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Police State
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Indybay Feature

Tony Halls Resolution

by Elizabeth Creely (ecreely [at]
Tony Hall's resolution, asking the SF District Attorney to force M20 protesters to pay for police brutality, goes before the SF Board of Supervisors budget committee Thursday April 10 at 1:00.
Tony Hall, one of the most conservative supervisors in San Francisco, has authored two resolutions. The first one to be scheduled is Res. 030493. It directs the SFPD to itemize their expenses associated with the March 2003 protests and urges the City Attorney to recover the costs from organizations /individuals that directed or participated in the protests(I'm paraphrasing)
This is going to be heard by the Budget committee Thursday April 10, beginning at 1:00, in Room 263 at City Hall. There will be some discussion by various city entities and then there will be time allotted to public comment.
I'm goin. I talked to two Supervisor's staffpersons at Gonzalez and Daly's offices and they both said that this resolution was getting a lot of support. We could end up paying for the pleasure of getting the shit kicked out of us. I think that going, especially after what happened yesterday, is important.
For more details call Matt G's. office at
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by ddkal
so free speach only belongs to those who can pay for it?

Funny, I don't think that's what Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson and the rest had in mind.
by dollar short
I have film of Tony Hall jack-jawing at a pro war rally surrounded by on duty cops. I guess he owes the city some money???
by Peace Girl
Do you have a link or information to where you found this out? I have yet to hear anything regarding a resolution one way or another.


by cp
Tony Hall or the city of San Francisco is going to be paying a lot of us money. Hundreds were falsely arrested while just walking down the sidewalk, when no dispersal order was given. Even if a dispersal order was given in some cases, the police can't legally order shoppers or people with political signs to disperse unless they're doing something illegal.
by taxpayer
Whatever the anti-war demos have cost the city (we're yet to see a proper accounting), the Bush Presidency has saved San Francisco a fortune because George W. Bush never visits San Francisco. He has only come to California three times as president.
Clinton was here practically every month, usually raising money for the other pro-war party. Even those "routine" visits cost the city a fortune in police overtime, etc.

Imagine sending the Democratic Party the bill for all the costs the taxpayers incurred during Clinton's fundraising visits.
by H9
Tony Hall - District 7 -
Tony Hall - District 7
City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689
(415) 554-6516 - voice
(415) 554-6546 - fax
Tony.Hall [at]

- Legislation Introduced - Including All Off-Calendar Items - April 01, 2003
030492 [District Attorney Prosecutions]
Resolution urging the District Attorney to prosecute to the fullest extent allowed under the law those arrested on March 20, 2003 and subsequent days who flagrantly and/or repeatedly violated the law for blocking traffic and failing to follow police orders. Supervisor Hall presented. REFERRED to City Services Committee.
030493 [City Attorney Pursuit of Costs Associated with Protests]
Resolution urging the Police Department to itemize their expenses associated with the March 20, 21, and 22, 2003 protests and forward that information on to the City Attorney; and, urging the City Attorney to pursue all legal remedies against those responsible for organizing these crippling demonstrations in order to recover the costs incurred by the City and County of San Francisco that resulted. Supervisor Hall presented. REFERRED to City Services Committee.

Agenda for Budget Committee, City Hall, Room 263, Meeting Agenda, Thursday, April 10, 2003, 1:00 PM, Regular Meeting
030488 [Fiscal impacts of Police response during S.F. demonstrations] Supervisor Gonzalez
Hearing to discuss the fiscal impacts of Police response during the recent San Francisco peace demonstration. 3/25/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget Committee.
4. 030314 [Financial impact of the War on Iraq to the City's Budget] Supervisor Sandoval
Hearing to discuss the financial impact of the War on Iraq to the City's Budget, specifically the Police Department, Fire Department and the Office of Emergency Services. 2/25/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget Committee.
by Marianne Love, Aide to Gonzalez ( [at]
Supervisor Hall's resolutions are not before the Budget Committee, but rather the City Services Committee and they have not been scheduled yet. The hearing before the Budget Committee on Thursday is sponsored by Supervisor Gonzalez to discuss the fiscal impacts of the police response at the recent anti-war protests. Immediately after will be a hearing sponsored by Supervisor Sandoval to discuss the fiscal impacts of the War on Iraq on San Francisco's economy.
by Elizabeth Creely
Supervisor Hall's office contacted me to let me know that my information was not quite accurate. I stand corrected. The resolution itself will not be debated, however, the nature of the resolution will be. A very fine distinction....

--- Marianne E Love <Marianne.Love [at]> wrote:
> Dear Elizabeth,
> Thank you for publicizing this hearing. I just
> wanted to make one
> correction. Supervisor Hall's resolution is not
> before the Budget
> Committee. It will be before City Services,
> although it is not yet
> scheduled. The hearing before the Budget Committee
> on Thursday is
> sponsored by Supervisor Gonzalez to discuss the
> fiscal impacts of the
> police response to the recent anti-war protests.
> Immediately after,
> Supervisor Sandoval is sponsoring a hearing to
> discuss the fiscal impacts
> of the War on Iraq on the local economy. I would
> greatly appreciate if you
> could correct this on
> .
> Thanks again! If you have any questions please
> don't hesitate to call me
> Marianne Love
> 415.554.7633
by Peace Girl
It's been over 2 weeks and the board hasn't made a decision on what to do. Arrainment hearings don't start (I think, but please correct me if I'm wrong) until after Easter.

Also, thanks to whomever posted those links I asked for. Much helpful!
by MR
At the M25 Supes meeting, I asked Chris Daly what kind of a chance Hall's resolution had. He kinda rolled his eyes and said 'it'll never see the light of day."
What has changed?
by Elizabeth Creely
I was told by an aide in Daly's and Gonzalez's office that they felt it had recieved lots of support and that folks should turn out en masse- it was a casual conversation, and I didn't ask for specifics. I think they just really want people to show up.
I think the people that do support this will express that in letters, e-mails and phone calls, rather than turning up to a public hearing. In other words, conservative sentiment that supports these measures will be somewhat invisible.
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