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Indybay Feature

Come to a benefit for the No on Prop N grassroots media campaign!

by Gretchen Hildebran (hilda_bran [at]
Media activists and folks on GA got together to make some TV commercials that expose the lies behind Gavin Newsom's Prop N campaign. This dinner/performance/dance party benefit will help put these truth-telling ads on the air in the weeks before the election.
Help defeat Prop N! Support a media campaign that will counter the well-funded distortions and lies of Prop N!

NO ON N Benefit Dinner/Performance/Dance Party!
When: Friday, Oct 4th
Where: 255 Ninth st, btw. Folsom and Howard

7pm - FREE delicious Dinner!

8pm - Performances by Molotov Mouths, Po’ Poets, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Ralowe and the Quails, as well as a sneak preview of the grassroots-produced TV ad campaign that will soon be on the air!

10pm - crazy DANCE party featuring djs Juanitamore, BUGOUT and more!

$5-20 donation at the door
Free if you are on GA or if you're broke!

All money raised goes towards buying airtime for the TV ad campaign that will fight against the lies of Prop N. This proposition would cut homeless people's GA cash assistance to $59/month, that is less that $2 a day to buy all their basic necessities. Prop N promises services instead but actually creates NO services or shelter and only guarantees homeless people a more desparate, criminalized existance.

Our ad campaign was created through all-grassroots, all volunteer time and equipment. We just need your help to get the spots on the air in the weeks before the election. It will cost $20,000 to get the coverage we need on local stations, which is dwarfed by the $20,000 PER WEEK that monied Prop N supporters are spending.

Bring everyone you know to this benefit. Donate money for airtime. Volunteer to get the word out. Lets get together and fight back!

For more information about the No on N ad campaign or this benefit, contact Gretchen Hildebran at 415-824-3119 or email hilda_bran [at]

For more info about the No on Prop N general campaign, contact the Committee Against Increased Homelessness at 346-4808 or visit

Make donations out to Committee Against Increased Homelessness, 1621 Haight St #35, San Francisco, CA 94117, FPPC#1246777, Matt Rowe, Treasurer. Write "ad campaign" on your check if you would like it to go towards buying airtime.
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