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Afghanistan Descending Into Chaos As Hamid Karzai Loses Control To Former Taliban

by America's Forgotten War
PESHAWAR, Pakistan: Apr 13 (PNS) - Law and order situation in war-ravaged Afghanistan has almost completely broken down as attacks on the government soldiers have registered an unprecedented increase during the last few days in which several soldiers were either killed or injured.
A knowledgeable Afghan source revealed on Saturday the resurgence of Taliban in eastern Afghanistan and beginning of factional fighting in the northern Afghanistan had put Afghan transitional president Hamid Karzai in fix as he was still unable to restore peace in his country, which was prerequisite for getting the money pledged by various countries for reconstruction of Afghanistan.

He said that the Afghan transitional president had called a meeting of the provincial governors in Kabul in he had expressed his dissatisfaction with their performance urging them to take immediate steps for the improvement of law and order situation.

He told the governors that if they failed in exerting their authorities then this was natural that the Taliban would find the opportunity to regroup themselves.

According to a news agency report from Kabul, the capital of war-torn country, President Hamid Karzai made an appeal to powerful provincial governors for their cooperation in maintaining security across the country and collecting the much-needed national revenue.

“Governors should pay attention to close coordination and cooperation with the central government and report to the Interior, Defense and other ministries in Kabul regarding related affairs," Karzai told a meeting of provincial governors here.

He acknowledged that lack of cooperation between provinces and the capital has been one of the key problems in the country public life since his government was formed in late 2001.

The president iterated that customs revenues collected by border provinces should be turned in to the central government for the benefit of the whole nation.

The central government is to launch a nationwide disarmament for demobilizing the existing 200,000 militia-style troops in different provinces and establish a new national army under direct command by Kabul.

Karzai requested the provincial governors to offer their full support and cooperation to the disarmament program, which is expected to begin within three months.
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by Bush's Promises Are Worth Nothing
One has to admit that the Bush people are very good at conquest, military and political. They focus all their attention on an issue; they pull out all the stops; they don't worry about breaking the rules. This technique brought them victory in the Florida recount battle, the passage of the 2001 tax cut, the fall of Kabul, victory in the midterm elections and the fall of Baghdad.

But after the triumph, when it comes time to take care of what they've won, their attention wanders and things go to pot.

The most obvious example is Afghanistan, the land the Bush administration forgot. Most of the country is back under the control of fundamentalist warlords; unpaid soldiers and policemen are deserting in droves. (Remember that the Bush administration forgot to include any Afghan aid in its latest budget.)

President Hamid Karzai's brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai, told an Associated Press reporter: "It is like I am seeing the same movie twice and no one is trying to fix the problem. What was promised to Afghans with the collapse of the Taliban was a new life of hope and change. But what was delivered? Nothing. Everyone is back in business."
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