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Indybay Feature

Joe Rides Benny

by Lulu Zane (lulu_z_20 [at]
No one will come out and say it, but we all know why Benny Yee has shut out non-profit housing developers and intends to pave the way for private, for-profit developers in San Francisco, even though it's illegal.

Giddy-up, Benny! Joe O'Donaghue knows what you like.
by cunt vomit
im offended
by whiskeygut
I share your offense. Why I'm ouraged! No Irishman would be caught dead on a chink donkey!
by ***
Your attempts to provoke racist sentiment on this site are not appreciated. You anonymous cowards are probably just small-dicked white men who can only be happy when they are putting someone else down. (I don't feel this is a racist statement as that I am criticizing my own ethnic affinity group.) Post your name, address and phone number if you have the balls. Then we can talk about your choice of words in person. I'm sure you won't, though. Bigots never seem to espouse their opinions in the light of day; instead, they prefer these kind of stealth attacks. Hide in your caves, you brain-dead little trolls! We might find out who you are, otherwise!
by siad the wise old bartender
Gentlemen fight in the parking lot.

Now take it outside.
by Lulu Zane (lulu_z_20 [at]
It's only a donkey with glasses. If you see this as a good representation of a Chinese person maybe you are the one who is racist. This isn't about race; this is about San Francisco Redevelopment Agency Commission President Benny Yee, who happens to be a very corrupt official, and the man he obeys, Joe O'Donaghue of the Residential Builder's Association, who funnels money illegally to Benny. The fact that Benny is Chinese has nothing to do with this situation, and it's not the fault of the Irish that Joe hails from the Green Isle.
I saw the news art. in the Chron., I've heard the scripts from the meetings, and I've heard from plenty of people in the neighborhood. TODCO wasn't ready to take on another project. The Delta has taken far too long and involved far to many people in financing it. TODCO like many of the other non-profit developers have over extended themselves and/or no longer have the trust of the community. This project was in line to be family housing (plaza site) or at most dual housing, family and SRO. Again, no one is listening except those few uncontrolled variables on the Commission. Don't you just hate it when a few people can't control the destiny of so many lives, you maglomaniacs, you know who you are. You can't have your community participation cake and eat it too. Either you take the communities wishes and pass on this project, or make it what the community wants and that's zoning for family housing along sixth street along with viable businesses. You can say what you want about John, he gets to the heartstrings. unfortunately, everyone can see right through his, just play neighborhood politics to get what he wants, then never go back to the community again no matter how much the project or concepts change, attitude. Back to the YB for TODCO, and too, let the seniors there have a say and believe me, TODCO is a goner there too.

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