the Palestinian liberation movement will be grand. The walls have already failed, why do we have to prove what we know will happen anyway. Why do more people have to die, why do we drag this clear conflict on? Is it because one man says so? Sharon is a vengeful bitter old man, who is wanted for war crimes already. He is a one man country, not even the usa can stop him. Or Bush's usa should i say bluntly?
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by munzer morrar
When the walls come tumbling down, is a good sentence about the wall in palestine.
Ayed Morrar wrote ........
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