Police State
Police State
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Indybay Feature

O22: OPD Cop Grabs Videographer

by document police brutality
Officer Anger-Management of the OPD is seen here at October 22, 2001 Protest Against Police Brutality, grabbing an independent videographer. OPD was relatively subdued (as instructed), but sometimes flash-in-the-pan temper is more important than a commanding officer's orders.
by Bongload
While there are instances of police going over the line - this one doesn't quite hack it... In the 1st picture the cop clearly has one hand (R) on the bars of the cycle, and the other (L) is pointing. In the second picture the L hand is still pointing, and it looks like the R hand is on the middle of the cycle's bars. If the cop pulls out a baton and clubs the guy - brutality. Gesturing while sitting on a motorcycle - nope, and portraying it as such lessens your credibility.
by photographer
Actually, you're too quick-to-judge. In both pictures, the cop's right hand is holding onto the videographer's arm, not letting him go. This is after the officer drove his motorcycle directly at two people, the videographer one of them, almost knocking them over. This isnt the worst brutality ever, but it just goes to show that even at a police brutality protest that is peaceful, cops tempers flare up and they cant control themselves.
by aaron
Photo: 1
Bongo: 0
Frankly, I'm surprised that the Oakland cops were as apparently mellow as they were. The OPD ranks up there as one of the most brutal forces in the country.
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