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Indybay Feature

Found Housing, San Francisco's Abandoned Dreams

by Autonomen Collective (autonomen [at]
Recent scouting done by the forming Autonomen Collective found several abandoned housing projects in San Francisco
The Autonomen Collective is forming to begin building an alternative community that is autonomous within the larger urban framework of the bay area.

Meetings are on Sundays at cafe Bravo Espresso, 663 Valencia St in the Mission (near 16th St. Bart).

We will be working toward the following goals:

1. Housing, establish alternative "rent free" housing for community members via legal means through sweat equity with owners and via working with Homes Not Jails to turn unused public spaces over to the community members.

2. Food Distribution, establish a network of "free" food distributors, working with Food Not Bombs, and establish a cooperative Bakery.

3. Technology, establish free tech centers for people to use and establish communications programs, such as radio shows to increase public knowledge of autonomous living.

4. Bikes, Bikes, Bikes, work with groups like Critical Mass, SFBA, etc. to increase usage of bicycles and bicycle lanes. Work with others to set up an bigger bike library.

Our main goal is to get a community of people together rather than having individuals participating in a single area issue group. We will be working to create both a legal means and if necessary an direct action means to achieve our goals.
by oops
sundays at 2:00pm
by Mike (mtsongas [at]
I remember the HOLC squat, Women's squat etc. I showed up right around the time it was ending. A lot of people ended up in my studio after the final eviction...Jim Squatter, Evan from NYC, Robert, Mitch the Bitch all come to mind.

Every time a bump into Peter Plate on the street memories from that era come to the fore.

by monk (ipgipd [at]
hey, i ran into this post at the library, im on my way to sf right now and im trying to find some people to squat with/punks.
i dont do any drugs and i like digging through trash.
i heard from my friend that its pretty easy to get a bike out in the bay area, but i dont ahve much in the way of money. i heard about a place in oakland called the batcave that has some sort of bikeworks thing going on, this is kinda funny, cuz i used to squat the batcave in NYC.
if anyone reads this and wants to help me out, my phone is 917 513 1508, leave me a message because itll probably be off.
by Mike (mtsongas [at]
Hey Nessie et al,

Takin me awhile to get back to this page, anyone reading this feel free to e-mail me. I didn't hear about Jim glad to hear people can still work collectively. The last time I tlked to David Whiticker was about two years ago when I read a few pieces at his open mike at Brain Wash, don't read publicly to often and write only occasionaly these days as I'm doing the blue collar thing and fighting Hep C (wish I beleived what I said about needles as much as I beleived/beleive my politics and social compassion) and raising a great 9 year old kid (whose two favorite bands are Anti-Flag and the Clash).

I horrify some and delight others of my old high school buds when I encourage their kids punk and Anarchistic tendecies. They love hearing about the protests or the encouragement they get from me an actual adult (at least in their eyes) to follow their art and keep fighting for change and the right to be who they are.

When you mentioned the old skinheads I couldn't help remembering an incident Terry, Mange and some new one in town at the time cornered me at Powell and Market. They started up with their old tired refrain of hyper patriot nazi crap so I calmly looked them in the eye and said "hey assholes have any of you ever served in the U. S. Armed forces" "uhh no" "how bout held and over the table job and payed taxes to support this country you love so fucking much" "uhhh no" "how about ever voted" "uhhh no" "well then kcome back to me when you have I've already done all that bullshit" They were struck dumb and I walked away before they could remember to kick my ass.

I was writting to Dave MDC for awhile but then I got involved in this new relationship but it sounds like he's doing ok. I really miss one thing from then which is that feeling we were on the verge of making a major change in society, it was heady, it was wonderful and nothing has ever made me feel the same since.

One of my favorite experiences was sitting in Jail after being arrested on one of the war chest tours and all of us watching the news as many others marched down from the convention and converged on 850 Bryant....then the pulled they plug on us.

Mitch was incredible wasn't he?

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