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Indybay Feature

This Week on Flashpoints Radio

by Jaguar Johnny
KPFA Flashpoints Radio Dec 31, 2001 to Jan 4, 2002
-Friday Jan 4: Argentina on Fire; Amy Goodman happy to be back on the Pacifica Five
-Thursday Jan 3: Dr. Gerald Horne/Somalia; pro-Haiti demos; Welfare Reform killing the disabled
-Wednesday Jan 2: Prof. Michio Kaku: Kashmir may go nuclear; Israeli firebrand Neta Golan stops an tank; serial killer/s kill 250 Mexican women
-Tuesday Jan 1: Anti-war poetess Aurora Levins Morales; KNOW YOUR RIGHTS from the National Lawyers Guild
-Monday Dec 31: Tariq Ali of Verso Press: the Saudi Connection; Argentina; Reproductive Rights in the crosshairs


<FONT COLOR=#ffff99><STRONG>Friday, Jan 4, 2002</strong> - <big><B>Start Audio</B></big> <IMG SRC="" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=25 WIDTH=52 ALT="for audio FAQ, click here"></font><br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>00:00</font><IMG SRC="" align=left hspace=4 BORDER=1 HEIGHT=88 WIDTH=66 ALT="Dennis Bernstein photo"> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis Bernstein</FONT> with <IMG SRC="" align=right hspace=4 BORDER=1 HEIGHT=88 WIDTH=66 ALT="Noelle Hanrahan photo">
<FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Noelle Hanrahan</FONT>: introduction.. Five Argentinian presidents in 2 weeks.. a look at the crumbling Argentine economy.. Pacifica Watch: <FONT COLOR=#ffff99><I><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>Democracy Now!</FONT> returns to all five Pacifica stations on Monday!</I></FONT><br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>00:50</font>
Pacifica Network News
<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>05:00</font> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> Argentina now has its fifth president in two weeks.. fears are reverberating that president Eduardo Duhalde's new policies will do little to ease the financial crisis.. 27 dead in riots.. now w Beverly Kean, a member of <I>Jubilee 2000</I>, and of Argentina's <I>Servicio Paz y Justicia</I> <I>(Peace and Justice Service) (founded by Nobel Laureate, Pérez Esquivel)</I>.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> people happy with Duhalde's moves? <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Beverly Kean:</FONT> <IMG SRC="" ALIGN=right BORDER=1 HEIGHT=160 WIDTH=200 ALT="Crowd in front of Casa Rosada, symbol of Argentinean power, click for full view">not a lot of excitement, not a lot of enthusiam.. a wait and see attitude.. actually 35 people killed.. mostly due to police brutality.. including 3 just sitting in a bar talking about the crisis, shot by a security guard who didn't like what they were saying.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> how did Argentina get to this place? <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Beverly:</FONT> a thumbnail sketch going back 25 years.. <FONT COLOR=#ffffcc>in 1976, a military coup, the IMF the day after the coup, gave them a loan..</FONT> this a culmination of that.. the late 70's a time of massive political repression.. people started *disappearing*.. groups of children from the church, trade unionists, students.. anybody who thought that wealth could be more equitably shared..accompanied by a tremendous economic transformation.. growth in the external debt.. forced indebtedness of the public sector.. massive debt.. now w Larry Birns of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Larry:</FONT> the new president's statement that a devaluation is on the way.. very bad news for the middle class.. <IMG SRC="" ALIGN=left BORDER=1 HEIGHT=120 WIDTH=128 ALT="tear gas in Argentina, link to indymedia">unless special provisions are taken.. 40 percent of their savings could be eliminated.. the middle class powerful, and less likely to be killed by police in demonstrations than the working class.. not factored in by the IMF (link2) (link3): the systemic corruption of Argentina.. things were never fair.. the new president calling for 'patriotism'..
<FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Beverly:</FONT> the devaluation is certain.. the problem is not just the rate of convertability, pesos to dollars.. Argentina has lost its industrial base, lost its ability to provide jobs.. extreme external dependency.. extreme vulnerability.. extreme need.. four years of recession.. people are losing their jobs.. poverty and homelessness.. affecting 5 million people out of 37 million population.. 20% official unemployment.. tremendous difficulty.. <IMG SRC="" ALIGN=right BORDER=1 HEIGHT=160 WIDTH=200 ALT="fire in the streets of Argentina, click to enlarge"> hunger is a growing phenomenon.. medicine is a particularly vulnerable industry.. insulin, HIV treatments scarce.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> Could we see a new dictatorship? <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Larry:</FONT> that is not beyond feasibility.. about the ex-president, <A HREF=",11439,621151,00.html">Carlos Menem.. his party was decisively defeated two years ago.. an $8 billion budget deficit.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Beverly:</FONT> the U.S. is increasing its military role throughout Latin America.. in Argentina in particular.. recent U.S. Army maneuvers in Argentina.. Condiliza Rice said she expects greater military 'cooperation' from Argentina..<A NAME="kpfk">
<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>31:20</font> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Noelle Hanrahan:</FONT> w Amy Goodman, of <I>Democracy Now!</I>.. <IMG SRC="" ALIGN=left BORDER=0 HEIGHT=112 WIDTH=107 ALT="Amy Goodman photo"><FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Amy:</FONT> We're going back on air on Monday.. we get our back pay.. due to a resolution of the new Pacifica board.. the democratization of the network tremendously exciting.. not over yet though.. still unresolved: the stringer strike <I>(see Free Speech Radio News)</I> and the return of the banned and the fired.. unbelievably 3 more people banned or fired by Bob Daltry, GM of WBAI in the last two weeks.. we're looking forward to the next board meeting in February.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Amy:</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffffcc> the listeners of KPFA played a pivital role..</FONT> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Noelle:</FONT> Amy and staff still not allowed on site at WBAI.. now w Karen Palmer, organizer from LA.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Karen:</FONT> about the KPFK show hosted by Fidel Rodriguez, <I>Seditious Beats,</I>.. <I>(see: Flashpoints 12/27/01)</I>.. <IMG SRC="" align=right hspace=4 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=133 WIDTH=100 ALT="Seditious Beats">
yesterday <I>Seditious Beats</I> was 'officially' cancelled by Mark Schubb.. used untrue pretexts.. and Mark Cooper and Mark Schubb went on the air.. hinted that they were going to refuse to put DN! back on.. using the issue of union AFTRA.. another pretext, another excuse..

now w KPFA activist, <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Andrea Buffer:</FONT>.. about Mark Cooper and Mark Schubb.. totally outrageous.. went on the air, lied to the listeners.. lied about the new board.. people need to know.. he's censoring and banning any programmer that stands in his way.. we are calling for Mark Schubb's resignation..
<FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Noelle:</FONT><FONT COLOR=#FFFFFF> call KPFK.. tell Mark Schubb to put these two shows back on KPFK, NOW!.. phone 818-985-2711 ext.503 and/or <A HREF="mailto:gm [at],mschubb [at] Now, Seditious Beats">email him a message of protest..</FONT> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Karen:</FONT> I can't tell you how many phone calls a day I get wanting DN! back on the air.. hundreds of people demonstrating outside KPFK.. people have stopped listening to KPFK.. because of the removal of <I>Seditious Beats</I>.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Noelle:</FONT> <FONT COLOR=#FFFFcc>STAY TUNED AND GET INVOLVED
</FONT><br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>41:00</font> <FONT COLOR=#66ffcc>Flashpoints in Espanol, with Nancy Charaga (sorry, no review available for this segment, por favor, send us a brief synopsis en espanol, to <A HREF="mailto:espanol-0104 [at]">this email address for inclusion on here. Gracias.</FONT>
<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>53:30</font> End today's show.. <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR=#6600cc><I>today's review by john lionheart</I></fonT><p>
Audio this show (scrollable)<br> Flashpoints website, audio archive <P>KPFA Flashpoints Radio 94.1 FM Berkeley<BR> Your Daily Investigative Radio News Magazine<BR> -produced by Dennis Bernstein<BR> online live 5-6pm Pacific time weekdays at<p></FONT> <hr><hr>

<FONT COLOR=#ffff99><STRONG>Thursday, Jan 3, 2002</strong> - <big><B>Start Audio</B></big> <IMG SRC="" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=25 WIDTH=52 ALT="for audio FAQ, click here"></font><br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>00:00</font><IMG SRC="" align=left hspace=4 BORDER=1 HEIGHT=88 WIDTH=66 ALT="Dennis Bernstein photo"> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis Bernstein</FONT> with <IMG SRC="" align=right hspace=4 BORDER=1 HEIGHT=88 WIDTH=66 ALT="Noelle Hanrahan photo">
<FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Noelle Hanrahan</FONT>: introduction.. Is the US getting ready to attack Somalia in its expanding war on terrorism?.. A protest against the U.S. led stranglehold against Haiti.. Welfare reform has devastated the lives of millions of women and children living in poverty.. while organizations like Goodwill are making a killing..
<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>00:35</font> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> now the Knight Report with Robert Knight:
Somalia now fills the crosshairs of the war on terrorism.. bombing to continue in Vieques, judge rules.. more bombing underway in Afghanistan.. more bombing contemplated for Iraq.. criticized as genocidal by Ramsey Clark (link2) (link3).. American Airlines denies access to an U.S. Arab American secret service agent.. carrying a 'suspicious book' written in Arabic, AA said.. English, says his lawyer.. President Bush said he would be 'madder than heck'<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>05:35</font> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> Somalia the next target in the so-called war on terrorism.. now w Dr. Gerald Horne (link2), Professor of African Studies at University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, author of <I>Fire This Time</I>, <I>Class Struggle in Hollywood</I>, and <I>From The Barrel Of A Gun</I>.. 2 German warships, 4 British warships off the coast of Somalia.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dr. Horne:</FONT> U.S. looking at Somalia with increased scrutiny..

<IMG SRC="" ALIGN=left vspace=12 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=577 WIDTH=436 ALT="Somalia, click to enlarge">

about the new movie, <I>Blackhawk Down</I> (background).. look at it carefully.. almost an appeal for the U.S. to engage in revenge seeking.. there are signs of an impending U.S. intervention in Somalia.. (but) there are Al Qaeda cells in America, in Germany, in Switzerland.. why is the U.S. exempting them, itself from scrutiny?.. no talk of launching an attack on Switzerland.. why attack a poor African nation? <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00> Dennis:</FONT> is this just posturing? <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dr. Horne:</FONT> in slavery days, the master would beat one slave to keep the rest in line.. a few months ago in Kenya, a march of thousands in support of Osama.. today, Nelson Mandela backed away from his former endorsement of the attack on Afghanistan.. in Nigeria, the largest nation on the African continent, a big seller, teeshirts with the visage of Osama bin Laden.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> what would be the impact of attacking a poor country like Somalia? <IMG SRC="" ALIGN=right BORDER=1 HEIGHT=107 WIDTH=155 ALT="Somolia school kids"> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dr. Horne:</FONT> the U.S. would have to bring forth a lot of proof.. in 1998, Bill Clinton, bombed a pharmacuetical factory in Sudan, had to quietly back away.. too late for Sudan.. Sudan a former home of bin Laden.. obediently turned over intelligence files to the U.S. after 9-11.. their Chinese National Petroleum Compamy not subservient to the 'seven sisters' (the 7 biggest oil companies).. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> when the U.S. shut down Al-Barakaat, what impact did that have? <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dr. Horne:</FONT> the ability of Somalia to export.. whithering on the vine.. the U.S. said <I>"use Western Union"..</I> about real as opposed to imagined ties to terrorism.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> the U.S. using racial profiling in foreign affairs too? <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dr. Horne:</FONT> about the American Airlines denying access to an Arab American secret service agent.. I was staying a hotel near the White House recently, and receiving a lot of attention because I have dark skin.. serves to expose the hollowness of the call for 'national unity'..
<FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dr. Horne:</FONT> U.S. not focusing on poverty or AIDS in Africa anymore.. funny that 9-11 happened right after the <I>Durban Conference</I> <IMG SRC="" vspace=4 BORDER=1 HEIGHT=78 align=right WIDTH=132 ALT="Durban protestors, click to view enlargenment"> (flashpoints report), where the question of reparations for slavery was raised in a global way.. Robin Hood in reverse.. Bush trying to parlay 9-11 into his right-wing <I>soak the poor</I> agenda.. and the poor not helped by the Democratic Party.. about the mid term election coming up.. the Demos expecting to take the house.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dr. Horne:</FONT> ABC news running a story about .. an African American converted to Islam.. involved in a murder.. fled to Iran.. now a movie star in Iran, in <I>The Road to Kandahar</I>.. prosecutors trying to track him down based on his appearance in the movie.. about Taliban Johnny Walker of Marin County<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>26:20 music break</font>
<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>26:45</font> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> the U.N. has designated Haiti the third poorest country in the world.. the U.S. leading an aid embargo against them.. because they voted overwhelmingly <IMG SRC="" align=right hspace=4 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=97 WIDTH=80 ALT="photo of Jean-Bertrand Aristide"> (70%) for the president of their choice.. the <I>Haitian Action Network</I>.. protesting in downtown Oakland today.. now w <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Pierre Labossier:</FONT> we're protesting every Thursday at 4:30pm in front of the Oakland Federal Building.. previously Haiti plagued with right wing death squads.. now aid money denied to Haiti.. ike when the African farmers were denied aid.. 150-200 people have perished at sea.. fleeing Haiti because of the international stranglehold.. <A HREF="" target="new"><IMG SRC="" align=left vspace=4 hspace=4 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=92 WIDTH=118 ALT="these Haitians need for the world to know about their plight"> $350 million dollars promised to Haiti, blocked because of the 'Democratic Convergence', whose 15 parties combined had only 15% of the vote.. the darling of the <I>Republican Institute</I>.. $3 million dollars given to them last year.. they have virtual veto power over U.S. foreign policy..<FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> the will of the majority denied in Haiti.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Pierre Labossier:</FONT> along with that we see a massive disinformation campaign going on in the press.. please come join us here, Thursdays, at 4:30 pm in front of the Federal Building, downtown Oakland info: 510-483-7481
<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>35:00</font>
<FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Noelle Hanrahan:</FONT> <FONT COLOR=#FFFFFF>tomorrow the monthly <FONT COLOR=#000000>Women In Black</FONT> vigil at Montgomery and Market Streets, SF.. 5PM-6:30PM.. more information call 510-486-2744 or 510-434-1304.. <A HREF="mailto:bayareawomeninblack [at],womeninblacksf [at]">click to email</FONT>

<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>35:20</font> music break<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>37:15</font>
<FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Noelle Hanrahan:</FONT> the Welfare Reform Act forcing women to stay in abusive relationships among other problems.. who's profitting? with Pat Gowans, of Wisconsin's <I>Welfare Warriers</I>.. and w Tiny of the Poor News Network.. now <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Pat:</FONT> the bloated welfare empire.. in 1996 Clinton signed the bill.. but Wisconsin jumped the gun.. only 20,000 people left on welfare now, down from 300,000.. in 1996 the cost of welfare was $548 million a year.. but welfare costs have jumped to $800 million.. money now going into the hands of the private welfare pimps.. Goodwill, YWCA, OIC, <IMG SRC="" ALIGN=right BORDER=1 HEIGHT=151 WIDTH=200 ALT="Goodwill protest in Wisconsin">Maximus.. admitted to embezzelling money.. money used for parties, for advertisement.. attributed to 'sloppy bookkeepping'.. the organizations not prosecuted.. Goodwill just lost their contract on Dec 31.. a 1.3 billion dollar organization.. because of Goodwill's refusal to give out the cash.. combining prejudice and greed.. our actions.. about a 13-year-old cerebral palsey victim.. the state denied his mother the right to stay home with him.. "go to work", she was told.. childcare denied too.. had to have her 14-year old child babysit him.. he died in the bathtub, scalded himself to death accidentally.. Goodwill never apologized.. other mothers with disabled children denied the right to care for their children.. now with Tiny, aka Lisa Garcia, from the <I>Morning Show</I> on KPFA.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Tiny:</FONT> we look at mothering as a job.. the state has taken away the right to mother your child.. who will get accused of negligence? the mother, not Goodwill.. about the ridiculous amounts of money given to Goodwill and other agencies to job train welfare victims.. about kickbacks for referrals.. about paying women.. we believe mothering, a valid job.. one of the hardest jobs anyone could ever do.. about the need for a living wage.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Pat:</FONT> the need to recognize caregiving as work.. more women have been knocked off the rolls due to sanctions.. <IMG SRC="" ALIGN=right BORDER=0 HEIGHT=131 WIDTH=110 ALT="Patsy Mink">illegal.. in Wisconsin, women denied a right to a hearing.. about a pretty good bill now in Congress.. has recognition of caregiving as work, of eduction as work.. ie. the Mink bill, via Representative Patsy Mink (link2).. we need federal control of this federal program.. created in 1935 along with Social Security.. <I>Welfare Warriers</I> 414-342-6662.. 2711 W Michigan St, Milwaukee, WI 53208-4044.. email: wmvoice [at] -- reach Lisa (Tiny) at 415-863-6306
<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>53:10</font> music "moms need cash and education"

<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>53:30</font> End today's show.. <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR=#6600cc><I>today's review by john lionheart</I></fonT>

Audio this show (scrollable)<br> Flashpoints website, audio archive <P>KPFA Flashpoints Radio 94.1 FM Berkeley<BR> Your Daily Investigative Radio News Magazine<BR> -produced by Dennis Bernstein<BR> online live 5-6pm Pacific time weekdays at<p></FONT> <hr><hr>


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